SW2004 SP1 video problem in drawing mode

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mamba, Dec 6, 2003.

  1. Mamba

    Mamba Guest


    have been using SP 0 for a while, and found it rather instable but at least
    it worked well. Now, after updating to SP1 I (we) experience a very annoying

    In drawing mode everyting becomes very sluggish. Making detail views,
    sections views etc. takes about 10 times as much time as with SP 0 (and I
    checked on two systems). But the most annoying thing is that creating /
    dragging dimensioning has become such a nuisance that I went back to SP 0.

    Dragging a dimension or note makes the dimension flicker of and on like a
    bad lightbulb. It takes a second after I select a dimension before it
    "sticks" to the pointer.

    Even, when CTRL-TABbing from a model to the drawing the model keeps visible
    through a completely screwed up drawing window. Only restarting SW help.

    It seems to me a video problem. I am not the only one. A mate of mine called
    me the other day. Different company, different hardware, exactly same
    problem. Also he and his colleagues went back to SP 0, and halted migrating
    from 2003 to SW2004 for the rest of the company (and they are a big company
    with lots of seats).

    I know there is a problem and that is it not just me. But is there a work
    around? But e.g. somenone found an OpenGL setting that needs to be changed
    or so? We use Compaq/HP workstations, W2K and WXP, and Nvidia OpenGL cards.
    SW approved stuff.

    Mamba, Dec 6, 2003
  2. Mamba

    bob zee Guest

    there is a big difference between swx approved stuff and what really works.
    could you please give is some more specific details about your hardware -
    mainly video card and the driver.
    bob zee, Dec 6, 2003
  3. I'm seeing some of the same issues. Running nVidia Quadro4 900 XGL, with driver as noted by the Device Manager, on Win XP Pro. Also, make
    sure you don't have more than one instance of SW running.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 6, 2003
  4. Mamba

    Mamba Guest

    Hardware: my system is a HP XW6000 with a Nvidia Quadro4 750XGL, W2K with
    all SP's, 512 MB RAM, NVidia OpenGL video settings set to SolidWorks, only
    one instance of SW.

    The other system is a Compaq W6000 with NVidia Quadro4 (don't now the type
    right now). also W2K with all SP's and video settings to SW

    The systems they use in my buddies office: don't know, but they vary. Using
    WXP instead of W2K

    Problem descriptions are the same

    Mamba, Dec 6, 2003
  5. Mamba

    Merry Owen Guest

    Myself and a mate reported this to our VAR shortly after upgrading - it
    appears that it is known problem and I was advised that it is to be fixed in
    SP 2. Sometimes it appears to be a case of one step forward and 2 steps

    Merry Owen, Dec 9, 2003
  6. Mamba

    Timelord Guest

    Timelord, Dec 9, 2003
  7. Mamba

    CSWP Guest

    I am seeing the same issues. I am using an ATI Fire GL 8800 latest
    driver ( SP1 has been just sluggish compared to SP0.

    CSWP, Dec 9, 2003
  8. Mamba

    Dave Guest

    No sure if this will help you or not but a friend of mine was having issues
    on drawing that sound the same as yours. After a lot of experimenting he
    stumbled upon he fact that if he didn't load his drawing templates that his
    performance is as it should be. As a workaround until this can be sorted
    out he is just creating his drawings without templates. Have your tried that
    Dave, Dec 20, 2003
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