SW2006 tour?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Martin, May 10, 2005.

  1. Martin

    Martin Guest

    Got an announcement via email today from my VAR (GoEngineer). It seems that
    there will be a tour of sorts in this area (Los Angeles) to talk about
    SW2006 and related matters. Chris Garcia, VP of R&D at SW will talk and
    take questions. The blurb says something about a "new 3 phase product
    quality strategy", among other things.

    Does anyone think that this thing is worth going to or is it just marketing
    without a foundation in reality?

    And, as a corolary, what question would you ask? There are so many holes to
    plug that it is hard to figure out what to point to.

    Maybe: "How much less will 2006 crash than 2005?".

    Or: "Will 2006 have a more sensible approach to making designs
    transportable without running into parts library (huge nuts) problems?"

    Then again: "Does 2006 run on all sensible high-end modern computer systems
    without having to resort to a "secret brew" of hardware?"

    Hmmm: "What have you done about file growth?"

    Ah, yes: "What guarantees will you have in place in terms of being able to
    work with design files created with older versions?"

    Maybe it's time to compile a list and submit it ahead of the presentation.
    Give the guy a chance.

    Martin, May 10, 2005
  2. Martin

    matt Guest

    I think any time you can get free information is worth going. Garcia is
    a high level sort who may understand more of the "vision" than the
    "reality". It's important to understand what they're thinking as they
    create stuff. Of course it's also important to understand what actually
    happened after all the dreaming, coding and testing, but you'll likely
    want to talk to someone else for actual end user issues.

    Crashing is so much a function of the environment the software is
    installed in, I'm sure SW doesn't perceive a big problem with crashing.
    They might turn the issue around to be a system maintenance issue.
    Toolbox is a problem I have screamed about for years. I don't believe
    it will get any attention. The problem is that theorectically, Toolbox
    "can" work. It just takes planning and understanding all the possible
    things that go wrong on both the sending and receiving ends of the data.
    Unfortunately the default settings out of the box are the worst settings
    you could possibly come up with for sharing data.
    Again, what you mean by "run" is probably open to interpretation. I was
    just at a company yesterday and helped them take the time to open a
    drawing from 13.5 minutes to 59 seconds. It wasn't the software's fault
    that they were wasting so much time and were pretty grumpy. Since SW
    knows what can be done, I think they perceive that most of the
    improvements in this area can be made on the user side. Why they don't
    try harder to educate disgruntled users who don't understand is a little
    beyond me, but since I'm kind of in the business of rescuing people with
    problems, in some sick way their negligence works to my advantage.
    Again, if you were to look at things from their perspective, I think
    they might see this as a problem of perception. Larger files "seem" bad
    in a lot of ways, but it's faster to read data from disk than it is to
    calculate it over again, so storing it for reuse later on is actually an
    efficient thing to do. Also, there is some added function there,
    because of what's going on with eDrawings replacing the SW Viewer. Plus
    there are things users can do to keep file size down. Unfortunately, SW
    Corp doesn't really address this openly for all users. There is a lot
    of info tucked away in various corners such as the knowledge base, the
    SW Community letters, webcast archives, this NG, training books, Help,

    Again, I'm just trying to see things from their perspective, but this is
    what the beta program is for. One thing I know for certain is that the
    difference between SW and users is caused by a lack of communication.
    That can't always be blamed on SW. It is very often the case that users
    don't communicate back to SW. What I mean is that if you have problems
    and don't report them, SW doesn't know about the problems. They really
    don't. You think they're the experts, but in a lot of ways, they're
    really not.

    Of course everybody knows that tech support is usually in a defensive
    role and my perception of them anyway is that their prime goal is to
    protect the software from blame and put it back on the user. I've
    worked in and around tech support for a lot of years, so I don't think
    anyone can really deny that. There may be exceptions, but that is
    certainly the trend. Anyway, there are problems on both sides. If you
    have problems with old data coming in to a new version, beta is a great
    time to give SW some feedback on that so that the released product
    doesn't have so many problems.

