SW2004 SP5.0

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Dec 14, 2004.

  1. I see it's out - anyone try it yet?

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 14, 2004
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    Seth Renigar Guest

    Installing now...
    Seth Renigar, Dec 14, 2004
  3. Wayne Tiffany

    CS Guest

    I put my colleague on the early visibility version because he was crashing
    alot in assemblys and he hasn't complained since.

    CS, Dec 14, 2004
  4. Wayne Tiffany

    Seth Renigar Guest

    2 hours and so far so good. I was stuck on SP0.0 due to the WinXP SP2.0
    thingy. It was very buggy and crashy. Since installing SP5.0 a little
    while ago, I have done some fairly complex stuff that will usually stress SW
    and the system a lot. So far, SW seems to be running a lot smoother and
    more stable.

    Cross my finger.... Knock on wood... and all that stuff!!!!
    Seth Renigar, Dec 14, 2004
  5. Wayne Tiffany

    neil Guest

    OK got a problem here (groan)
    my update ended in fatal error 1603 right in the last few secs of cd no.3.
    Internal Error 2753 UpdateBrowserData.exe
    should say that I have 2003,2004,2005 versions aboard
    neil, Dec 14, 2004
  6. Wayne Tiffany

    neil Guest

    I think there may be some issues for multi installs- I found a list of error
    numbers and it said 2753 is related to authoring problems.
    perhaps those with 03,04,05 aboard should hold off for now.
    I reported my experience to my VAR and he said he would talk to SW.
    neil, Dec 15, 2004
  7. Wayne Tiffany

    pope Guest

    anyone have access to 2004 SP5? I'm stuck at 3.0 and I'm trying to
    google for what has happened since then. Our subscription ran out. I
    crash a lot in assemblies.

    pope, Dec 16, 2004
  8. Wayne Tiffany

    Cliff Guest

    Sounds like a good example of why some firms don't switch
    to the latest release at once <g>.
    What were you using before?
    Cliff, Dec 16, 2004
  9. Wayne Tiffany

    pope Guest

    we've been using SW since version 2001, then installed 2003, went thru
    those service packs and then have been on 2004 since it came out and
    the service packs till lately. It's not a question of a cheap boss,
    it's a question of SolidWorks not releasing fixes to their buggy
    software without a subscription.
    pope, Dec 17, 2004
  10. Wayne Tiffany

    matt Guest

    If you're listening to what folks are saying, you'll hear that you can
    get any service pack for a major release you have paid for. Everyone
    else with 2004 sp5 so far sounds very positive. Your VAR should be
    able to get this service pack for you. Is there some other difficulty?

    matt, Dec 17, 2004
  11. Wayne Tiffany

    Seth Renigar Guest

    Your boss needs to understand how much it costs delaying projects to deal
    I finally got my boss to "see the light" on this very issue. I just got a
    new system a few weeks ago (it was like pulling teeth to get it). I went
    from a P4-2.4Ghz 1Gb memory to a P4-3.2Ghz (with HD) 2Gb memory. Not a huge
    leap in technology but still fairly significant.

    After working with the system for a few days, I estimated that I was saving
    between approx.15-30min. a day from my previous system. In a days time,
    that isn't a real huge savings. Over a year, it is not hard to figure out
    that it easily pays for itself, even though it was a fairly expensive
    system. Now that he has seen the benefits, I will probably be getting a new
    system every 12-18 months or so as long as technology increases at the same
    speed as it has been.
    Seth Renigar, Dec 17, 2004
  12. Neil,
    How did you solve this.

    I remove SW2003 and SW2004 SP4.2 from my computer to reinstall a fresh copy.
    When I load my original SW2004SP0 disk into the drive and click install the
    windows installer asks me if I want to modify , repair or delete
    SW2004SP2.1, which ever option I choose I get an Internal error 2753 and the
    option fails.

    I am running XPro SP2

    Thank you for your help

    Richard Morgan
    RICHARD MORGAN, Dec 22, 2004
  13. Wayne Tiffany

    neil Guest

    I haven't had a reply from my VAR yet re 03,04.05.
    phoned them yesterday and the bu$$er has gone on holiday...not urgent but..
    : {

    there was an official issue with installing SW 2004sp 2.with SW 2003 aboard
    that was resolved by installing by using the command line rather than the
    installer - did you do that?? (that was what I did at the time). I seem to
    remember that was also an instance where I had the error 2753.
    my guess is that there are problems downstream from that for us because the
    reg entries may not be set up exactly the same way that has been authored
    for xpsp2 compatibility/sp5 migration OR that again there are cross
    pollination issues for the installer.
    I would surmise that multi installs wasn't allowed for or tested when
    coded -(sigh)

    in your case to get back to work you probably need to clean out the SW reg
    entries after you uninstall for a truly fresh install....however you may
    need to remove xpsp2 to load up early sp properly???... I really am not in a
    position to answer.
    This needs to come from SW.I suggest you get official help from your VAR.

    - as an aside - there is a recent SW bulletin about rolling back sp with
    xpsp2 that maybe you should be aware as well at this time if you haven't
    seen it.

    if you find out anything let us know.
    neil, Dec 22, 2004
  14. Wayne Tiffany

    neil Guest

    sorry that should read : 'installing SW 2004 sp 2.1 with SW 2003 aboard'
    neil, Dec 22, 2004
  15. Wayne Tiffany

    Gary Wolfe Guest

    Same XP Pro SP2 problem here--downloaded 'Windows Install Cleanup' from
    Microsoft and deleted the SW2004 entry in 'Add-Remove Programs' control
    panel applet. Then did a fresh install from the disks (SP0) and updated
    directly to the desired SW2004 service pack (5.0). Windows installer

    Gary Wolfe, Dec 23, 2004
  16. Wayne Tiffany

    neil Guest

    ok Gary!
    so it works if you avoid the intermediate sps (esp. sp 2.1 no doubt...)
    before I try this can you clarify for me/us that you have 03,04 and 05
    neil, Dec 23, 2004
  17. Wayne Tiffany


    Can you post the link to the microsoft web page where I can download
    this Windows Install Cleanup program.

    All I can find on there web site is a update to XP SP2 to stop the
    installer hanging up:

    This update helps resolve an issue where Windows Installer running on
    Windows XP Service Pack 2 stops responding when you install an update.
    After you install this item, you may have to restart your computer

    Thank you

    MORGDESIGN, Dec 23, 2004
  18. Wayne Tiffany


    MORGDESIGN, Dec 23, 2004
  19. Wayne Tiffany

    Gary Wolfe Guest


    I've got SW2004 SP5.0 & SW2005 Sp0.1 installed now. I removed SW2001+ and
    SW2003 a while back. SP 4.0-4.1-4.2 seem to have Installer problems for me,
    and I've tried a couple of times. The trick is to avoid the intermediate
    SP's. Not sure what value there is to go back (to buggy software) any way.
    Installer seems to rarely roll back well as advertised, and is basically a
    surefire headache.

    Gary Wolfe, Dec 24, 2004
  20. Wayne Tiffany

    neil Guest

    thanks Gary,
    because I have 03 also I might wait until I hear back from my VAR in the new
    year what the Solidworks soln is (if they have one) just to make sure I have
    the same generic problem as you with the ms installer - I have customised
    toolbars in 04 I would like to avoid redoing if possible.
    neil, Dec 24, 2004
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