SW2005 Splines, warnings or over constraints?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Paul Salvador, Nov 9, 2004.

  1. Anyone notice when applying constraints (in particular, tangency but it
    happens with other constraints as well) to splines in SW2005 they
    sometimes become over constrained (red) or you get warnings (yellow)?

    Paul Salvador, Nov 9, 2004
  2. Paul Salvador

    matt Guest


    usually when applying a c2 condition, SW applies an EqualCurvature
    constraint along with a Tangent constraint. Usually removing one of
    them fixes it. c2 condition in 2005 splines is not very reliable.
    theoretically a nice enhancement, but in reality you can't count on it
    working when you need it to.

    matt, Nov 9, 2004
  3. Yep, I've seen the c2 constraint do this also.
    I've sent a example of the spline tangency errors to my var and I wanted
    to share it with all here but my server is down,.. I'll post it later.

    Yeah, I personally would not expect much out of the new c2 option since
    it's new.
    Although, the constraint solver has most likely changed to accommodate
    the new c2 option and other new constraint options so that is probably
    why we are seeing these warnings and over constraint issues?

    Hopefully these will be fixed soon?

    Paul Salvador, Nov 9, 2004
  4. Well, guess what, my var, said he had no problems (he worked around them
    thinking that was the solution to the problem?) with the file(s) I sent
    (actually, two files)!?!?!?!?!

    It's stuff like this that make the whole process of using var's, TOTALLY

    I can not post the file(s) because my server is still down but I'm just
    going to post the file directly to SW Corp, as it should be!


    I'll send the file
    Paul Salvador, Nov 10, 2004
  5. Paul Salvador

    matt Guest

    The times when I've had the problem, the only way to get around it was
    to not use c2, which means the new functionality is not being used.
    It's a bug with no workaround, regardless of what the tech support guy
    at your var says.

    Not all resellers are useless.
    matt, Nov 10, 2004
  6. In the case I sent, it did not have c2, only tangency so if he moved the
    spline or endpoint, it's possible to break the warning or over
    constrained condition.. so...that's what he did.
    What bothers me is, these tech guys think it's about offering a solution
    or temporary fix,.. or to be a hero for a few seconds... the real issue
    is being curbed by their ego process and I can fix that mentality,
    imho,.. "I can fix it by using this workaround.. so, now the client (me)
    will be able to move forward and I'm a hero for fixing this problem for
    now and everyone here at VAR central will think I'm the kewlest guru in
    the office!?!?"

    In this case, I honestly see it as "MY FAULT", I fucked up! I should
    have NEVER sent it to them because, in my experience, this is typical of
    the process. Yeah, yeah, there are some tech's which are good,.. I
    still don't see the real benefits of having them in my experience. They
    and the process waste more time from my perspective and experience. I
    still see them as catering to the lower end users (i.e., the target
    market, cha-ching,.. $$$$ = the old AutoDesk way of doing things =
    limiting, stifling and not progressive!)

    Anyhow, I did a clean Rx and sent the file/report off to SW Corp

    Paul Salvador, Nov 10, 2004
  7. Here are the files...


    ...and two other indirect problems with using the fill feature..

    (ah, yes, your annual subscription at work,.. add something new and
    break what worked, fix it in a few sp's or next release,.. then pay for
    annual subscription... then break-it again, and again, and again....
    remind me again.. why do we pay for subscription?... to pay people to
    add new features and break things and fix them again?? hmm,.. is that
    in the subscription agreement? What a great business plan or model!!!?)

    Paul Salvador, Nov 10, 2004
  8. Paul Salvador

    Q Guest

    What bothers me is, these tech guys think it's about offering a
    Depending on the size of the VAR, there can be a sort of corporate
    production approach to support that's drilled into the techs. The
    is to have a high number in an excel spreadsheet somewhere. There are
    lot of rah-rah speeches, but not much creativity, real-world design or
    work experience to back it up. The absolute raw recruits get thrown
    into tech support where guys like you pulverize them. I always
    you should put your best people on tech support because they have
    constant contact with customers, and they're way more efficient than
    someone who has to search the help for the word "curvature" or panics
    they see a surface feature.

    You're absolutely right that resellers are geared toward the low end
    users too. First of all, very few resellers have anyone who is even
    moderately well versed in any sort of advanced design. Second, low
    users need more training. Third, low end users are easier to support.

    I've worked for 3 VARs, and it's always the new guy who is least
    to know what he's talking about who gets saddled with support.
    The problem is that resellers are usually run by sales people who
    understand or value technical expertise. They're usually
    and tech-phobic. It's amazing that people who sell technology don't
    believe in technology enough to use it in their own businesses.
    Absolute truth.

    I also agree with what you said about the desire to be seen as a hero.
    Regardless of how mediocre they are, they always have a way of
    something that makes them look like gods. I've watched in utter
    disbelief as a tech support group that wasn't even answering the phone
    half of the time send out company wide emails to pat themselves on the
    back for what should be considered sub-par work. Your comments are
    cynical, but I must admit they are also mostly true.

    The support at SolidWorks Corporate is different. I don't know where
    they get their people, or how they train them, but rarely do I get
    incompetent answers from SW techs. I sometimes don't like their
    answers, and sometimes it takes them a month to answer my emails, but
    they're rarely really wrong.

    The difference is obviously financial. Reseller pay and benefits are
    truly abyssmal, and they can't attract or keep good talent.
    Corp pays well with liberal benefits. If all you have to offer is
    all you're going to attract are flies. There's probably a 50%
    differential between a reseller seat-warmer, phone-talker, bs-emailer
    and a competent SW support guy. Resellers don't think talent is worth
    the price you pay for it. Which is why they have precious little.

    The sheer volume of support couldn't be handled by SW Corp. They have
    mediocre reseller minions to weed out the "is it plugged in"
    For advanced users like you, there is no benefit to the mediocre
    man minion, but advanced users are rare, and don't spend as much money
    on training, and are more difficult to support, so resellers don't
    really value advanced users very much.

    Q, Nov 11, 2004
  9. I hear ya, you're spot on with what you wrote.

    Paul Salvador, Nov 11, 2004
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