sw2007 dimensions

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jeff Folkert, May 1, 2007.

  1. Jeff Folkert

    Jeff Folkert Guest

    I am running sw2007 service pack 3.1and it works fine until I go to make a
    drawing and start putting dimensions on the drawing......it brings my system
    to its knees. Is there anything I may be doing wrong? Is it possible to
    turn off the "snap" of the dimensions to line up with other dimensions?
    Jeff Folkert, May 1, 2007
  2. Jeff Folkert

    Jeff Guest

    OK...here is more detials......sorry for the lack earlier.

    Pentium 4
    2.6 GHz
    1.5GB RAM
    NVIDIA GeForce 4 MX440
    Dell Dimension
    XP Pro

    I have been using Solidworks since 1996 and I have loved it since we
    started. The system I am using now I have been using for a about 2
    years and has performed well for the simple parts and assemblies I

    The part is a simple 3/4" diamter shaft with a few steps in it and
    some offsets......much simpler than anything most people are doing I
    am sure. No section views or multiple pages or anything complex. It
    happens in all new drawings but I have found that if I create the
    drawing with the standard 3 views, save the drawing, and then open the
    drawing again it seems to function much faster, but not what I have
    been used to for such simple parts.

    Maybe it is time to upgrade my system.....it is getting a bit out of

    Thank you for any help in advance.

    Jeff, May 2, 2007
  3. Jeff Folkert

    Jeff Guest


    Thanks for the insight.....I figured that was the issue but thought I
    would get other opinions before I put in a request for a new computer.

    Jeff, May 3, 2007
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