SW2006 tour?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Martin, May 10, 2005.

  1. Hi Martin,

    One thing that comes to mind from reading your post is how actually
    short a year is. If you folks to have been using solidworks for a
    year, that is a pretty short time in cad-years, nothing at all taken
    away from your skills or abilities.

    I think that it is so common to see people using this software
    successfully and it seems like a breeze. I have suffered from this
    syndrome in past lives. I spent many years as a toolmaker and then
    became a tool designer - a very nice combination. I knew what I
    needed, why I needed it and how to document it with the cad system. I
    worked years to get skills in autocad (I started in 1990 and still use
    it based on the given activity) and learned to design tools, fixtures
    and so on, whatever I could get my hands on. I took on solidworks in
    98 or so and spend hundreds if not thousands of hours developing a
    proficiency at that.

    People were often "amazed" at what I could do with cad and design and
    blah blah blah . . . . (yes I do love myself) . . .

    What I finally realized is that this stuff is actually very hard to
    manage, make behave and get good output with - some folks are great
    tube jockeys but have not a clue about good design, many people have
    design skills and can't document it in any cad system to save their
    lives. What the people were seeing was the output of about 10,000+
    hours of career experience in given disciplines, bringing it all
    together, and yes, we did make it look easy. What the beginner did not
    have was the 10,000+ hours of anguish, learning and second-gussing of
    what they had to do in anticipation of the outcome. I even inherited a
    few really "smart people" in my design group that "should be able to
    become tool deisgners in a few months, with your training". The boss
    was only seeing the output of the 10K hours and he was used to seeing
    what we did as simple, because from his perspective it was (that was
    our job after all).

    I agree with the general tenor of your message. When real work is
    going on, the last thing one needs in the middle of the road is the
    "buggy software" boulder. The activity is about what you can create
    (what you can deliver or ship) not all the trouble you go through
    getting there - nobody cares about that, nor will they pay you for it.
    I do think that too often SolidWorks is touted as "easy to use" and
    generally it is, especially if you already know how to use it (grin),
    kind of like unix.

    In general I was just pondering how short a time, in cad-years a year
    was. Keep plugging. I will likely get better - and no this software
    is not perfect, but it is a good tool when used knowledgeably - the
    trick is getting that piece of the puzzle, which can only be gotten
    thru time (the foresight you mentioned).

    I like your crystal ball statement - I need one of these for myself.


    Sean-Michael Adams, May 11, 2005
  2. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    Where do you get the idiot pills?
    Cliff, May 11, 2005
  3. Martin

    matt Guest

    I'm sorry to hear that no one gave you a heads up, but resellers are
    interested in maintaining the illusion that the software is magical.
    They aren't likely to point out the land mines for you. These people
    are there to take your money, not be your friend.

    The truth is a lot of resellers don't even know, or if they have an
    inkling they usually deny it. SolidWorks direct is the same way. I'm
    sorry that giving you solid, free advice is taken as an attack while the
    folks who failed to tell you the truth get off scot free.

    No, actually, I don't expect new users to know this at all, which is
    kind of my point. I had to make the mistakes myself to learn this after
    years of using the software, which is why it always strikes me as odd
    when a person thinks they know it well after one year and a training

    Well, if you drive a car, you either learn to change a tire or call AAA.
    Do you really need all that technology just to drive to work and get the
    groceries? Probably not. Software setup and maintenance is kind of
    similar. Some of the smarter resellers these days are offering
    "implementation" assistance, usually as an extra cost service. If you
    don't choose to pay for it, you never know what you're missing.

    I agree with what you said about bad software, but I don't write it or
    defend it. I saw companies with needs, so I stepped in and filled the
    need. The guy who digs the graves doesn't kill people, he just deals
    with the affects (ok, bad analogy).

    I apologize if I came across too strongly. There are a lot of companies
    who are losing money and wasting time unnecessarily. Your particular
    post came up in another discussion, and I guess I just used it to make a
    point. The point was that there is a lot of capability in the software
    which is hidden from view, and not just hidden from the view of newish
    users. It was the whole "educating frustrated users" bit that triggered
    it, I think. Plus any chance I get to drum on Toolbox a little is just
    too hard to pass up. I could have picked one of the other topics you
    went off on, but Toolbox is certainly low hanging fruit.

    So, if you get a chance to go talk to Mr. Garcia, maybe you can ask him
    why there is so much functionality which is left uninterpreted (answer
    why instead of how) for especially new users.