    I'm not trying to defend the company or the software or even the
    disgruntled users out there, I'm just trying to see things from both
    sides. It doesn't do any good to demonize them. They really think
    they're doing a great job, and they're normal people maybe like you.

    In my job as an independent CAD consultant, I'm not directly associated
    with resellers or with any software company, I make a living getting
    real results for real users, so pretending that either SW employees or
    end users are a bunch of unmitigated idiots doesn't really work.

    Anyway, if I were to talk to Garcia, I think I would ask about something
    where the answer would be of some value to me. Your questions all sound
    like rhetorical accusations, and any response he gives will just sound
    like an excuse, and can't possibly be of any real or immediate value to
    you or anyone. Instead, I might ask something like "What is the best
    way to work with very large drawings, mainly regarding speed?" or "What
    steps do you recommend to ensure the most stable usage of SW?" or "How
    do I prevent errors in updated files from causing problems with our SW
    users?" Answers to those questions would be valuable.

    So, let us know how it went!


    matt, May 10, 2005
  3. Martin

    TOP Guest

    We really have to see Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy before going to
    something like this and realize that one of us is going to be wielding
    the ultimate weapon. Just hope it isn't Marvin.


    There is something I just did in conjunction with a very large/slow
    drawing called a Fishbone diagram. It is a means of identifying all
    possible causes of a problem. Needless to say there was a branch for
    Software problems, but there were also branches for our procedures,
    hardware and modeling. The one branch that was least involved in our
    "problem" was the hardware branch.

    One question I could ask now is:

    We have identified all the problems with our modeling and procedures
    and are taking steps to rectify those problems. This will leave SW as
    the one remaining source of problems. What steps can SW take in
    rectifying the problems we still have with SW software in a timely

    Just for grins, I would also ask if he is a CSWP. It really helped when
    JM got his certification.

    The timing of this visit is just a little interesting also. If SW
    really is doing something new with quality, maybe it would be good to
    ask him to commit to coming back in six months and close the loop. It
    is one thing to sell the sizzle and another to see if new customers
    have come in because of word of mouth. I know a little steak house in
    Utah that people will drive 100 miles to have a dinner there.

    Finally, back in 2001, SW committed to taking responsibility for
    non-repeatable problems at the Three Amigos meeting. It was in that
    time frame that CTDT was coined. They have gathered data via email for
    some time now. I don't know if Matt would agree, but I would like to
    pin down absolute numbers of crashes per installed seat.
    TOP, May 10, 2005
  4. Martin

    matt Guest

    I always viewed the Amigos trip as a PR stunt for SW, and the most
    benefit anyone got out of it was the tee shirts. Possibly over-cynical,
    but I doubt it.

    I'm pretty convinced that the majority of crashes are completely
    avoidable, meaning that they're due to user controlled factors such as
    OS set up, conflicting software, drivers, network and system maintenance
    issues. I've just seen too much evidence to believe anything else.
    Yes, I still crash, and sometimes for unexplained reasons, but we're
    talking every other week, not every day.

    The last several "angry SW user" visits I've been on have been resolved
    by updating Spaceball or video drivers, repairing the SW installation
    without antivirus on, deleting the Current_User part of SW registry,
    updating SW service packs, moving data from overcrowded/busy servers,
    improved modeling techniques, better OS set up for memory management,
    stop users from opening network files by double clicking on them in
    Windows Explorer, and reformatted hard drives (most likely problem is a
    mangled registry). I haven't reported one single hard SW crash only
    attributable to SW in a couple months, although there have been a lot of
    other types of issues.

    To me, the OS is the major issue. Microsoft OSs seem to be developed
    for Excel and Powerpoint users, people who read emails, maybe play some
    games. I'm guessing that the biggest increase in consistancy would come
    from moving to a better managed OS for more resource-intensive
    applications. I tend to reformat my computer every 6-9 months because
    with all the sloppy software I install, the registry gets pretty
    mangled, which I'm sure is what's really behind much of the
    non-reproducible stuff. After the reformat, everything is noticeably

    SW has recently released a couple of things for Mac OS X (eDrawings,
    Cosmic Blobs). Does that mean something? Who knows.

