Sweep problem w SW2003 SP3.1

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Andrew Troup, Sep 26, 2003.

  1. Andrew Troup

    Andrew Troup Guest

    (using SP3.1- haven't checked other SPs)

    <<Cannot get a point on the path to start with. ...... For a closed path,
    the path must intersect with the section plane.>>

    I'm getting this error when I shouldn't, doing a simple sweep along a path
    which is a model edge. The path starts exactly on the section plane: in fact
    the section plane is defined using the vertex at the end of the model edge
    in question.

    The wierd thing is, I only get the error if I turn on "Tangent Propagation",
    otherwise the sweep works OK. The model edge in question is tangent to
    subsequent model edges, but eventually a vertex is reached where tangency no
    longer applies.

    Anyone got any ideas?
    Andrew Troup, Sep 26, 2003
  2. Andrew Troup

    matt Guest

    Use a composite curve or convert entities into a 2D or 3D sketch?
    Also, are you using a guide curve or just a path?

    matt, Sep 26, 2003
  3. The only way I was able to get the same results was if the plane was in the
    middle of the tangent propagation. If I put the Plane and sketch at either
    end of the contour I could do tangent propagation. But if it was in the
    middle I could get it to follow one edge but not propagate. sw2003 sp4.0

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Sep 26, 2003
  4. Andrew Troup

    Andrew Troup Guest


    Thanks for your queries and interest

    The sweep profile is a 2D derived sketch. The path is a model edge. The
    derived sketch lies on a plane defined using the vertex at the end of the
    model edge in question.

    There are no guide curves
    Andrew Troup, Sep 30, 2003
  5. Andrew Troup

    Andrew Troup Guest

    Thanks Corey

    I think you've hit the nail on the head

    It seems that if you want to propagate a sweep IN ONE DIRECTION ONLY from a
    vertex which lies part way along a set of edges which are tangentially
    connected, you need to make a composite curve for the path, using only the
    edge segments in the direction you wish the sweep to travel.

    I seem to remember having known this, once upon a time!

    Thanks for taking time to solve this

    Andrew Troup
    Andrew Troup, Sep 30, 2003
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