    Best of luck,

    matt, May 11, 2005
  4. Martin

    TOP Guest

    All I can remember is that is was south of Brigham on the west side of
    89. And it has been almost 20 years. Things might have changed.
    TOP, May 11, 2005
  5. Martin

    TOP Guest

    Seems like six months is a CAD year sometimes.
    TOP, May 11, 2005
  6. Martin

    Martin Guest

    No need to. I didn't take any of it personally. One can't be on USENET
    without a thick skin.

    I just wanted you to understand that true and non-trivial effort was
    expended before any newsgroup help was sought. And that, no real guidance
    was received from the vendor in terms of some of the very important issues
    we've been discussing.
    That they do very well. The problem is that we are not dealing with cooking
    recepies here. The man-hours put into the CAD portion of product design
    dwarf, by far, the cost of the software. If a vendor does not understand
    this and act with respect for the time and effort the new customer is about
    to expend...well, they might as well be selling cookbooks.

    Oh, they don't get off scot free. I think SW deserves a nice class-action
    lawsuit. If they continue along the path they are on, it will happen.

    As for your advice. I didn't consider it an attack at all and appreciate
    any an all help you and others provide in this NG. I hope to be able to
    share some of my experience with others as well.

    The only problem I had with what (and maybe how) you were saying is that it
    didn't address the reality of "Oh, shit! We just got this thing that was
    supposed to save us time and here we are up to our ass in alligators."

    Now that I finished five designs with SW that have gone to manufacturing I
    have a little bit of a calm in the storm to look back and try and make some
    decisions. I'm looking into PDM, for example. I'm also looking into
    writing some VBA routines to help with some application-specific needs.
    Understood. However, without any information to be had (divine or
    otherwise) I'd be willing to bet that most SW users wrap themselves around a
    pole on all the issues that are known to anyone following this NG for a few

    That's the interesting part. Just about the only way a new SW user is going
    to figure out where the holes are and how to deal with them is through this
    NG. Most people can't afford to (and, respectfully, shouldn't have to) hire
    a consultant such as yourself.
    I'll have to disagree on this point. Prior to starting my company I spent
    twenty years in the motion picture industry as a R&D and Systems Engineer.
    Our task was to design, build and support special effects and editing
    facilities and systems with tens of millions of dollars in equipment. Some
    of the software was highly complex, ran on million-dollar SGI supercomputers
    and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. These systems required a capable
    engineer on staff due to the complexities and support load they represented.
    And so, I've seen and managed more than one type of software/hardware
    marriage that most definetly and absolutely fits your viewpoint. CAD,
    however, and particularly at this level, is --and should be-- a different

    SW is, in reality, very easy to use once you take the time to educate
    yourself a little bit. The only problem with SW is in some of the outright
    dumb decisions they've made (Toolbox, in my opinion) and how buggy or
    temperamental it can be.

    Take SW machine/hardware dependency, for example. Software such as Maya and
    Lightwave or even 3DS is just as intense, if not more, in terms of squeezing
    performance from the machine. And, as far as I know, none of these packages
    are as problematic as SW can be. Sure, you'll get less performance on the
    wrong machine, but, for the most part, you don't have to worry much. Anyone
    doing serious work with these packages will surely purchase a top of the
    line machine with lots of memory and a good graphics subsystem.

    I think it is fair to conclude that Solidwork's hardware dependency issues
    are the result of bad programming or bad choices made during the design of
    the program. There is no excuse these days for a major corporation placing
    a product in the market with such issues. Bugs are one thing. Bad design
    is an entirely different matter.

    The car analogy isn't really the best. A CNC milling machine might. Most
    newcomers to CNC wouldn't just buy a mill and start making chips right away.
    There's a lot to learn there. If you are not careful the result could be
    beautiful artwork carved right into your table, not to mention severed
    fingers, etc.

    Let's stipulate that this buyer is not a greenhorn, he's made chips before
    with other non-CNC tools and has twenty years of experience in mechanical
    design and fabrication using these sorts of tools. He's also quite
    proficient at using advanced software tools. In other words, a capable
    individual and not the cook from the pizza joint down the street.

    So, let's say that you buy the mill, get the VAR to install it, go through
    all the tutorials the manufacturer provides AND take a class designed and
    sanctioned by them.

    Should you expect to be able to get started using this tool safely and with
    relative efficiency? I think so. At least with small basic projects?