    SW taking responsibility for non-reproducible problems is a dodge.
    There's no way for them to do that, they have nothing to work with, it's
    a meaningless commitment. The best way to fight bad software is to
    either deluge tech support with concrete examples or to just not spend
    your money on it. Go to the round table sessions at SW World,
    participate in Beta, and Alpha if you can. Hire a consultant to analyze
    your issues. Noisy newsgroup campaigns may be embarassing or even
    belittling to the company, but I doubt they have much effect on the
    right people. Look at what has been going on in this ng lately and tell
    yourself what kind of credibility non-ng folk must give this forum.

    Anyway, just my point of view.

    matt, May 10, 2005
  5. Hopefully "non-ng folk" see through the crap and can recognize the nuggets
    that are there. I think SW people are often not given as much respect as
    they deserve.

    Wayne Tiffany, May 10, 2005
  6. Martin

    Martin Guest


    I wouldn't consider myself a disgruntled user. I would say that I am elated
    at times, disappointed some of the time and downright confused for the

    The first happens when it all works well. This required a tremendous
    effort --and lots of great support from this NG-- to figure out where the
    guardrails were. After thrashing around trying to fight it and realizing
    that "resistance was futile" it all became easier. I won't repeat myself
    here. See my "Update" post from a few weeks back regarding my
    rules-of-engagement when approaching SW now.

    When it works, it's a thing of beauty.

    The dissapointement is caused by both support issues and the realization
    that some of the most fundamental reasons for wanting to use SW have been
    invalidated due to the instability they introduce. The two key items for me
    are: external references and the whole toolbox mess.

    External references: I just don't use them any more. This means that
    moving a screw here better be followed by moving the hole there. Fine, I
    can handle this. I wish the software could be trusted to not self-destruct
    when you attempt to use them.

    Toolbox: I just want to be able to move my designs from desktop to notebook
    for the purpose of having meetings with vendors. Another scenario is
    emailing a design to the vendor, who's also a SW user. I don't know of any
    reliable way to do this other than through a lot of manual labor. The
    requirement is simple: A single zip file, devoid of any external references
    that would obviously break when moving to another drive/machine/user. It
    would help if they had a "copy and replace external references" function
    somewhere. Now I have to do it by hand.

    Lastly, confusion is the philosophical state that sets in after trying to
    understand why they've done some things the way they have.

    Here's an example. I am running SW on a machine with a large 1920 x 1200
    pixel display. Their decision to get cute with GUI design means that, the
    feature manager wastes a tremendous amount of screen real estate to draw
    cute little rounded rectangles and things around feature parameters. If I
    grab the divider and make the feature manager wider (I have a little room to
    spare), the fields don't grow, you keep the same crippled-but-cute view.
    This, for me, is particularly annoying if editing such things as mates in an
    assembly. You can't see anyting in the list of mates, just the first twenty
    characters or so. That part of the tool needs to be more functional and
    less cute. The example that comes to mind is AutoCAD's display of object
    properties. Simple "standard" controls that use as much of the window as

    Another annoyance and source of confusion is the inconsistencies from tool
    to tool. For example, in some cases theres a button to the left of the field
    to flip or toggle a mode. In other cases that button does nothing and
    there's a checkbox under the field to toggle it.

    Anyhow, I'll see if I can go. I want to be constructive about it, of
    course. The goal is to have a reliable tool that can enhace productivity.
    As a new user I have no way of knowing if these sorts of presentations are
    more fluff than substance, that's why I asked.

    I'll probably take the advanced SW class over the next few months. I
    already took the basic class (at the time of purchase) but, frankly, this NG
    was a lot more useful. I wonder if I'll find the advanced class to be worth
    not working for a week.

    Martin, May 10, 2005
  7. Martin

    TOP Guest


    I can make my Fishbone diagram for CTDT too. And the causes you
    mentioned would certainly be there on their own branches.

