SW2006 Upgrade - Official Release

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Richard Charney, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. I just received my official SW2006 Upgrade in the mail yesterday. Has
    anybody else got theirs yet? And have you installed it?

    Richard Charney, Aug 31, 2005
  2. Richard Charney

    Muggs Guest


    Muggs, Aug 31, 2005
  3. Richard Charney

    Michael Guest

    got it, but it's gonna stay in the box for a good long time--we're still on
    Michael, Aug 31, 2005
  4. We have received 2 so far, but haven't installed yet - we'll ease into it.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 1, 2005
  5. Richard Charney

    TOP Guest

    I got one for work and for my company.
    TOP, Sep 1, 2005
  6. Richard Charney

    Lee Guest

    I install SW2006 yesterday so far it is working fine except for
    Bluebeam PDF does not work on my Windows XP-64 computers. The
    conversion program work very good only a few models did not convert.
    Lee, Sep 1, 2005
  7. Richard Charney

    Ben Eadie Guest

    I am the test monkey here, and I have around 8 -10 crashes a day working
    with an assembly done in 05, if I re mate any hardware (bolts nuts...)
    but seems if I get rid of all the hardware all is good. Big
    inconvenience I would send in a fix it request but I cannot pin it down
    yet to one problem. Maybe its just my crap machine, had similar issues
    with 2005 but just not as often

    Ben Eadie, Sep 1, 2005
  8. Richard Charney

    parel Guest

    I work todwn most of the time and 06 seems t work great. Some of the
    new workflows are really robust.
    A coworker of mine, and former keynote speaker at SWXwrld, removed his
    06 in disgust. He also had the same issues of mates not working and
    large assemblies wigging out. He experienced 6-8 crashes in an
    afternoon, and went back to 05
    Perhaps I am a glutton for punishment and have learnt how to be kind to
    Solidwrks so it doesnt crash.
    parel, Sep 2, 2005
  9. Richard Charney

    abc Guest

    SW 2004 sp0 had a simular problem with loosing mates when you used start
    parts. I had a huge project junk out on me. I kept loosing all my mates
    and couldn't figure out why.

    I'm currently crashing 2006, 6-10 times a day. I have my peformance e-mail
    turned on, but think I might shut if off, because I'm sick of the time it's
    taking sending out all them perforance emails everytime I restart it. I
    like the features in 2006 but I'm running into a lot of bugs.
    abc, Sep 2, 2005
  10. Richard Charney

    RH Guest


    I'm glad I was the only one in our shop to try sw2006. I didn't convert any
    of our library files so we are continuing to use sw2005 except for these 2

    I recall this issue happening on another sp0 release like abc mentioned.
    I'll take his word for it that it was sw2004.

    RH, Sep 3, 2005
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