
Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Guest, May 24, 2008.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    When I try and sweep or extrude a shape with a heilix for the path the
    object rotates 90 degrees?

    Guest, May 24, 2008
  2. Guest

    strawberry Guest

    Yes it does. Don't think there's any way round that one.
    strawberry, May 25, 2008
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I thought the sweep command in 2008 worked for that. I know the extrude
    continuously rotates.

    I made the part in Solid Works or Inventor, converted it to an ACIS file and
    imported it into AutoCAD.

    Guest, May 25, 2008
  4. Guest

    strawberry Guest

    I stand corrected. A quick, and slightly unscientific study,
    demonstrates that while "extrude" appears to rotate the shape through
    90 degrees through the entire length of the path, "sweep" lets you
    control the degree or rotation along the path by entering a value
    corresponding to the degree of 'twist' along the entire length of the
    path. You can simulate "extrude" behaviour by entering a value (+ive
    or -negative depending on whether ther the helix is CW or CCW) as the
    number of rotations in the helix multiplied by 90 degrees. Not sure
    that this does much towards solving your problem, nor that it makes
    much sense but hey, I learnt something new.
    strawberry, May 25, 2008
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    The sat files are posted here. the models are for making a tapped hole in a
    model for a 1/4-20 bolt.


    Guest, May 25, 2008
  6. Guest

    rob Guest

    From what i saw in the help file the sweep was done in iso view.

    Rotation! reading imposes.

    Indeed somitimes help file can be helpfull but please take note that the
    command sweep has not been used here before.


    rob, May 25, 2008
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