    In my own experience I think I can say that even when you get rid of
    the causes you mentioned there will still be a significant number of
    CTDT events that occur. In the last month I have run into them quite a
    bit. They had nothing to do with hardware, drivers or the OS. They were
    attributable to poorly constructed assemblies with a lot of cherries
    and triangles. They were also attributable to issues with linked design
    tables and other pathological document problems. Once I had cleaned up
    the assemblies the crashes went away. Was this a SW problem? Probably
    so because SW should be able to handle the errors as well as the good

    The other thing I would say in this regard from both recent and past
    history is that SW has never pointed out a SPECIFIC hardware or
    software/driver problem to me. At one point we had a TTM come out for
    the purpose of specifically pointing out to us where this
    hardware/system problem was that he was claiming we had. He never even
    looked at the system. In other cases I have sent in Rx files and never
    had a response regarding a driver or hardware being the cause.

    Regarding Rx, that is one of the best things SW has done for users in
    that it flags a lot of the problems you mentioned. So I would expect
    most users would run Rx as soon as they setup 2005 and those users
    would rectify the problems that Rx brings to light. We have to give
    you and Jankowski as well as others the credit for doing a lot of the
    leg work in this. Thinking of Rx, one good question to ask would be,
    "Since Rx has been incorporated into SW2005, has SW seen a significant
    decrease in reported CTDT?"

    I think very highly of the person at SW who made the commitment to
    taking responsibility for non-reproducible problems. My impression was
    that he was sincere. But he is no longer in the position he once was
    and I don't see that that commitment has really made its way into SW
    corporate culture so he was probably speaking for himself without the
    backing of the rest of SW. There is hope though because SW seems to
    want to put people into the field to spend a day or half a day with
    users. That would certainly be an avenue for input in this area.

    Regarding your last paragraph, I have been to several Round Tables,
    been on Alpha, Beta and some other channels as have you. SW takes them
    very seriously. I don't think SW takes this NG nearly as seriously as
    they once did. It seems like a lot of the quality people have been
    hired away to SW or have gone on to other software. Nevertheless, the
    NG is the last rope a lot of people have to cling too when all else
    seems to fail. It is very rare that a serious request for help goes
    unanswered, much more rare than a request through channels to SW.

    I do sense as do you, a rift between SW Tech Support and users. When I
    did tech support I took the position that the customer had a reason. If
    it was SW problem I took the position of being the customer's advocate.
    The customer after all paid the subscription that paid my fee. If it
    was the customer's problem I gently and systematically tried to get
    them out of the hole they were in. From time to time we held training
    sessions for customers where we took the frequent issues customers had
    and brought them up to speed. Maybe the SW tech support guys need to do
    this at SWW. I would attend a "20 Bone Headed Things SW Users Do"
    session. And sometimes customers just plain need training.
    TOP, May 10, 2005
  8. Martin

    matt Guest

    I'm lumping that kind of thing into "user controllable issues". You could
    also call it a software problem, but one of the things I try to do is to
    help people from feeling so helpless against some corporate machine. There
    is something you can do about modeling errors, regardless of how they were
    Well, specifically, if you use a 2001 Spaceball driver with PDMWorks 2005
    (addin), it will lock up your computer as soon as you see both splash
    screens for PDMWorks and 3DConnexion.

    You know, for whatever reason, I just haven't used RX very much. I'm not
    passing judgment on it, I just wanted to feel a little more in control of
    the debugging process. Plus, in the end, I guess it doesn't help me
    directly, I'd have to have someone get back to me, and the track record of
    tech support (corporate or VAR) "getting back to" me is very bad. After
    getting a response 3 months after the submission, I asked the SW folks why
    they bothered.

    Real visits are definitely a cool thing, but I think this is going to bear
    out my position rather than the position that the software is just a buggy
    piece of sh_t.

