SW2004 sp 1.0 Drawings SLOW

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Lon Flickinger, Nov 12, 2003.

  1. After installing the SP 1.0 for SW 2004 yesterday on 4 of our seats,
    we all have encountered extremely slow view dragging as well as moving
    of blocks on the sheet. By slow I mean when you click on the view and
    move it, it moves a bit, waits 2 seconds, moves again, waits 2 second
    and finally catches up with my mouse. This is very unproductive. One
    of the guys even says it's happening when moving dimensions. With the
    odds of all of us here having this issue after SP 1.0 many of you must
    have it to. Anyone? Solidworks, are you guys going to fix this ASAP?
    If not I'm re-installing SP 0.

    Lon Flickinger
    Lon Flickinger, Nov 12, 2003
  2. Interesting, I had just the opposite effect. A drawing that was a little
    slow when moving views yesterday seems faster today (I upgraded about 5
    minutes ago).

    I also like the new ballooning method.

    Richard Doyle, Nov 12, 2003

  3. I just discovered another part to this performance bug. I backed out
    of my drawing and Solidworks all together, restarted Solidworks and
    re-opened my drawing. I grabbed a drawing view and it moved smooth as
    silk and fast like normal, however after being in the drawing for
    about 3 minutes, the view/block dragging speed started degrading until
    finally it was slower than hell again like I mentioned above. Try it,
    I bet you get the same results. Just stay in the drawing a while and
    move some views around save rebuild etc. The dragging speed will slow
    down enormously.

    Lon Flickinger, Nov 12, 2003
  4. Lon Flickinger

    Seth Renigar Guest


    I have had this problem since SW2003 approx. SP3. It only happens on SOME
    of my more complicated assembly drawings, but not all of them. And yes, it
    would do this when trying to drag views, dimensions, sketch geometry, or
    notes, as well as a delay with all RMB menus, delay when double clicking
    note text to edit, among other general slow-downs.

    Like I said, it only does this with certain complicated drawings. I can
    have 2 equally complicated drawings open, and when the "slow-down" hits one
    of them, I can ctrl-tab to the other drawing and everything is fine.
    Ctrl-tab back to the original one and it is still SLOW.

    I have sent files to my VAR, and of course they could not reproduce this...
    But, like you said, restarting SW usually helps, for a while anyway. I just
    don't have time to close document, close SW, open SW, and open documents all
    of the time so I just deal with it.

    I have considered that it may possibly be a video driver problem. But I
    have never tried another driver since it is not on my top-10 list. I may go
    several weeks without a problem. Then again, I may have this problem
    several times in one day. I can live with that for now, but it may be
    something you could try if you can't live with it.

    Seth Renigar
    Seth Renigar, Nov 12, 2003
  5. Lon,
    Yep, I see it now. One thing you can do while we work at getting this fixed
    is to turn off "Show contents while dragging drawing view".

    I'm sure someone has turned this in by now, but I'll send it off to my VAR
    and see what happens.

    Richard Doyle, Nov 12, 2003
  6. Lon,
    Yep, I see it now. One thing you can do while we work at getting this fixed
    is to turn off "Show contents while dragging drawing view".

    I'm sure someone has turned this in by now, but I'll send it off to my VAR
    and see what happens.

    Richard Doyle, Nov 12, 2003
  7. Lon,
    Yep, I see it now. One thing you can do while we work at getting this fixed
    is to turn off "Show contents while dragging drawing view".

    I'm sure someone has turned this in by now, but I'll send it off to my VAR
    and see what happens.

    Richard Doyle, Nov 12, 2003
  8. I just discovered another part to this performance bug. I backed out
    I see it now. While it's getting fixed, try turning off "Show contents when
    dragging drawing view".

    I'm submitting this to the VAR.

    Richard Doyle, Nov 12, 2003
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