SW2008-And now for something completely different-Empty RX

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TOP, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. TOP

    TOP Guest

    I did an RX today. I then did a PackNGo on the troublesome assembly. I
    opened the zip file created by PNG and saw nothing there. However, the
    file was 50Mb so I knew something was there. Then I got some crazy
    message saying that MSoft was protecting me from possibly dangerous
    files and to go into properties and check a button that wasn't there.
    I sent the RX file to the VAR as an attachment and there was nothing
    in it either. Has anybody seen anything like this before?

    TOP, Feb 22, 2008
  2. TOP

    TOP Guest

    As a follow up I sent the same RX file to myself that I sent the VAR
    and that RX file had all files present and accounted for. I think the
    VAR was unaware that SW has two modes of capturing animation. One
    creates an AVI and the other creates a folder full of jpegs. I chose
    the jpeg method because it triggers on events and so a lot of empty
    recoding time is saved and you can zero in on the event that caused
    the problem.

    I spoke to an IT pro about the zip file with invisible files and he
    said he had sometimes seen that in XP. Why Pack N Go would create such
    a thing is beyond me.

    TOP, Feb 23, 2008
  3. Two points:

    1) The bug is with Windows. If you use Winzip or rar to unzip the file
    all the files are there. (The issue is with certain type of path names in

    2) Find a better VAR.
    steve_corbett, Feb 24, 2008
  4. TOP

    TOP Guest

    Thanks Steve.

    TOP, Feb 26, 2008
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