SW2004, Splines still SUCK!!!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Paul Salvador, Nov 9, 2003.

  1. Splines, the foundation for building surfaces and working with surfaces
    continue to blow chunks and the users continue having problems...

    Yeah, SW Corp, you know what you're doing.... you're BLOWING IT, out
    your ass!!!

    Paul Salvador, Nov 9, 2003
  2. So Paul,
    Did you participate in the beta program?
    If not, why?
    If so, did you report your bitches then?
    Bruce Wirkkala, Nov 9, 2003
  3. I was not asked and if I were asked, I request I get paid.

    But, in the PR's, I did send in some reports and was so disgusted with
    some of the early examples I saw, I choose not to freely help.

    My stance on this has been and always will be, as a paying user, I
    should be paid or reimbursed to offer support.
    I've requested this directly from SW Corp and they do not support this
    policy, mainly because they know they can abuse the current system by
    using a large list of indirect employees (non paying subscription

    When I do offer support is is because my data or my clients data is
    failing (I have little choice in those cases), otherwise it is out of
    frustration and in hopes a feature will evolve and get better.

    And, you, Bruce? What have you contributed??

    Paul Salvador, Nov 9, 2003
  4. BTW, I'll add, that at the time the beta program was available, I found
    out secondhand and via the ng and initially I could not download the
    beta (client network issue and I could not login).. also, I was
    "heavily" involved with a project.
    I was very curious what they were offering to get the users involved..
    points.. and rewards,.. chump change.
    After I downloaded the beta, what initially turned me off was not seeing
    any spline enhancements or insert part enhancements and PW2 did not
    change for the better. (too satisfy the peer pressure, I did send a few
    emails but I can not recall them because I "lost" 3 months of emails,
    btw, just last month.)
    Also, I have to say again, the open yet limited beta (2k users?) was a
    positive step but it should have happened years ago.
    What this did for SW Corp, imho, was to shift user participation or
    responsibility (more psychological, peer pressure and pr related in a
    ways), which is a great idea, imho, if it where my company.
    Even though, it's clear it does not fully help, and I realize not all
    bugs can be caught. I'm more annoyed by the bugs that come and go...
    why do they come and go? How is a user to part-time beta tester able
    too test that?
    Aside from the above, my interest in being a paid beta tester was more
    about a committed contract towards a testing process, not part-time when
    I have time or when I'm in the middle of a project testing. I had/have
    time and I think I'm a good tweak geek who finds problems and I was
    serious about the idea. It's funny but I think they, SW Corp and other
    software company's, are not progressive enough, they think in old ways,
    are conservative and will change only when they have numbers in front of
    them, competition makes them look bad or when shit hits the fan and they
    have too think outside their boundaries. Otherwise, in the scope or
    things, they will continue using or abusing or working within and around
    the current system.

    Paul Salvador, Nov 9, 2003
  5. Paul Salvador

    matt Guest

    Who asked you to bitch here? Who pays you to bitch here? You seem to have
    a lot of extra time to put into work that doesn't benefit anyone. You'd
    benefit yourself and other users more by learning how to harness your rage.

    matt, Nov 9, 2003
  6. Oh, Matt, sweetheart,..

    ...nobody asked me, all on my own and it's a public ng, honey.
    ...all my money and my time.
    ...I know I have helped people.

    So, in all sincerity and control, please help me to help you and bugger
    off, Matt.

    What did I learn... you're a diehard SW VAR, AE and Loyalist.

    Paul Salvador, Nov 9, 2003
  7. Paul,
    I did participate the 2004 beta program. I brought up 4 items that were
    fixed and I was pleasantly surprised to receive email confirmation of one of
    Bruce Wirkkala, Nov 10, 2003
  8. Paul Salvador

    TT Guest


    BUT, with all of the time you spend here complaining, you could of joined
    the Beta Program and made it constructive. Instead of spending 2-3 hours a
    day ranting on a newsgroup, you could have sent those to SolidWorks, right?

    Seriously, you are going to do it anyway, so why didnt you try to make it
    constructive? Instead, you wait for the full release and then rant!?

    So what is the difference between sending an e-mail to SolidWorks regarding
    your concerns, during the Beta program; then sending it here??

    I just dont get it...

    TT, Nov 10, 2003
  9. Paul Salvador

    Arthur Guest

    I was in the beta program, and I made or pointed out things that I saw wrong
    or fixed. Did it get in, NO. So all of you out there saying that "hey you
    cant bitch until you send it to SW" can get off that horse. SW really only
    does what it has to half the time and the other half is only when they
    really feel like they need to because of pressure.

    There is NO reasons why features should be suppressed after i save a file.
    That is unexcusable. WTF. What is funny is that it seems to have only really
    started recently. At least for me with in the past 2 months. This has NEVER
    happened in any version of the program before, that i know of and I have
    been on since SW '98. SO for this so start happening now is not acceptable.