    Should you also expect to have been told about hidden dangers and/or issues
    that might tear your work apart or damage the machine? I think so.
    Absolutely. And that's where the whole SW thing is a complete disaster.

    A professional user needs to know what to do and how to setup SW --without
    the need to hire a consultan-- after making a sensible initial investment in
    education. This doesn't have to be that complicated.

    I would say that the sensible time to expect to have to bring in a
    consultant is when you have a design team scenario. Multiple seats and
    maybe even multiple tools.

    Let's separate the operation of the software from mechanical design
    proficiency and experience. Two separate things. Not too different from
    when desktop publishing tools first became available. I've seen mechanical
    designs with no allowance for reasonable fabrication tolerances, for
    example. Or thermal expansion. Lots of other examples out there.

    Anyhow, I think we are in agreement for the most part.

    I'm not sure that a chance meeting with Garcia in the context of a
    presentation has the potential to make a difference. He'll be in "sell"

    Maybe the class-action idea isn't so bad. Any takers?
    It'd sure wake them up.

    Martin, May 11, 2005
  7. I've been scrubbing BOMS, cleaning CAD and getting our cost master in
    line for a new large product.

    A day seems like a year lately . . .
    Sean-Michael Adams, May 11, 2005
  8. Martin

    Martin Guest

    I just inquired as to what is covered in the Advanced SW class. Keep in
    mind that all of this is covered in THREE days. Note that none of the
    issues relating to Toolbox and other well-known SW matters seem to be
    covered. Also, nothing is said about installation and configuration of SW
    for performance and reliability.

    So, I guess that a consultant, crystal ball or divine inspiration might
    still be Solidworks necessities. I'd certainly recommend that anyone
    embarking in anything serious as a new SW user hire someone like Matt to get
    them going. I can see some pretty sad scenarios of whole teams getting
    wrapped around posts if the company doesn't take this step.

    Hey, maybe they have a "really-really, no bs, hold-on-to-your-socks advanced
    class"? :)

    If you have a few months on SW and a few designs under your belt you'll
    probably know most of what is covered here. I'm not sure whether it is
    worth attending other than for the potential to extract a few nuggets of
    information here an there.

    In terms of setup, configuration and "standard" problems, most of it is
    covered infinitely better on this NG by guys like Matt and others.

    Listing below.


    Advanced Part Modeling: Introduction

    Multibody Solids
    Creating a Multibody
    Multibody Techniques
    Extrude From
    Local Operations
    Combined Bodies
    Combine Tool
    Examples of Combined Solids
    Using Local Operations to Solve Filleting Problems
    Common Bodies
    Focus on Features
    Solid Bodies Folder Options
    Tool Body
    Pattern Bodies
    Indent Feature
    Using Indent
    Using Multiple Tool Bodies
    Indent with Multiple Target Regions
    Using Cut to Create Multibodies
    Saving Solid Bodies as Parts and Assemblies
    Feature Scope
    Splitting a Part into Multibodies
    Creating an Assembly
    Using Split Part with Legacy Data
    Filling the Gap
    Sweeping and Lofting: What’s the Difference?
    Sweep Components
    Creating a Curve Through a Set of Points
    Entering Points “On the Fly”
    Reading Data From a File
    Editing the Curve
    Insert Ellipse
    Sweep Dialog
    Showing Intermediate Sections
    The Label Shape
    Library Features
    File Explorer
    Working with a Non-planar Path
    Projecting a Sketch onto a Surface
    Variable Radius Filleting
    Another Approach to Filleting
    Adding a Split Line
    Face Fillets
    Analyzing Geometry
    What is Curvature?
    Show Curvature Combs
    Intersection Curves
    Show Minimum Radius
    Show Inflection Points
    Zebra Stripes
    Curvature Continuous Fillets