    You're right. The only misgiving I have about the newsgroup is that there
    is often that bent toward heated dramatics and away from cold facts. It's
    much more acceptable to say that SW is just a piece of sh_t than it is to
    suggest that some user has his head up his ass. There's plenty of blame to
    go around, the software is full of stuff that's not right, but rarely does
    it have the flaws that it's accused of. For example, the original poster
    for this thread said:
    Anyone who has read 5 of my posts knows what I think of Toolbox, so
    everyone knows I don't defend it, but Martin is wrong that this has to be
    done by hand. It's just a user education issue, a matter of technique and
    settings. That's probably true of a good number of problem posts to this

    That's a great way to make yourself unpopular with SW Corp and reseller
    types. I used to do the same thing. I took the position that my paycheck
    came from the customer, not from SW, just like it sounds you did.

    Hey, that sounds like a great title for a SW World presentation!
    matt, May 10, 2005
  9. Hi Matt,

    My favorite saying in line with what you said about users:

    "It looks to me like they are experienceing a real problem with IO".

    A few others come from intrinsically bad code, junk HW or OS, but it's
    largely IO.




    IO=Insufficient Operator
    Sean-Michael Adams, May 10, 2005
  10. Martin

    Martin Guest

    I don't think I'm wrong. The "Find References" mechanism either flattens
    your directory structure or replicates it. Either way, the result is of use
    in one direction. I suppose this might be fine for a one way trip from
    desktop to notebook or from designer to supplier. However, how do you get
    it back?


    Just a flat plate with a 4-40 screw (from Toolbox) through it.



    The screw comes from "Binding Head Screw_AI.SLDPRT", wherever Toolbox
    happens to be installed.

    I have to go on a trip. Use "Find References" and copy files maintaining
    the directory structure. If you don't and you have a complex hierachy of
    assemblies, subassemblies and parts the resulting flat structure mess will
    have you on your knees in no time.

    If the destination directory is: D:\June Trip\

    D:\June Trip\Widget\Assy1.SLDASM
    D:\June Trip\Widget\Part1.SLDPRT
    D:\June Trip\Widget\program files\common files\solidworks data\browser\Ansi
    Inch\Bolts And Screws\Binding Head Screw_AI.SLDPRT

    I now copy "D:\June Trip\" to my notebook, where it is likely to endup in:

    C:\Documents and Settings\Martin\My Documents\June Trip\...

    Now I go away and edit my assembly. Let's say I add a nut and a washer to
    the screw.

    Upon return, what do I have to do in order to not have huge nuts and

    EXACTLY. I have to do it by hand!

    What do I have to do so that the part and assy updates made during my trip
    return to the original "D:\Widget\..." directory structure, with external
    references pointing back to where Toolbox lives at home base?

    AGAIN, I have to do it by hand!

    The same is true if I send something out to a vendor and it comes back with

    So, I bypass all this happy horseshit and explicitly save any Toolbox parts
    to "D:\Widget\Toolbox\" immediately after insertion. Now, just before that
    beautiful working trip to Hawaii (in my dreams!) all I have to do is copy
    "D:\Widget\" across the network to wherever I want it to be on my notebook.

    Upon return, I backup the original "D:\Widget\" and replace it with
    "D:\Widget\" from the notebook. All is good. My nuts and washers stay
    normal and life goes on.

    The bottom line is that I use Toolbox as a library from which I pull parts
    and never refer to again. The "manual" part I was refering to was the act
    of saving the component to a new directory within the project hierarchy.
    After that you use "Find Referrences" to make sure that you didn't leave
    anything behind and the process is as simple as can be.

    Now, if I missed an obvious way to manage this process without manual labor,
    I'll step aside, put on my dumbshit-user hat and listen carefuly as you tell
    me how to do it right. :)

    BTW, I'm having fun with the above. I didn't take your "some user has his
    head up his ass" comment personally at all. As they say: 'been there, done
    that, don't think I have it as far up my ass as it used to be any
    more...although, my wife, if you asked, might disagree with that statement.

    Martin, May 11, 2005
  11. Martin

    matt Guest

    Well, you'll fit in well in this newsgroup. You have a strong opinion
    which you're willing to share, but you aren't willing to change it even if
    it will save you a lot of effort. After all, it's more fun to bitch than
    to stop complaining.

    I suppose you're allowed to run things the way you want, but it's like
    saying "Doctor! Doctor! It hurts every time I stick my finger in my eye!"