    Thing about the ng is that it is a forum for us to post about good and bad
    things in the program. You cant have one with out the other. And where
    better to talk about them than here......what call and telll SW, you think
    they dont know? Now how soon do you think thid will take to fix? The next
    service pack, possibly. How much longer will we have to wait until then? I
    mean you know that SW does not release little SP. It is only with a good
    amount of fixing that they do release the next SP.
    Arthur, Nov 10, 2003
  10. Paul Salvador

    jon banquer Guest

    BUT, with all of the time you spend here complaining, you could of joined
    Pretty obvious that proper beta testing is not being done:

    Search Result 53
    From: Bing ()
    Subject: Re: New thinking in SW....
    View: Complete Thread (73 articles)
    Original Format
    Newsgroups: comp.cad.solidworks
    Date: 2003-08-15 16:16:31 PST

    "I just got done doing Beta for 2004. I used LIVE data in a REAL world mold
    environment. I know I contributed to this new release which IMO overall
    kicks butt.

    Bing "

    jon banquer, Nov 10, 2003
  11. rage.


    I hope you and Paul don't get in a big pissing match here, because I
    appreciate all the contributions that both of you have made to the
    newsgroup. I'm glad that Paul is bitching, even though I'm sure that it
    would be more effective if done in other ways. At least it gives me a heads
    up on problems with SP1 that I would not otherwise know about.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Nov 10, 2003
  12. To each his/her own but... in the real world, constructive criticism is
    either positive or negative.
    Maybe I should engage indirect superlatives using old english?

    The time spent complaining, positive or negative, was also sent to
    There, freebie submissions from a annoyed paying beta testing user.. or,
    do you and I hope that a indirect non-paying user checks and submits
    this for you and SW Corp?

    The point is about reimbursement to the paying users applying feedback
    for bugs and regressions.
    If SW Corp, a billion $ company, they've got plenty of cash, wants to
    bypass this by using indirect means, fine, bend over and take it.

    I don't get why submissive paying users help to the extent they do
    either except that they have no other choice but too bend over and take

    Don't get me wrong, I see (to a degree) the other side of this where the
    users are helping make better tool(s) with enhancement request and
    calling attention to issues/bugs/regressions.... And that adds up $$.
    For instance, enhancements or "ideas" and helping with those "ideas"
    help in SW Corp profits.
    Yeah, it also helps individuals as well as other companies.

    The sad reality is, most of the users (most new 2D users) are CLUELESS
    to what is going on. They are being resold technology and they are
    also helping re feed the companies regurgitating this all in different
    forms. Then, bugs and regression are reintroduced... users help
    again... pay subscriptions... process are faster and slower,.. buy new
    hardware,.. next release promises,... new marketing fluff,... copying
    competing ideas (sold as user enhancements)... the whole re-cycle
    process continues.... one foot forward, 1/2 a step back...

    But, after years of using the tools and paying for subscriptions, I see
    the process as flawed and slanted towards benefiting SW Corp as well as
    other software companies more than it benefits the users.

    Man, over the years.... I see the glass as "almost" half full but some
    sob is sucking from from the bottom while the paying users try and/or
    some good developers keep trying to re-fill ye olde freaking glass!

    Paul Salvador, Nov 10, 2003
  13. Seconded Here! By a non-compensated paying user to boot.

    The ubiquitous diatribal kvetch with glistenings of ubermenschkeit not
    warmly embraced here either.

    The flow of expletives is uncharacteristic of a person of such
    undoubted ability and intelligence.

    Truly frightening . . .


    Here's the real question we all need to ask ourselves right about

    Why is it that the world never remembered the name of Johann
    Gambolputty de von Ausfern- schplenden- schlitter- crasscrenbon-
    fried- digger- dingle- dangle- dongle- dungle- burstein- von- knacker-
    thrasher- apple- banger- horowitz- ticolensic- grander- knotty-
    spelltinkle- grandlich- grumblemeyer- spelterwasser- kurstlich-
    himbleeisen- bahnwagen- gutenabend- bitte- ein- nürnburger-
    bratwustle- gerspurten- mitz- weimache- luber- hundsfut- gumberaber-
    shönedanker- kalbsfleisch- mittler- aucher von Hautkopft of Ulm?
    (source = monty python - sorry everyone I couldn't resist.)
    Sean-Michael Adams, Nov 10, 2003
  14. Hmm... just curious, do you work with or collaborate with Matt?

    Paul Salvador, Nov 11, 2003
  15. Paul Salvador

    matt Guest

    If it's really all that bad for you, the right thing to do is to just
    walk away.

    matt, Nov 11, 2003
  16. BTW, I thought I lost this but here, a symbol or award for your help..


    ....oh, please, I'm blushing, don't thank me, it was the least I could
    offer for your support.

    ... ;^)
    Paul Salvador, Nov 11, 2003
  17. The Nadir Has Been Reached . . .

    Sadly We Have Entered The "Delusions Of Adequacy" Portion Of The
    Thread . . .

    I Now Fully Understand Your Need For Surfaces . . .

    Please Free To Resume The Meteoric Tirade Already In Progress - Free
    From Interjection . . .
    Sean-Michael Adams, Nov 11, 2003
  18. Sauve qui peut!

    Paul Salvador, Nov 11, 2003
  19. Bonjour M.Salvador,

    Parlé francais, j'aimerai bien conversé avec vous, merci.

    Bonne journée
    Laury Tremblay, Nov 11, 2003
  20. Correctif, j'ai oublié un mot, Parlé vous francais...
    Laury Tremblay, Nov 11, 2003
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