SW2007 sp1 mouse rotate delay

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Monty, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. Monty

    Monty Guest

    About 1/3 of the time, when I start to rotate an assembly, there is a
    slight delay. Much less than a second. This is enough to make me
    "over shoot" the amount of rotation and lose my place in the assembly.
    After SW "wakes up" it will be very responsive. Is this typical?

    Dell 9150 2.8 GHz dual core
    2 GB ram
    NVIDIA Quadro FX 1500
    Logitech Cordless Mouse

    The assembly is about 10 meg with around 200 parts.
    Monty, Nov 2, 2006
  2. yeah, I see that too with large assemblies, or complex surface parts -
    really annoying since the new way the rotate works is great!
    Lee Bazalgette - factorydesign, Nov 2, 2006
  3. Monty

    iQ Guest

    iQ here. this is a possible senario.

    first you have a wireless mouse (i do also). if the mouse goes into a
    suspended state it can take a few miliseconds to respond completely.
    this can be the same on CPU processing and on Video thruput. when your
    computer rests ( i mean that between your mouse and keyboard clicks) it
    can shutdown thruput on components not currently being used. this can
    also total up to a few miliseconds.
    now the monitor is another. if you are using a LCD monitor this can
    also delay the resulting mouse movement (i have a 5 milisecond response
    time on mine).
    you add all of this up and you will see a delay between your moving the
    mouse to see the result on the screen. if the computer is sitting for
    any period of time this can be longer (even a few hundred miliseconds).

    there may be way to set delays on components to speed this up so they
    will respond faster, i have not played in this area myself.

    best thing to do for my oun gratification is to press the rotate model
    function (i use the wheel button myself) and hold the button down until
    i get response through the computer (usually i see the blocky-ness
    start), and then i do my rotation. i also use the arrow buttons a lot
    and set the rotation value down to 5 degrees in my system settings for
    larger assemblies. this way i can count the arrow keyclicks to kind of
    know where i am. another idea is to set up views (space bar in
    assemblies) in your assembies to focus on certain areas (this helps a

    to answer your question i see this more than i would like to see it.
    iQ, Nov 2, 2006
  4. Monty

    Monty Guest

    I just installed SP2. It fixed the mouse delay. NICE!

    Monty, Nov 21, 2006
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