SW2007 sp3.1 CRASHES with one flange!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pete, May 24, 2007.

  1. pete

    pete Guest

    This has to be the funniest thing I have EVER seen with Solidworks.

    The part:-
    Base flange
    1 deg edge flange

    No holes, edge treatment, nothing!

    when I try to flatten it, Solidworks crashes BIG time, straight off the
    Sometime runtime errors and once saying solidworks has encountered an
    error!, DOH, I would have never have guessed!
    I have tried loads of different values, kfactor, bend deduction, allowance,

    I am not even ranting, it is just soooooo *%^&$ funny, it's

    pete, May 24, 2007
  2. pete

    Krister_L Guest

    Hi Pete

    Do a new installation of SW and choose repair....sounds like a
    registry propblem.
    Krister_L, May 24, 2007
  3. pete

    pete Guest

    Thanks Krister for the reply.

    This is happening, on more than one machine, for the same part.

    Making a new part works, so something during the conversion, has killed this

    I have a suspicion that I will see this a lot moreof this, as I open more
    2006 files!


    The thing that really annoys me, is that this time, I waited to sp 3.1
    before upgrading.

    "10. Ahhh...I see the screw-up fairy has visited us again."

    pete, May 24, 2007
  4. pete

    Krister_L Guest


    I had a similar problem a few weeks ago...after installing SW2008 Beta
    on one of my machines. Suddenly one specific command in SW 2007 Sp3.1
    just send me to the desktop everytime I tried it, leaving a "runtime
    error" message on the screen. That's why I thougt it was a registry
    problem. A repair install saved me at that time.

    // Krister
    Krister_L, May 24, 2007
  5. pete

    Bo Guest

    Think I'll wait for SP 4, before I install it. SP 4 has seemed to be
    a pretty lucky number for me.
    Bo, May 24, 2007
  6. pete

    Jean Marc Guest

    So far, the best number I had for SP's was 10 (SW2001). Never got it since,
    I suppose it's why people around got upset about SW.
    Jean Marc, May 25, 2007
  7. pete

    euchre45887 Guest

    I was hoping for lucky number 7, but that hasn't happened in many
    years. Seriously, does anyone know if they plan on releasing
    additional service packs for 2007. Or have they already jumped ship.
    euchre45887, May 28, 2007
  8. pete

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Seriously, does anyone know if they plan on releasing
    The policy for the last several releases has been to release one more
    service pack after the next release is out. The also seem to target about 5
    service packs per release. SP 4.0 is just out (or is it pre-release?) so
    expect SP5.0 some time after 2008 is out (it's in beta now).
    Dale Dunn, May 28, 2007
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