    Filleting the Label Outline
    Selection Edges
    What is a Loop?
    Multi-thickness Shell
    Performance Considerations
    Performance Settings
    Suppressing Features
    Interrupt Regeneration
    Modeling Threads
    Creating a Helix
    Using Twist
    Align with End Faces
    Sweeping Along Model Edges
    Propagate Along Tangent Edges
    What if the Edges Aren’t Tangent?
    3D Sketches
    Plane at an Angle
    Insert Axis
    Multiple Contours in a Sweep
    Using the Hole-Wizard on Non-planar Faces
    Basic Lofting
    Merge Tangent Faces
    Star and End Constraints
    Merging a Multibody with Loft
    Using Derived and Copied Sketches
    Copying a Sketch
    Derived Sketches
    Creating a Derived Sketch
    Locating the Derived Sketch
    Loft Viewing Options
    Advanced Lofting
    Preparation of the Profiles
    Sharing Sketches
    Other Techniques
    Advanced Face Blend Fillets
    Using Flex
    Triad and Trim Planes
    Flex Options
    Working with Surfaces
    What are Surfaces?
    Trimming Surfaces
    Creating a Knit Surface
    Advanced Filleting
    Multiple Radius Fillets
    Advanced Edge Fillets
    Deleting Faces
    Dome Feature
    Propagate to Tangent Faces
    Offset Surfaces
    Extend Surface
    Hiding Bodies
    Intersection Curves and Splines
    Filling in Gaps
    Rounding Off the End
    Repairing Imported Surfaces

    Core and Cavity
    Mold Tooling Design
    Analyzing the Draft on a Model
    Checking the Moldability of a Plastic Part
    Draft Analysis Colors
    Positive Draft
    Negative Draft
    Requires Draft
    Straddle Faces
    Positive Steep Faces
    Negative Steep Faces
    Creating New Drafted Faces
    Delete Faces that Do Not Have Draft
    Create New Drafted Surfaces
    Trim the New Surfaces
    Thicken the Surface Body
    Fixing the Steep Faces
    Scaling the Plastic Part to Allow for Shrinkage
    Scale the Plastic Part
    Determine the Parting Lines
    Establish the Parting Lines
    Manual Selection of Parting Lines
    Shutting Off Holes or Windows in the Plastic Part
    Shut-Off Surfaces
    Complex Shut-Off Surfaces
    Modeling the Parting Surfaces
    Parting Surfaces
    Interlocking the Mold Tooling
    Interlock Surfaces
    Modeling the Interlock Surfaces
    Select Partial Loop
    Fill in the Gaps With Lofted Surfaces
    Completing the Interlock Surfaces
    Knit the Interlock Surfaces to the Parting Surfaces
    Preparations for the Tooling Split
    Creating the Mold Tooling
    Automatic Tooling Separation
    Other Options for Tooling Design
    Smoothing the Parting Surface
    Automatic Interlock Surface Creation
    Multiple Parting Directions
    Trapped Molding Areas
    Side Cores
    Core Pins

    Advance Assembly Modeling: Introduction

    Top-Down Assembly Modeling
    In-context Features
    Edit Part
    Appearance of Components While Editing
    How Transparency Affects Electing Geometry
    Propagating Changes
    A Note of Caution
    Building In-Context Parts
    Adding a New Part into an Assembly
    Results of Insert, Component, New Part
    Building Parts in and Assembly
    Using Offsets from Assembly Parts
    Assembly Features
    Holes Series

    Smart Fasteners
    Fastener Defaults
    Fasteners List
    Changes to Smart Fasteners
    Fastener Selection
    Fastener Changes
    Out of Context
    Putting a Part Back Into Context
    Breaking External References
    Breaking and Locking External References
    External Reference Report
    Removing External References
    Editing the Features
    Working with Assemblies
    Mating Shortcuts
    Mate References
    From and Open Document
    SmartMates from Within the Assembly
    Adding Mate References
    Primary, Secondary, Tertiary References
    Special Case of Mate Reference
    Design Library Parts
    Capture Mate References
    Limitations of SmartMates
    Advanced Mate Types
    Summary: Inserting and Mating Components
    Inserting the First Component
    Inserting Additional Components
    Inserting and Mating Simultaneously
    Mating Existing Components
    Configurations of Assemblies
    Terminology Review
    Adding a New Assembly Configuration
    Suppressing Components
    Design Library Assemblies
    Suppress the Added Component
    Using Move Component with Configurations
    Assembly Design Tables
    What They Can Do
    Specifying Components
    Controlling Part Components
    Controlling Assembly Features and Mates
    Comments and Other Headers
    Creating and Inserting Design Tables
    Building the New Design Table
    Component Headers
    Mate Headers
    Extra Columns
    Editing the Design Table
    Configuration Properties
    Changing Component Mates
    Completed Configurations
    Component Sub-assemblies in an Assembly
    Adding Sub-assembly Configurations
    Other Ways of Creating Configurations
    Assembly Patterning

