
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Vinodh Kumar M, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. swCP3 1.00 Preview Version is now available for download at:

    swCP3 is a fully customizable, XML based, SolidWorks Custom Properties Editor.

    Vinodh Kumar M, Jun 11, 2004
  2. Vinodh Kumar M

    Muggs Guest

    Hey Vinodh,

    I don't mean to nit-pick, but, "Frame II", "Frame Three".
    Could you be a little more consistent?

    Muggs, Jun 11, 2004
  3. Hi MVK!!

    Sweet little program. Looks very promising. Great job so far.

    I love the configurability & "open architecture"!!


    Sean-Michael Adams, Jun 11, 2004
  4. Muggs,

    I don't mean to nit-pick, but, "Frame II", "Frame Three".
    Could you just edit the swCP3.xml file if you don't like it?


    (Sorry - couldn't resist - big salute & smile too - happy Friday)
    Sean-Michael Adams, Jun 11, 2004
  5. I just meant to indicate that you can name them whatever you want...
    Vinodh Kumar M, Jun 12, 2004
  6. Vinodh Kumar M

    Muggs Guest

    Sorry Vinodh,

    I didn't realize that you (I) could name them whatever I wanted.
    My bad. I'll try to be a little more understanding next time.
    Anyway, so far it looks like a very nice program!

    Muggs, Jun 12, 2004
  7. Vinodh Kumar M

    Pete Newbie Guest

    I have had a play around with this program and would like to add a few

    It's cool, the best so far, but,
    1, NameWithPath is too constrictive and could be very long!, can we just
    have FileName without the path?

    I see this is found using the dll file, so should be easy to add FileName
    and edit the XML file to suit.

    2, Could the part number generated, be used as an incremental document
    number, with a check to see that the number is only used once, in some sort
    of database?

    This would save on having a separate, part, assembly and drawing number
    generator, heaven for most people like moi !!

    Please keep up the good work :)
    Pete Newbie, Jun 13, 2004
  8. My bad. I'll try to be a little more understanding next time.
    Hey, it's quiet alright. My question: What does "My bad" mean? I see
    it quiet a lot on the web...
    Vinodh Kumar M, Jun 14, 2004
  9. swCP3 1.10 Preview Version is now available for download at:

    This version has a fully customizable "get next number" functionality.

    Vinodh Kumar M, Jun 14, 2004
  10. Vinodh Kumar M

    Muggs Guest

    LOL! Well, it means "My Mistake" or "the misunderstanding was on my end, not

    Muggs, Jun 14, 2004
  11. Hi,
    Vinoch I'm having problems with properties not being enterd.
    The most important question is when will it be ready for use..........I WHAT
    IT NOW!!
    Great WORK!
    this is realy looking good.
    I checked 2005 will not have any new custom prop. addition like this.
    Steve Hanwright, Jun 15, 2004
  12. The "Preview Version" will save only the first five properties! This
    is because swCP3 is not fully tested... and I am adding still more
    features to it right now. You can move the Serial Number field up the
    list (within the first five) to save it.

    Vinodh Kumar M, Jun 15, 2004
  13. Vinodh Kumar M

    GreenHex Guest

    "fileName" is available, please read the documentation...
    I think you must read the documentation! thanks for your
    encouraging comments, anyway.

    GreenHex, Jun 16, 2004
  14. Believe it or not I just heard this "My bad" on the radio in Milwaukee, WI
    and the announcer used to be a high school English teacher (maybe why he's
    in radio now). It seems to be very improper English, maybe the internet and
    email is dumbing down our communicated language. My mother was an English
    teacher and if I had stated this, she would have corrected me, then smacked

    Keith Streich, Jun 16, 2004
  15. Usually it's smack first to get your attention, and then do the correcting.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 16, 2004
  16. She is a liberal, other way around!

    Keith Streich, Jun 16, 2004
  17. Hello again,

    If any of you sent any mails to GreenHex @ indiatimes . com, for some
    reason I didn't get it. From now on, please write to GreenHex @ yahoo
    .. com
    Vinodh Kumar M, Jun 17, 2004
  18. May I advise against using the "@" anywhere possible, to avoid being spotted
    by the robots that collect adresses to spam.

    My .01 Eu
    Jean Marc BRUN, Jun 17, 2004
  19. Of course... On the lighter vein, I have become an expert at scanning
    200 mails in 5 seconds and figuring-out the ones actually meant for

    Vinodh Kumar M, Jun 18, 2004
  20. Hello all,

    swCP3 is now almost complete. It's "get next serial number" function
    can now be served either locally for individual users or from a remote
    server for a group of users so that there are no conflicts in the
    usage of serial numbers.

    For those who came in late:
    swCP3 is a fully customizable XML based SolidWorks Custom Properties

    swCP3 1.30 Preview Version is now available for download at:

    Vinodh Kumar M, Jun 23, 2004
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