SW2005 Config specific properties

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. Check this out. I will send it in if confirmed here.

    1. Open a part that has more than one config and has config specific
    2. Do a RMB/Properties/Custom Properties on a config that is NOT the
    current one.
    3. In the Summary Information box, change to another config and pay
    attention to the property values.

    What I'm seeing is that the values don't change to reflect the selected
    config. If you "go in" on the active config and then try it, the values
    follow the configs.

    I also tried it on an assy with 3 configs and 2 would follow & 1 would not.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 12, 2004
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