    Assembly Editing
    Editing Activities
    Finding and Repairing Problems
    Information from an Assembly
    Design Changes
    Converting parts and Assemblies
    Parts into Assemblies
    Assemblies into Parts
    Parts into Parts
    Replacing Parts with Assemblies
    Replacing and Modifying Components
    Working in a Multi-User Environment
    Replacing a Single Instance
    Mates Folder
    Troubleshooting an Assembly
    Mate Errors
    Viewing Mates Using the PropertyManager
    Visual Display of a Mate
    Replace Mate Entities
    Over Defined Mates and Components
    Mate Diagnostics
    Replacing Components Using Save As
    Time Dependent Features
    Parent/Child Relationships
    Reorder and Rollback
    Controlling Dimensions in an Assembly
    Link Values
    Assembly Equations
    Dimension Names in an Assembly
    Adding Equations
    Mirroring Components
    Mirroring or Copying
    Large Assemblies
    Efficient Assemblies
    Errors When Opening an Assembly
    Designing with Sub-assemblies
    Modifying the Structure of and Assembly
    Dissolving a Sub-assembly
    Promoting and Demoting Components
    Creating a New Sub-assembly with Components
    Opening a Sub-assembly
    Information from and Assembly

    Large Assembly Mode
    Lightweight Components
    Creating Lightweight Components
    After the Assembly is Open
    Best Practice
    Comparison of Component States
    Indicators of Lightweight Status
    Taking Advantage of Configurations
    Detail Features
    Comparative Savings
    Mate Considerations
    Sub-assembly Configurations
    Drawing Configurations
    Using Component Patterns
    Sub-assembly Solving
    Editing Sub-assembly
    Advanced Selection Techniques
    Advanced Show/Hide
    Advanced Selection
    Use with Configurations
    Property Options
    Custom Properties
    Saving the Criteria
    Using Envelopes
    Layout Sketches in the Assembly
    Sketch Appearance
    SolidWorks Explorer
    Window Layout
    File Management Options
    Using SolidWorks Explorer
    Renaming Components
    Where Used
    Martin, May 11, 2005
  9. From the quality of your questions here and the description of the stuff
    you've been doing, I suspect that you wouldn't get much out of it. I ended
    up taking the class over a year after I had my initial training and
    shouldn't have bothered. As you said, I did pick up a few nuggets, but not
    enough to be worth the time lost. If you bought the advanced class when you
    bought the software, like we did, you might want to talk with your VAR about
    taking another class that might be more useful.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, May 11, 2005
  10. Martin

    matt Guest

    It's interesting that your reseller groups it that way. You may be able to
    go to a different reseller and at least get them to take a couple steps
    back before they turn the information overload firehose on you.

    When I taught those classes, what you listed was a combination of 2 days
    "Adv Part" (really an Intro to Mid-Level Modeling if you ask me), and 2
    days "Adv Assy". The Adv Assy was my favorite class. It does have some
    good information in it. They usually skip the mold creation for two
    reasons: 1) it is not NEARLY detailed enough to be of benefit to anyone
    who might use it 2) most users are simply not interested.

    Actually, other than the new self-paced books, there isn't any mention at
    all about how to set up Toolbox in the training materials.
    If they had a class like that, users would be teaching it, not resellers.

    One of the things I'm doing in the course of my consultant work is offering
    specialty and custom training. One of the pre-written courses I teach is a
    "Swoopy Shapes" class. This is two days of splines, surfacing, complex
    modeling layout and evaluation.
    Thanks, I appreciate that. The check's in the mail.

    Yeah, that kind of thing happens. I prefer to go in for two days and get a
    company off on the right foot rather than going back later to help them
    clean up a mess. Although I admit, troubleshooting is kind of fun.


    personal site: http://mysite.verizon.net/mjlombard/
    consulting site: http://www.dezignstuff.com/ **still under
    matt, May 11, 2005
  11. Martin

    jon_banquer Guest

    One step at at time is cool. Just remember the remaining 11 steps are
    the most effective way to deal with product loyalist syndrome.

    I'm sure Chris Garcia is relieved to know your not going to be asking
    the tough questions.

    jon_banquer, May 12, 2005
  12. Martin

    ms Guest

    Could it be Maddox? Heard its good, but never been there personally.
    ms, May 12, 2005
  13. Martin,
    Read the EULA that you had to agree to before the software would work. This
    type of agreement wouldn't stand a chance in any civil court if the product
    "wasn't" software. I guess software companies have one set of rules, and the
    rest of us,,,,,,

    Good Idea though
    No,, not really. The data structures of these programs are not nearly as
    complex as SW, or any other similar system like Pro-E.