    Just don't say "I have to do it by hand". Please say "I choose to do it by
    hand because I won't do things differently."

    Here it is.

    Solution 1.

    Use a PDM system. Anyone who complains about file management without using
    a PDM system should just keep it to themselves.

    A PDM system will allow you to have a local workspace to work on files.
    This is (or should be) a single directory, but when you put things back to
    the vault, they all go where they belong. You can even get a PDM system
    that "works" with Toolbox, so it is possible to get it all figured out in
    one go.

    No manual nothing.

    Solution 2

    Ok, let's say your boss is pretty dense and doesn't get it that a PDM
    system saves time and makes things more reliable. So you have to do your
    own homegrown file management

    Everybody knows that Toolbox is a file management nightmare, but lets say
    that you chose to use it anyway. If you're going to use Toolbox, the worst
    thing you can do to yourself is to use the default setting with
    Configurations. But let's say that you even went ahead and did that too.
    If you're going to use Toolbox with configurations, you ought to pre-create
    all the configurations you're going to use. You don't know which ones
    you're going to use? Then make all of them. You'll only have to do it
    once, and if you're smart about it, you'll be the only one at your company
    or your suppliers or customers that will have to go through all of that.

    "But that's too much work" you say. Well, ok, then don't use
    configurations. It's that simple. Unfortunately if you've already
    created assemblies with configured Toolbox parts, well, you're kind of
    hosed. You'll either live with it or make the necessary changes.

    If you use the "copy parts" Toolbox setting instead of configurations, and
    you're smart about it and set up your Windows Explorer folder structure all
    under the same top level folder, you can just copy back the entire top
    level copied folder hierarchy in one drag and drop. Even if you've created
    new Toolbox sizes that you didn't have before.

    No manual nothing.

    If you continue to stick your finger in your eye and do this manually, well
    that decision is up to you. But please realize that even though Toolbox
    sux, no one has a gun to your head forcing you to do things the hard way.

    Best of luck,

    matt, May 11, 2005
  12. Martin

    jon_banquer Guest

    "Does anyone think that this thing is worth going to or is
    it just marketing without a foundation in reality?"

    I think it's worth going. Here is what I would do:

    Download VX11 and bring it along. Show Chris Garcia how you
    can move VX Manager (SaladWorks should call it Feature Mismanager)
    to another monitor and ask him why after 2 years under his
    direction SaladWorks still can't do something as basic as

    Ask Chris Garcia if Brown and Sharpe (who he use to work
    for) would offer CMM software (which he developed for Brown
    and Sharpe) that only worked with native data created with
    Brown and Shape software.

    You have a good opportunity to talk to the latest in a long
    line of SaladWorks product architects... why not make the
    best use of you time ?

    You could also:

    Print out some of what I post here and in alt.machines.cnc and ask
    Chris Garcia to address it.

    Ask Chris Garcia how SolidWorks can have persistence of
    vision when Scott Harris is gone, Mike Payne is gone, Dave
    C. is gone.

    Ask Chris Garcia if he thinks there is an advantage to VX having
    the same architect from day one vs the many SaladWorks has had.

    jon_banquer, May 11, 2005
  13. Martin

    TOP Guest

    That is exactly right. But I think I mentioned the Fishbone diagram.
    I'll have to post the one I made for the problems we were having
    because we haven't started to do the fixes that we can do yet. One
    thing about it is that is is fair and complete. See this link:
    Heck, Matt, if you build one of these things on a customer visit using
    the customer's and your input you will look like a genius (not to say
    that you aren't close now).

