Hi all ! Any idea how to convert SW files back earlier version? Thanx in advance .. Myki
Sorry Myki, No can do. SW is not backward compatible. The only thing to do is save as a dumb solid (parasolid, IGES, STEP, or other) then open in SW 2003/4.] Muggs
If you're using the Office version of SolidWorks you can run FeatureWorks on the dumb solid and depending on the part, it could give you a SolidWorks editable file again. Dave H
....there was this little demo program that someone wrote, which it seems is still sitting on their server... http:\\baren-boym.com\ExchWorks14Demo.zip Barenboym wrote a program called ExchangeWorks, which would convert from 2004 to 2003, parametrically with features. He never announced an updated version, and it only does extrudes, shells, fillets, no complicated features. Maybe it will help. matt
What happened (over a year ago) to the announced product that was to unfold compound (nondevelopable) surfaces <G>? Did it ever get demoed at the show? I don't recall who claimed that they were developing it .... it was not jb .... <VBG>.
See... http://www.solidmag.com/connectqna_submitanswer.php?cpfeatureid=3914 I feel very strongly about this...... The ability to 'save as' as previous version has long been on everyone's SolidWorks wish list. BUT SolidWorks has been slow at adopting it. Some commentators have said that the problem is that new features would not be compatible with older versions of SolidWorks. BUT in 3D central files can be downloaded as 2003 2004 or 2005 - all with all features !!! and if nec. I would be happy if any such new features were dumb as long as the rest retained their feature tree properties. A huge benefit for most users of having a 'save as' previous version (even if it is only 1 release back) comes whenever a new version of SolidWorks is released. Once a project is committed to say SolidWorks 2005 we currently cannot go back to using 2004 (unless we drop the feature tree - and use dumb solids). For most of us this means we wait until a) the new version is 100% stable, historically sp2. b) when all suppliers or clients on the project have also updated. Personally I would love to be able to adopt the latest version of SolidWorks as SolidWorks intends us to do, but due to not having a 'save as' previous version I have to wait. COME ON SOLIDWORKS listen to your customers !!!!!!!!!