    These are surface and polymesh modelers. You can create incredibly complex
    surfaces in Maya. You can even "group" individual surfaces into a quasi
    object, but they're still individual free standing surfaces. In SW you have
    several layers of interdependent mathematical relationships that have to
    resolve to a solution, even in a simple part. It's kind of like an open loop
    vs closed loop servo system. If you were to model in SW using no relations,
    dimensions, or constraints, you would have alot more stability. Of course,
    you wouldn't have any control of anything, and things wouldn't fit

    A few years ago there was an article published in "Computer Aided Design
    Report" (Wolf Publications). The article was titled "Why Parametric Solid
    Modelers Crash". In it, they describe many of the reasons why this type of
    software is inherently unstable. I'm not defending SW, they could do a much
    better job. To some extent though, it's the nature of the beast.

    If you lower the achievable performance to the lowest common denominator,
    you'll end up with something no one will be happy with. If your making a
    living designing things with a modern CAD system, you should be able to
    afford a capable machine. There are lots of hardware configurations that run
    SW very reliably and fast. There are also others that can be problematic,
    Dell comes to mind, so do many laptops. Unfortunately SW Var's tend to tell
    customers it will run on anything, this just isn't true. Pro-E, UG, and
    Catia are also picky about hardware.

    Ahh,, but you can't cut your hand off with a software program. The risks and
    liabilities are completly different, even if the wasted time and money

    Hey, maybe we should try suing a few Var's !!! That might work.

    P.S. A "slow" CNC mill might be OK for a sensible novice. The newer machines
    are so fast you can't push the red button fast enough to do any good. Even a
    slow CNC lathe can be scary if it makes an unexpected move, especially if it
    has a three jaw chuck on it.


    Mark Mossberg, May 12, 2005
  14. Martin

    Martin Guest

    I'm seriously considering buying one of these
    http://www.datrondynamics.com/velociraptor.htm sometime this year. It looks
    like it can chew through metal at a pretty nice clip.

    Martin, May 12, 2005
  15. Martin

    MM Guest


    Looks interesting, but way too expensive for what it appears to be. Unless
    of course it's extremely fast, and accurate. The posted numbers don't seem
    to be anything out of the ordinary, but the polymer concrete base and 60K
    spindle seem to indicate otherwise. This type of machine doesn't really
    qualify as a general purpose "do everything" type of tool. Looks to be more
    suited to fast light work with teensy endmills. Probably be pretty good at
    small core/cavity finishing, or EDM electrodes. Those high speed spindles
    are also high maintenance. You need to consider replacement cost, (probably
    about 8 to 10K a pop), as part of the operating costs.

    For that kind of money you can get a real machine with a Siemens 840D high
    speed control and servo system.

    What do you plan to do with it


    MM, May 12, 2005
  16. Martin

    Martin Guest

    Looks interesting, but way too expensive for what it appears to be. Unless
    Good feedback, thanks.

    My problem is that I need a large XY working area. Possibly up to about 35
    x 24 inches or so. It would be rare to cut anything significantly thicker
    than 1/4 inch 6061 Aluminum. The current part is about 16 x 32. It's a
    bezel for a special-purpose LCD display. One large rectangular cutout in
    the center. Beveled and chamfered edges. holes for mounting studs. Some
    pocketing for optics. That's about it.

    I think the problem with "real" machines (which I will probably get
    eventually for other work) is that, in order to get this work envelope the
    machine becomes the size of a small truck. These mini-gantry type machines
    are space efficient and are certainly fast enough for our purposes. We are
    not talking about thousands of pieces a month here.

    Part of the advantage of having your own machine is that you can add
    complexity to the design and not take a big hit in terms of fabrication

    But...you are not supposed to manufacture anything in the US any more right?
    What the hell am I thinking!

    Martin, May 12, 2005
  17. Martin

    Brian Guest

    One thing to watch is the accuracy of the gantry style machines.
    Manufacturers state good numbers, but when you wish the guarantee in
    writing, unlike a full mill, the numbers aren't as good.

    A friend was looking at a Haas ( not picking on the brand, I acutally
    like them, just using as an example ). The literature stated accuracy of
    something like +-.0015" which was fine for his purposes. But when ask to
    guarantee the accuracy in the purchase agreement, that same number was
    +-.004" which was not acceptable.

