SW2008 & multicore processor?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by DeeJay, Sep 29, 2007.

  1. DeeJay

    DeeJay Guest

    Does SW2008 take advantages of multicore processor? Any recommandation or
    I'm not satisfied with the SW 2007 performance, because use only 2 of 4
    processor in quad configuration. In that sense is the reason to build
    supercomputer like microwulf?
    Thx in advance
    DeeJay, Sep 29, 2007
  2. CAD is very difficult to parallelize. Think about the parent/children
    relations in your feature tree, and you'll see that 2 or 4 cores are
    of little help to rebuild feature quicker.
    Some specific features which are fairly long to rebuild might be
    partly parallelized. I'm thinking of shells, which could be possibly
    divided into 2-4 parts each calculated on a different core, then merge
    the results (which takes some extra time compared to a mono-thread
    calculation). I'm fairly sure Parasolid works on such things, because
    it's their business rather than SolidWorks. The day Parasolid (or
    ACIS) will be multithread, all the CADs will take advantage of it.
    AFAIK, at this point SolidWorks uses 2 cores only in drawings, where
    the high-quality for printing is computedin the backgroud while you
    work on a low-quality drawing on screen. Photoworks and Cosmos are
    multithreaded, since parallelism is fairly straightforward for those
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Sep 29, 2007
  3. DeeJay

    jon_banquer Guest

    Not sure about SolidWorks 2008 but I read that V10 of IronCAD will:


    "IronCAD v10 loads very large drawing files visually. Mr O'Conner
    opened for me a 4,000-part model in a couple of seconds; in the
    background, IronCAD keeps loading the model data, whose progress is
    shown by a bar graph on the status bar. Multithreading is used on
    multi-processor computers for loading models and performing renderings
    in the background."

    "After IronCAD v10s ship in late October, the company will work on
    Vista and 64-bit versions. As several other CAD vendors have found,
    Microsoft's poor support for OpenGL means that IronCAD needs time to
    be adapted for the proprietary Direct3D graphics system promoted in
    jon_banquer, Sep 29, 2007
  4. DeeJay

    TOP Guest


    Actually the parasolid kernel is multi-threaded. For a long time this
    was visible when doing detailed performance assessments of single
    versus dual processors.

    When horizontal modeling is used the history dependence is to a large
    part removed. The handling of the fancy user interface graphics
    certainly does not have to share the same processor that. One of the
    things that is becoming more apparent with SWX is that seemingly
    slight changes in modeling technique can cause HUGE changes in
    solution/rebuild times. This was proven with the challenge I put out
    some time ago to build a truncated icosahedron. The final geometry was
    the same in each case and the method that solved the fastest was the
    most complex. But strangely the model that was second fastest wasn't
    all that different than some of the slowest models in that it had very
    few features. The upshot is that there was no apparent way to see the
    effects of decisions in how the modeling was done. For the competitive
    group that participated some I know tried to reduce rebuild times.

    But I really don't think that:

    a. it is that difficult to parallelize many time consuming processes
    especially in drawings where the model is already solved and the big
    crunch is projecting lines.

    b. it is that difficult to parallelize some of the new features we
    have begun seeing. For example suppose parallel processing was used to
    simultaneously solve for the fastest way. Or to solve several
    components in an assembly. Or several views in a drawing?

    TOP, Oct 1, 2007
  5. DeeJay

    Cliff Guest

    No clues, eh?
    Cliff, Oct 14, 2007
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