SWCP3, seperate list file?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SW Monkey, Jul 1, 2005.

  1. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    Im looking at using SWCP3. Is it possible to have a seperate xml file
    for material type, which would allow multiple users to access an
    updated list of material descriptions?

    The way I see it, each person would have their own xml file with
    default values, Designer, Engineer, and other user dependent fields
    already defaulted. Then when they choose a material, it will access a
    list that everyone would use.

    Is this possible?

    Any recommendations/suggestions welcome :)
    SW Monkey, Jul 1, 2005
  2. SW Monkey

    TOP Guest

    I just got done customizing swCP3. I don't use the Material portions
    that come in the default package. I have a customized SW .sldmat file
    that I use and I simply make swCP3 display the $PRP string for
    materials and mass without allowing the user to edit it. If you used
    customized sldmat files then you can point individual seats of SW at
    the different files.
    TOP, Jul 1, 2005
  3. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest


    Do you have more info on .sldmat file type? Is this something new in
    2005? We are currenty using 2004.
    SW Monkey, Jul 1, 2005
  4. SW Monkey

    TOP Guest

    You don't have to know anything about the sldmat file other than it's
    location. However, I can tell you that it is really an xml file. As
    such you can view the contents in newer versions of Excel and Access.
    But changes are best done from SW. The .sldmat files are created and
    maintained from within SW (200X). SW can be told where to find the
    ..sldmat files in TOOLS/OPTIONS/SYSTEM/FILE LOCATIONS. Scroll to
    materials. By default SW looks in a folder in the SW install directory
    under \lang\english\sldmaterials. You can have SW also look in network
    folders. It is this capability that can accomplish individualisation of
    your material files. Simply create a network folder called Designers,
    one called Engineers, etc. and point the SW installations to those
    directories as necessary. Since this is a registry setting you can copy
    your registry settings and pick out the lines that set this path, put
    them in a .reg file and customize the installations you have by running
    the .reg file.

    Having said that changes to sldmat are best done from SW, it is
    possible to edit a sldmat file with a text editor. However, you are on
    your own to figure out the tags and the material data has to be in MKS
    units. One thing to watch for in creating or editing your own sldmat
    file is that the material ID appears to need to be sequential so that
    when you insert a material you must renumber all the following matid
    entries. The schema are found in data/xmlschema and from the looks of
    things SW used xml back to 2003.

    The entries for various material properties follow the format used in
    Cosmos/M. DENS is the one you must have for the material to set the
    correct density for itself.

    I haven't played around with ways to eliminate the texture, but doing
    so should get you a significant performance gain as textures can really
    kill an assembly even on a high end system.

    Hope this helps. Let us know how it works out for you.

    It isn't the things SW thinks you need that make SW powerful,
    but the things you can make it do to meet your needs.
    TOP 2005
    TOP, Jul 2, 2005
  5. SW Monkey

    TOP Guest

    You can download a free xml editor from MicroSoft here:
    You have to scroll to the bottom to find it.

    XML Notepad does drag and drop duplication but you will still have to
    fill in the data and get the ID numbers in sequence.
    TOP, Jul 2, 2005
  6. SW Monkey

    GreenHex Guest

    Hello all,

    It is great to see swCP3 being honoured with a
    thread of its own!

    Regarding SW Monkey's query, the answer is
    *no*... There is no mechanism for having a common
    database for multiple users.

    Hopefully, this will be available in a future release.
    The vision is to allow swCP3 to be configured to
    access multiple databases for different CPs: XML
    files, text files, MySQL, MS SQL, MS Excel, SW's
    ..sldmat file etc...

    With regards,

    Vinodh Kumar M.
    GreenHex, Jul 2, 2005
  7. SW Monkey

    TOP Guest

    When installed on a mapped network drive it seems to run. Whether I
    can run the addin from multiple users at one time remains to be seen. I
    tried linking to the XML file on a network drive with the program
    installed locally and that doesn't work.
    TOP, Jul 2, 2005
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