Sweep Problem

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SoCalMike, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. SoCalMike

    SoCalMike Guest

    SoCalMike, Nov 7, 2006
  2. SoCalMike

    SoCalMike Guest

    Ok, that link doesnt work, so here is a different way:


    Once you save the file, change the file extension to .sldprt and it
    will open in SW 2007
    SoCalMike, Nov 7, 2006
  3. SoCalMike

    Rock Guy Guest

    Couple of issues with the path.

    First, you have some segements that arent connected at the end points.
    I deleted the bad segment and sketched a new one.

    Second, you have a bend in the path that is too tight for the dia of
    the dircle. I started from the last segement and kept converting the
    segments (one by one) to construction geometry to find the bad radius.
    It's approx the 2nd one form the profile sketch. If I change the
    circle dia to .125 everything works fine.

    Your going to have to change the circle dia or adjust the problem
    radius of the path in order to get this to work.

    If you want the file back shoot me an e-mail at
    Rock Guy, Nov 7, 2006
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