SW2009, Very slow switching between open documents

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by gustaf.heland, Feb 6, 2009.

  1. Hello Folks, we just upgraded from 2007SP5 to 2009SP2.
    Mostly went quite well actually!

    But one thing that annoys me is that switching between open documents
    is so slow.

    In 2007 it was instant (unless something had been update of course!)

    In 2009 even for simple models there is a pause every time I hit Ctrl-
    tab of about 2 to 3 seconds before the next document comes up. Veeery
    frustrating if you are used to make frequent switches between open

    (WinXP Pro/x64, CPU 8x3.2GHz, RAM 8GB, FireGL 5600)

    Any tips for how to get rid of this pause...?

    (The new "browse open documents" popup is nice and all, but I would
    prefer no popup and no waiting...)

    gustaf.heland, Feb 6, 2009
  2. gustaf.heland

    manager Guest

    I am finding a number of things that are much slower. That is one. VB
    programs seem to be a whole lot slower.

    manager, Feb 7, 2009
  3. In case anyone else is interested, I have discovered that the slow
    window switching only happens when document windows are maximized
    inside the SW window.
    If the individual document windows are "normal" as in not maximized,
    switching is as snappy as ever. Even if they're full size.
    jesper.weissglas, Feb 17, 2009
  4. gustaf.heland

    Jean Marc Guest

    I am wondering if anyone with a NVidia quadro has the problem?

    Currently on '06, preparing the '09 jump for june.
    Jean Marc, Feb 17, 2009
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