SW2005- Failed to Save Document - What!?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by whit, Jan 18, 2005.

  1. whit

    whit Guest

    SW2005sp0.1 I opened an assembly that I opened yesterday, it was sw2004
    til yesterday.

    I needed to edit and modify a part, making it into a subassy. I opened
    said part, SaveAsCopy, Opened it, clicked Make Assy From Part/Assy. Then
    inserted a new part on the face on the existing part, a couple of
    extrudes, cuts, fillets, & chamfers, click Save... "An Error occured..."

    I can't Save, SaveAs, nor SaveAsCopy the new part, the subassy nor the
    top level assy...

    Looks like Ctrl,Alt,Del is going to be the only way to close this
    session of SWX.

    Any ideas while I call my VAR?
    whit, Jan 18, 2005
  2. whit

    whit Guest

    Spoke to VAR, he said to try to delete the sketch reference (offset
    entities), as I was doing that- boom CDT. After restarting the part in
    question opened and saved OK, with nothing missing...odd.
    whit, Jan 18, 2005
  3. whit

    Scott Guest

    Scott, Jan 18, 2005
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