SW2005 Drawing Problems

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by zz, Sep 3, 2004.

  1. zz

    zz Guest

    I have encountered (2) 2005 drawing issues today:
    - I used to RMB select an edge and Hide Edge in 2004 with no problem. Now I
    can not select an edge, instead the whole line is selected (the edge is
    "co-linear to the "line" representing a different edge). This forces me to
    make a multi-body part.

    - When I print as a .pdf a multi-sheet drawing, where one sheet has a Shaded
    With Edges isometric model view, the model edges come out highlighted RED.
    To work around, I print just that page and it prints normal with black

    Also, I edit baloons text often. In 2004 when a baloon is double clicked the
    text for edditing is already highlighted - all you have to do is type new
    text. In 2005 double clicking a baloon makes its text edditable, but not
    highlighted and an annoying (in this situation) text edit toolbar pops up.

    Oh, well... can't have it all! Just wanted to share....
    zz, Sep 3, 2004
  2. zz

    Seth Renigar Guest


    This edge selection is in fact a great, and much needed new feature. With
    this feature, you don't have to zoom in tight in order to select a small
    edge at the end of a drawing line. Also, this will be very useful for
    people that use 2D CAM (sheetmetal, wire EDM, etc.) or other downstreams
    that require outlines.

    Don't fear though, you can still select individual edges just as you did
    previously by holding the shift button down while selecting.

    I haven't actually used SW2005 yet. But I have been doing a lot of reading
    on the "What's New".
    Seth Renigar, Sep 7, 2004
  3. zz

    zz Guest

    Thank you Seth! I just started reading What's New and didn't get to Hiding
    Edge yet. Now it works for me. I have to look into the benefits of the new
    feature though - I never had problems generating a .DXF file of a sheet
    metal flat layout...
    Thanks again!
    zz, Sep 8, 2004
  4. zz

    Seth Renigar Guest

    I never had problems generating a .DXF file of a sheet
    It is not the generating of the .dxf that has ever been a problem. It is
    the software that uses the .dxf information downstream that has had
    problems with the multiple edges representing one line.

    For example:
    When I first started working here, I tried to export my 2d drawings to .dxf
    so that the profiles could be used in a CAM system to program our wire EDM.
    My boss does the programming. He would get the geometry and try to apply a
    cut path to the profile. More often than not, profiles that should have
    been one line, that was made up of lots of edges, would fail. He would have
    to spend some time cleaning up the geometry (removing extra edges where it
    could be one line) and then re-try applying a cut path. He got so annoyed
    with having to do this so much that he told me to stop giving him .dxf
    files. Now, he only wants the paper drawings so he can redraw the geometry
    within the CAM system.

    Either way is a waste of time. But with this new "one edge" feature from
    SW, I foresee being able to send him .dxf files that he can actually use
    Seth Renigar, Sep 8, 2004
  5. zz

    rocheey Guest

    More often than not, profiles that should have
    Check out the "Merge faces" option of the "Flat Pattern" feature.
    rocheey, Sep 9, 2004
  6. zz

    Seth Renigar Guest


    I don't do sheetmetal. What I am talking about is for a view that makes a
    profile edge look like it should be one line, but in reality it is multiple
    edges. A simplified example can be found in the SW "What's New" document in
    chapter 9-8 (page 144 in the PDF file).
    Seth Renigar, Sep 9, 2004
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