    Get the accuracy you need guaranteed in the purchase agreement.
    Brian, May 12, 2005
  18. Martin,

    I advise you to be a cautious buyer. That's an awful lot of money for such a
    limited machine. Two horspower and nine inces of "Z" travel isn't much. You
    won't be able to cut aluminum with much more than a 3/8" endmill, and you'll
    have to take shallow passes at that.

    Find out the availability and price of tool holders and other accessories.
    Make them machine a test part. The part should represent close to a worse
    case as far as what you expect to do. It should also have key features that
    can be measured. For that kind of money, and considering the obvious intent
    of the design, it should be able to mill a "round" (< .0005 TIR) 1" hole, or
    boss, at over 100 IPM. If it can't it's just average, but very expensive.

    My experience with PC based controls isn't very encouraging. One of the
    biggest problems with Windows is "real time execution". The good Windows
    based controllers, like Siemens, have the real time sub system in hardware.
    Others attempt to do everything in software. This can cause all types of
    problems that they don't advertize about.


    Mark Mossberg, May 13, 2005
  19. Martin

    Martin Guest

    Thanks for the advise. I'm not in a hurry. I'll probably wait until the
    next machinery trade show (missed Westec) to get a sense of everything that
    might be out there.

    I actually studied what it would take to design and build one (a
    metal-cutting CNC gantry) a while ago. One of the key problems seemed to be
    rigidity. Lots of very heavy metal and very expensive linear
    bearings/tracks would be required. The spindle drive problem was
    interesting. Colombo is a name that kept coming up. It was more of a
    learning excercise than real intent to build. My background is in robotics,
    so it wouldn't be a problem. Still, it makes no sense to even attempt it.
    I rather build LEGO robots with my son.

    Martin, May 13, 2005
  20. Martin

    clay Guest

    Sw often knows about the problems, they are more interested in new
    users, than existing users. My issue with the above is this. Most of the
    dealers, and nearly all of the so-called SW application engineers are
    much more interested in working with potential new sales, than
    maintaining relationships with existing/paying customers. It would
    require a "competent" app engineer to actually spend some time with me,
    and the files I am having problems with to address the issues. I have
    been a SW user since Feb 1996, and I have yet to have a dealer,
    engineer, or otherwise come spend any time whatsoever on location,
    dealing with things that don't work regarding SW software. why? Because
    they don't see it as a productive use of their time. The subscription
    fees roll in every year regardless, the dealers can't fix the SW
    problems, nor do they understand them, sometimes. It can take me half a
    day, to an entire day to compile all the information necessary to submit
    an SPR report, that is generally ignored. Ignored because there is no
    interest to get to the bottom of the problem, and is already understood
    as an existing unresolved issue. It is also extremely easy to blame the
    problem on hardware/configuration/application etc... I certainly agree
    with you that sometimes the problems are user generated, and that
    misapplication or poorly communicated procedures are a root cause. but
    the only way to address either of these is on-site, one on one. Exactly
    what you do. extremely difficult to do via e-mail/telephone.

    I used to do what you do, and it was relatively easy to address the
    problems that new users are struggling with. But as they became more
    savvy with modeling etc... I couldn't help much, other than to say
    "don't use that feature, or there isn't a workaround, or re-create the
    part/ delete all the external references. Delete and re-create all the
    mates etc...

    It is amazing to me, to load a new version, only to find that part
    features that failed to work 8 years ago, still don't work today. And
    worse, features that worked consistantly in SW1997, don't work at all now.

    It is so easy to moan and complain, rather that come up with solutions,
    as you suggest. Don't get me wrong, I am continually impressed with the
    stuff that occurs between major releases, But I would REALLY like to see
    a new version rollout, where there are no new features/dialog boxes/new
    buttons whatsoever, only fixes to age old issues, and a fundamental at
    least 3X performance increase. I think the current trend of a new
    04/05/06 version of ALL software is nothing more that revenue
    generation, attracting new users, and forced upgrades. It severly
    hampers good software development, or any manufacturing development
    cycle. Henry Fords dream was to get you to buy a new car EVERY year,
    the closest they have come is Leasing every Two years. But they are now
    introducing new product every 1/2 year. The consumer electronics cycle
    is now every 1/4 year.

    clay, May 15, 2005
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