SW2008 SP2.1 Initial Views

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Junius Hunter, Feb 12, 2008.

  1. Just installed 2008 SP2.1 Premium.

    I haven't used SW since the 2001 SP1 version and I have to say WOW, both for
    the features and for the bugs (but mostly the bugs).

    Some of these bugs are so unreal as to make me wonder what the product
    manager was smoking to release something this screwed up as a finished
    product. Right off the bat, Command Manager is a joke, leaving buttons on
    top of other buttons as graphic ghost image crap. If I move the mouse arrow
    over the ghost buttons, I can "wipe" them off and reveal the "real" buttons

    After getting rid of Command manager, I create a fairly simple cylindrical
    part (save it) and try rendering the part with various scene settings (I had
    used the Solidworks Office command button to open PhotoWorks). After a few
    renderings, I find I can minimize the part but can't close it or close SW.
    I had to open Task Manager to close SW. As it stands, with my very initial
    experience, this product is crap and needs to go back to the programmers.
    SW2001 may not have had all the new "features" but it was a hell of a lot
    more stable than this crap. I haven't even begun to explore the rest of the
    package and discover what other failings will appear. I am very
    dissapointed with this POS.
    Junius Hunter, Feb 12, 2008
  2. Junius Hunter

    j Guest

    The one thing that everyone will ask is what video card and driver are
    you using. Are they on the approved "certified" drivers listed on SW
    websight. http://www.solidworks.com/pages/services/VideoCardTesting.html
    I too have to agree that the graphics engine that they switched to in
    2008 is the cause of several problems I'm seeing including the ghost
    images, icon backgrounds turning black along with the logo'd background
    when SW starts and nothing is loaded, switching to the configuration
    manager and having to drag the separator bar left/right to be able to
    see all the configurations/display states as well as constantly changing
    between use & not use OpenGL & I have certified driver & card (Nvidia
    Quadro FX3000 with 91.36 driver)
    j, Feb 12, 2008
  3. OK.

    System Specs.
    AMD Phenom 9600 CPU Black Edition
    4GB RAM
    Windows XP64
    Quadro FX1700 Graphics Card / Driver Version 162.65 / Dated

    As with all so called software "upgrades" there are some changes I like and
    others I don't - as with most people, it's a personal thing. However,
    seeing these type of bugs after barely scratching the surface makes me
    wonder about the even bigger problems waiting for me to find. IMO, this is
    barely acceptable for a product in Beta test, and completely unacceptable
    for one with a SP2.1 attached to it.
    Junius Hunter, Feb 12, 2008
  4. Junius Hunter

    Joseph Guest

    With their buy the service pack or pound sand customer service I have to say
    I'm very disappointed with SW. When you fork out 4 grand for software you
    expect it to work. Now I find out I have to pay another $1,300 just to get
    service packs to fix what I thought I'd already bought. They tell me true but
    you'll also get 2009 and 2010 for that $1,300. I don't care about 2009 and
    2010; I assume they will be just as messed up as 2008. I just want the program
    I bought to do what they said it will do.

    Sorry for the rant, but this sucks...x-(

    Joseph, Feb 13, 2008
  5. Junius Hunter

    TOP Guest

    I have the same graphics card. I'll have to say I am much more relaxed
    with 2004. It is a pleasure to use and does everything I ask of it.
    There are a few things in 2008 that I think are quite nice, but the
    new UI isn't one of them. 2008 doesn't hold a candle to 2004 when it
    comes to building stable mating shemes and fixing mates. Nor does it
    hold up well in the stability arena.

    TOP, Feb 13, 2008
  6. Junius Hunter

    Krister_L Guest

    I also have this graphic card and douldn't get it working with the
    default driver from Dell. I downloaded
    from the SW webpage and installed it instead, and now it works like a

    // Krister
    Krister_L, Feb 13, 2008
  7. Wait till you start working with BOM for assemblies. It's a nightmare.
    They totally messed it up!
    Stefan Loukov, Feb 13, 2008
  8. Junius Hunter

    Joseph Guest

    It should be illegal to sell a product under false pretense then charge for the
    service packs to fix the faulty product.

    The upgrades/new releases should have an upgrade fee but not the service packs
    that fix a faulty product. The fixes should be part of the original purchased product.

    Sounds like a good class action law suit to me.

    Joseph, Feb 13, 2008
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