SW2005 install limits?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aaron, May 17, 2005.

  1. Aaron

    Aaron Guest

    Is there a limit to how many machines a US seat of SW2005 can be
    installed on? I haven't installed it yet. I want to experiment with it
    on one machine, before I load it on my working machine. Does it get
    registered by machine, like MS products? And does it know when you reach
    a limit of installs, or is it an open (unlimited)install like SW2003?
    I know I can only use it on one machine at a time.

    Aaron, May 17, 2005
  2. Aaron

    TOP Guest

    Why not practice administrative installs while you are at it?
    TOP, May 17, 2005
  3. Aaron

    Aaron Guest

    Does anyone have an answer for me?

    Aaron, May 19, 2005
  4. Aaron

    matt Guest

    Theoretically you can install it unlimited times. It doesn't have to dial
    up the mother ship to install or register. If you know sw03, it's just
    like that. Legally it may be another issue. If you're really just
    testing, no one's gonna bust you for multiple installs, it will only become
    a problem if you give your ser#/reg code to someone else or if you start
    double-using the same ser# simultaneously. The people I've seen busted
    have been either careless or flagrant or both. You know, when a company
    buys one seat of software, but trains 4 people and in class they're talking
    like they're all using it all day long... don't do that.
    matt, May 19, 2005
  5. Aaron

    Aaron Guest

    Thanks, matt for the straight answer.
    It's just for testing.

    Aaron, May 19, 2005
  6. Aaron

    POH Guest


    When your testing is completed on the various machines, you should do
    yourself, your co-workers and your company the favor of uninstalling
    the software. It's best not to leave active installations floating
    around which may come back to haunt you with piracy issues...

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, May 19, 2005
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