SW2004 SP1.0 drawing dimension precision

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Dec 3, 2003.

  1. I am now in the drawing stage and am having some issues.

    I have my units set to mm, with the dual dim on inches-decimal. I can't get
    the inches to display any precision other than 3 places. I can force it to
    round off fractions, but if I have it set to decimal it's always 3 places
    regardless of the setting. I have tried different units for the dual, and
    it's always 3 places - even angstroms. (Can you say BIG numbers?) Anyone
    else see this?

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 3, 2003
  2. Hey, how about someone else trying this for me - see if it's SP1.0, or

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 4, 2003
  3. Wayne Tiffany

    neil Guest

    yes there seems to be something wrong - my template is set to 2 places but a
    dimension will not update to other places when I use unit options to change
    neil, Dec 4, 2003
  4. Wayne Tiffany

    kenneth b Guest

    i can get any desired precision using sp0

    i'm setting under document properties, detailing, dimensions, precision.
    kenneth b, Dec 4, 2003
  5. Okay, I tried it, but you won't like this....

    My "dualed" dimensions will not display other than TWO decimal places. I
    think it's a setting we're missing somewhere buddy. I'll keep poking around.

    Richard Doyle, Dec 4, 2003
  6. I'm finding that I cannot change the dual units via the "units" dialog. If I
    use the "precision" dialog however, it does affect the "units" setting.
    Uhhh..did that make sense?

    Try this...

    Tools>Options>Document Properties>Units
    Set mm as primary, inches as dual
    Set all decimal places at 2

    Tools>Options>Document Properties>Detailing>Dimensions>Precision
    Set everything to 2

    Add model items (dims)

    Tools>Options>Document Properties>Units
    Set mm to 3 decimal places
    Set inches to 3 decimal places

    mm drawing dims update, inches do not

    I'm thinking I've got too much time on my hands....

    Richard Doyle, Dec 4, 2003
  7. Yes, I forgot to mention that. You can change each dimension individually,
    just not with "Units." Sorry.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 4, 2003
  8. Wayne Tiffany

    kenneth b Guest

    i can't get the dual precision to change using document properties, units
    kenneth b, Dec 4, 2003
  9. Wayne Tiffany

    kenneth b Guest

    you can still set under document properties, detailing, dimensions,
    kenneth b, Dec 4, 2003
  10. Hmmm, interesting. That means it's not just SP1.0.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 4, 2003

  11. Wow. Seven posts on this issue and we've finally understood it. Kind of like
    walking around the block to get next door, but thanks Dale - you've
    explained the situation perfectly.

    Richard Doyle, Dec 4, 2003
  12. Wayne Tiffany

    kema Guest

    1) Double-click the offending dimensions
    2) Click Precision button (bottom left of dialog box)
    3) The upper 2 pulldowns are for Primary dimensions, and the lower 2
    are for *dual* dimension precision...Easy as that.

    TO make it Default:
    1) Goto Tools\Options
    2) Document Properties Tab
    3) Select Dimensions at the left
    4) Click Precision button (bottom dialog box)
    5) The upper 2 pulldowns are for Primary dimensions, and the lower 2
    are for *dual* dimension precision...Easy as that.

    Works fine here. SW2004 sp1.0

    kema, Dec 5, 2003
  13. Wayne Tiffany

    kenneth b Guest

    yeah, i think we got that.

    problem is, '04 now has settings for controlling dual precision under;
    tools, options, document properties, units

    this is the option this discussion refers to
    kenneth b, Dec 5, 2003
  14. Wayne Tiffany

    kema Guest

    Matt Lombard has some macros posted at his site to change the
    precision. I took them a step further. I've pasted my 3Place macro
    in below. I linked it to the number "3" on the keyboard. So all I do
    is select the dimension(s), and then hit 3. The precision changes to
    3, and the alternate units precision changes to 4 if it's a metric
    drawing or 2 if it's an imperial drawing. The tolerance also updates
    to the same precision. Note the alternate unit and tolerance still
    have to be turned on/set for that dimension. I have a macro for
    0Place, 1Place, 2Place, 3Place, and 4Place (you should be able to find
    the correct lines below to change in each macro), that I have linked
    to my 0, 1, 2, 3, & 4 keys. Only thing I don't like is that you have
    to pan the screen or do a refresh to get them to show up immediately.
    So usually I run one of the macros and the tap the MMB to make sure it
    updated the way I expected it too.