    Anyway, you list all possible causes of a problem and this thing gets
    them all in front of you in a comprehensible way. Sometimes it will be
    user, sometimes software, sometimes the system and sometimes hardware.
    No more pet peeves.
    But would SW point that out to you?
    Just the screen capture is worth the admission. A lot of the stuff is
    human readable. They took the log file method several steps forward.
    The other thing about Rx is that it does point out some of the more
    common hardware and software issues up front.
    I don't think SW visits will put you out of business. Invariably SW
    interaction on that level tends towards user feedback and not practical
    solutions. Even on the Three Amigos visit we were pelted with questions
    about what do you think about this and that at one point. If I was SW I
    would put someone MicroSoft certified on every team and also someone
    with experience congruent with the businesses they visit and let the
    VAR's salesman tag along to do the people stuff. My goal would be to
    give the customer something that would pay for the visit in a week or a
    And you have to ask yourself why "easy to use" software has to have
    some things so obfuscated that people think they have to do things this
    way. And maybe it's time to break off this thread and deal with his
    Every call to tech support involves a customer losing money whether a
    stupid question or an SPR. If the same guy calls with uninformed
    questions for weeks on end then get the guy into training. And give the
    new users plenty of slack.
    I think most people want to do it right but sometimes feel threatened
    by the way things are presented.
    TOP, May 11, 2005
  14. Martin

    Martin Guest

    Jon...it's getting pretty old dude. I'm one step from adding you to a
    delete filter.

    Martin, May 11, 2005
  15. Martin

    ms Guest

    What's the name of that steakhouse? I'm looking for a good place to take the
    wife for her birthday.
    ms, May 11, 2005
  16. Martin

    Kav Guest

    Hi Martin,

    I will be obliged if you tell me how to set the delete filter for this

    Kav, May 11, 2005
  17. Martin

    matt Guest

    Yeah, I'd be interested in seeing that technique.

    They might, but not likely, I guess.

    A lot of sales types try to avoid giving something of value for free,
    unless they need the goodwill for their next big sale. Many times when SW
    direct comes to see resellers customers there's some political wrangling
    that goes on.

    Well, I think I dealt with his problem, although he probably doesn't like
    my answer. I've got this knee-jerk reaction when new users come in with
    six-guns a-blazin. Unfortunately there's a bit more to knowing what you're
    doing than just having a lot of confidence in your deductive skills.

    I think the basic functions are still pretty intuitive, but there's so much
    more depth to the software with every new release. It's difficult for one
    person to know every function in the software.
    matt, May 11, 2005
  18. Martin

    Martin Guest

    See my direct reply to your "solution".

    I've been posting here since November of '04. I don't use my full signature
    all the time 'cause I'm tired of the ever increasing spam.

    I've paid my dues and labored over this software enough to have the right to
    come out "guns a blazing" whether you agree with this or not is of no
    consequence at all.

    Martin Euredjian

    To send private email:

    "0_0_0_0_" = "martineu"
    Martin, May 11, 2005
  19. Martin

    Martin Guest

    No problem. I just set mine. I'm sick of him.
    I added Cliff to the filter as well. What the hell.

    No more what's-his-name-VX-guy for me!
    And no more Beavis-and-Butthead routines either! :)

    The following assumes you are using Outlook Express as your news reader.
    Pretty much all readers have similar tools. I'm not sure about reading
    through a Google, Yahoo or similar account.

    Two ways to do it: rules or blocked senders.

    Blocked Sender is the easiest:

    Double click on a message from a sender you wish to block. This will open
    the message.
    Got to the "Message" menu.
    Click on "Block sender..."

    That's it, messages from that sender will not be downloaded any more.

    If you made a mistake and blocked the wrong person:

    In the main Outlook Express window, open the Tools menu.
    Click on "Message Rules..."
    Click on "Blocked senders list..."
    You can then remove someone from the block list.

    You can also block email as well as news messages from this person.

    The "rules" approach is a little different.

    In the main Outlook Express window, open the Tools menu.
    Click on "Message Rules..."
    Click on "News..."
    Click the "New" button
    Choose "Where the From line contains people"
    In section 3 click on the underlined "contains people"
    Type the email address in question and add it.
    Click OK.
    In section 2 choose "Delete it"

    There you go, save the rule and never see this guy on your screen again.

    You can even use "Apply Now" to run the filter immediately and delete all
    instances of messages by the blocked sender.

    Let the celebrations begin.

