SW2006 crawling on large assemblies

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by WC, Nov 1, 2006.

  1. WC

    WC Guest

    I used SWExplorer to copy a large project ~1000 parts...Since then the
    whole system has been dog slow... 15 minutes to open a drawing... and
    it's not even the top level assy drawing!

    I've defragged (even though WinXP said it didn't need it)
    I've run adaware deep-scan...found nothing but some cookies
    I emptied all my temp folders/directories
    I ran a repair install

    nothing has made any difference

    I took the files home (on 3 CD's) and the largest assy opened in just a
    well under a minute.

    What else to look for? This was a clean install, after a completely
    wiping all traces of previous installs, a couple months ago. All the
    files are local, I'm pretty sure all the files are 'converted' but the
    Converted won't do my whole mess of files at one time, it hangs after
    running thru about half.

    I've written this while *trying* to open the file which opened in under
    a minute...TaskManager says I'm using ~600Mb(and climbing) of ram and
    the CPU is idle...

    I'm out of ideas... :eek:\
    WC, Nov 1, 2006
  2. WC

    WC Guest

    Sorry, sw2006sp4.1
    WC, Nov 1, 2006
  3. Are the files on the local drive or on the network?
    Have you tried eco-squeeze? You may have inadvertently increased your
    file sizes during the copy

    Beyond that, is this the only assembly you're having problems with?
    Jeff Mirisola, Nov 2, 2006
  4. WC

    Wim Guest

    Did you try to open the assembly (part) first before opening the drawing?
    This was an issue with older SP's of 2006
    Wim, Nov 2, 2006
  5. WC

    Jean Marc Guest

    I've had that kind of pb, and cleaning out the temp folder solved it.
    Jean Marc, Nov 2, 2006
  6. Huh...that's strange.
    What are your system specs?
    Jeff Mirisola, Nov 2, 2006
  7. WC

    WC Guest

    It's a 2 year old Xi...148 Opteron FX51, 2Gb ram, Fx1100, 80 Gb SATA (about 2/3 full) XP Pro.. it
    was a smoking machine.

    This AM SW was so flaky most of the toolbar buttons were staying "pressed" I decided to do another
    clean sweep of the Reg and removed all traces of SW(bs)...I guess it's all part of "system
    maintenance" ...hmmm
    WC, Nov 2, 2006
  8. I'm wondering if your graphics card isn't starting to go bad..
    Jeff Mirisola, Nov 2, 2006
  9. WC

    WC Guest

    Same ol' s&!%... full wipe of swx made almost no difference, opened the assy OK been waiting about 15
    minutes for the drawing to open...

    CPU idle, SW Mem Usage ~200Mb

    I'm stumped, and basically dead in the water awaiting a call back from the VAR...

    WC, Nov 2, 2006
  10. WC

    mo Guest

    I've had a similar problem it occurred with large assemblies and
    Firstly with the ssemblies once copied using explorer open them up and
    resolve so that the new parts are showing check part and sub assembly
    file paths.

    With drawings, what occurred with mine was pretty nasty, i had BOM
    templates and drawing templates in local folders , the new copied
    drawing files didn't recognize them and I had to open everything in Rx
    mode and then rebuild my drawings.
    mo, Nov 2, 2006
  11. WC

    TOP Guest

    I commiserate with you on the slow down. However, from what you say the
    action of copying with SWExplorer brought this on. So it may be time to
    investigate where SW thinks it is getting files from. From what I can
    see in 2006, if a drawing was made in one directory structure and is
    asked to load from the same assembly moved to another file structure it
    can get very slow. Once you get the drawing open, look at the File/Find
    Reference and see where the drawing thinks it is getting it's
    information. If the drawing has to go through the whole recursive file
    search for each part and assembly this can take a long time. Do you
    have your References path set in a way that SW can easily search for
    new files? Is Search External references checked in Tools/Options? Just
    some thoughts. Hope it helps.
    TOP, Nov 3, 2006
  12. WC

    TOP Guest

    Did you check to see whether the list of paths in the assembly and
    drawing agreed?
    TOP, Nov 3, 2006
  13. WC

    matt Guest

    list of other stuff to look for that kills assembly performance:

    - more than minor in context work
    - mating to history dependent assembly items such as in-context,
    assembly features, assembly sketches reliant on part geometry, Hole
    Series, component patterns, reference geometry in the assembly created
    from part locations or other in-context items, smart fasteners
    - verification on rebuild
    - perpetual rebuild symbols in the tree
    - feature or mate errors (if warnings are set to never be shown, you may
    have problems you don't even know about)
    - out-of-context relations or multi-context
    - there might be settings at home that are avoiding the problem such as
    view only, lightweight
    matt, Nov 3, 2006
  14. WC

    WC Guest

    No, I'll check that this evening, or this weekend...

    Thanks fo rthe input

    WC, Nov 3, 2006
  15. WC

    WC Guest

    Sorry for the delay, took most of the day for the message appear here at

    I'll dig into this more this weekend...

    Thanks a bunch for the leads
    WC, Nov 3, 2006
  16. WC

    Gerald Guest


    I am hearing that add on tools causes lots of pains. Is the addon the
    same at work and home. Could that cause a problem?
    Gerald, Nov 6, 2006
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