    I also have one to switch to fractions if you're interested in that.

    Ken Bolen

    ' 3Place.swb
    Dim swApp As Object
    Dim Part As Object
    Dim SelMgr As Object
    Dim selCount As Integer
    Dim selType As Integer
    Dim retval As Variant
    Dim dimension As Object

    'These definitions are consistent with type names defined in
    swconst.bas and swconst.h
    '*** swUserPreferenceIntegerValue ***
    Const swSelDIMENSIONS = 14
    Const swUnitsLinear = 47 ' Millimeters=0, Inches=3
    Sub main()
    Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
    Set Part = swApp.ActiveDoc

    Dim MyVar001, MyVar002, MyVar003, MyVar004, MyVar005 As Integer
    MyVar005 = Part.GetUserPreferenceIntegerValue(swUnitsLinear)

    If MyVar005 = 3 Then
    'For Inch Units
    MyVar001 = 3 'Primary Precision (Inch)
    MyVar002 = 3 'Primary Tolerance (Inch)
    MyVar003 = 2 'Alternate Precision (Metric)
    MyVar004 = 2 'Alternate Tolerance (Metric)
    'For Metric Units
    MyVar001 = 3 'Primary Precision (Metric)
    MyVar002 = 3 'Primary Tolerance (Metric)
    MyVar003 = 4 'Alternate Precision (Inch)
    MyVar004 = 4 'Alternate Tolerance (Inch)
    End If

    Set SelMgr = Part.SelectionManager()
    selCount = SelMgr.GetSelectedObjectCount()
    If (selCount > 0) Then
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 To selCount
    selType = SelMgr.GetSelectedObjectType2(i)
    If (selType = swSelDIMENSIONS) Then
    Set dimension = SelMgr.GetSelectedObject3(i)
    Dim primaryPrec As Long
    Dim alternatePrec As Long
    Dim primaryTol As Long
    Dim alternateTol As Long
    retval = dimension.GetUseDocPrecision()
    primaryPrec = MyVar001
    primaryTol = MyVar002
    alternatePrec = MyVar003
    alternateTol = MyVar004
    retval = dimension.SetPrecision(False, primaryPrec,
    alternatePrec, primaryTol, alternateTol) 'line wrapped in newsgroup
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    kema, Dec 5, 2003
  15. Wayne Tiffany

    kema Guest

    The only setting I see there is for which Units to show the dual
    dimensions in. There is no mention of what precision to apply to
    those Units. Setting the default precision is under
    Tools\Options\Document Properties\Dimensions\Precision button. Or you
    can set each dimension individually.

    SW2004 sp1.0

    kema, Dec 6, 2003
  16. Wayne Tiffany

    kenneth b Guest

    The only setting I see there is for which Units to show the dual

    ok, under document properties>units>dual units
    what is the decimal places button for? would this not be considered as

    btw, under document properties>units>length units
    it will change the precision of the primary units

    kenneth b
    kenneth b, Dec 6, 2003
  17. Wayne Tiffany

    kema Guest

    ok, under document properties>units>dual units

    Now that is wierd. The decimal places under document
    properties>units>length units and document properties>units>angular
    units seem to be linked to the same respective values for the
    dimension precision as under document
    properties>detailing>dimensions>precision. But the value for the dual
    units between the two locations are not linked. Any dimensions I put
    in the drawing, came in according to the dimension value precision
    setting under document properties>detailing>dimensions>precision, so
    the decimal places box under document properties>units>dual units
    seems to be useless?

    Either way, the precision for the tolerance on any dimensions (length,
    dual, and angular) still had to be set under document

    I guess I was able to avoid that bug since the dimension values on our
    templates got set up at the document
    properties>detailing>dimensions>precision location, and any dimension
    changes I make (precision of the dimension value or tolerance), I make
    with a macro (that changes the dimension and tolerance precision

    Thanks for clearing that up for me (hope I didn't sound like a jerk
    Ken Bolen
    kema, Dec 7, 2003
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