    Martin Euredjian

    To send private email:

    "0_0_0_0_" = "martineu"
    Martin, May 11, 2005
  20. Martin

    Martin Guest

    No need to be rude.

    And, for the record, my approach requires almost no effort whatsoever (just
    saving a few parts as you insert them) and pretty much guarantees that any
    compatible (version issues) installation of SW, anywhere in the world, will
    be able to open and modify the design and bounce it back to any other
    compatible user without any issues.

    Well, yeah. That's generally what happens when you own the company.

    Anytime anyone has to resort to bitching in a NG it is, more than likely,
    because they are loosing time, money, productivity and focus due to having
    to deal with issues that shouldn't be. I learned very quickly that SW
    support is worthless...at least in the context of real work having to get

    Let me give you a timeline:

    - Started to look at SW aprox. Sept '04
    - Purchased in October '04 from GoEngineer, LA
    - Purchased training at the same time
    - Had GoEngineer come out and install SW
    - Read through and completed ALL online tutorials
    - Attended course immediately after completing tutorials
    - Started work on first and simplest projects.

    Not once in the pre, during or post-sales effort or during the week-long
    class did anyone from GoEngineer or SW provide information on the issues
    surrounding such luminaries as "Toolbox" or anything else. In fact, during
    the class "Toolbox" was introduced as this great wizbang feature that could
    save you soooo much time. The most memorable example, of course, being the
    auto-population of holes created using the wizard.

    Not ONCE did anyone suggest that using the default settings in Toolbox may
    not be the best idea. Not ONCE did anyone suggest that another possibility
    might be to pre-create all configuration. None of this information and the
    issues involved with traversing computers/geography/environments was ever
    discussed, even superficially. Not at all.

    So, it seems way unfair for you to sit there an expect that new users get
    this information through some sort of divine inspiration and then be
    critical of them. Your vantage point is very different. You have the
    ability to look back and say, "yup, that ain't the way I'm gonna do it next
    time" ... and then get paid to fix it. A great service to your clients,
    don't get me wrong, but your frame of reference is very different from the
    small user who just has to get to work.

    Your criticism is cruel and unfounded. Not in context at all. Particularly
    if we consider that your focus is to earn a living by providing SW "fix-it"
    services. I don't say that in a bad way. It's your chosen profession.

    Most small businesses don't purchase $10K worth of CAD software and training
    a year before they will need it. My guess is that most delay that purchase
    until they absolutely must have it. My plan was simple: Purchase the
    software. Get basic training as quickly as possible and then get started
    with simple designs. A very sensible plan with just about anything other
    than SW.

    If you search back through my posts in this NG dating back to November of
    '04 you'll see that I got in deep water very quickly. Struggled through it
    and came back up to the surface. I got lots of great help, including yours.
    I continue to be thanful for that. But, you have to remember that my
    mission is to design products, not to get snared in software bullshit.
    That's the fundamental difference between your vantage point and mine. I
    loose money when the software acts-up, regardless of the reason. You make

    Had I known that SW would have so many issues my decision to adopt the tool
    may have been different. Perhaps part of that difference would have been to
    bring someone in to facilitate setup and initial ramp-up, even after taking
    a class. However, no hint of that need or any of the issues I now know
    about was ever provided by my VAR or SW. I'm good, but I don't run my
    business with a crystal ball.

    Philosophically though, why should a user with pretty basic needs have to
    ever resort to that if the tool is any good? It isn't sensible to expect
    every user to have to bring in a consultant to navigate land-mines in CAD
    software. That's just bad software.

    And so, in the heat of the product-design battle, with all the issues at
    play (schedules, competition, financial, etc.) you do what you can to stay
    afloat. You make decisions you can live with and move on. I'm sure some of
    what you've suggested may very well be the ideal solution for an ideal
    world. However, in the real world, sometimes you don't have the time to
    stop development to muck around with this stuff. And you shouldn't have to.
    Not for thousands of dollars we pay for SW. But, you make your choices and
    move on. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. So are crystal balls.

    Martin Euredjian

    To send private email:

    "0_0_0_0_" = "martineu"
    Martin, May 11, 2005
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