SW2004, sketches and feature become suppressed when reopening.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Paul Salvador, Nov 9, 2003.

  1. SW Corp,

    After reopening files saved in SW2004 sp1, sketches and features become
    This is random and totally wacked!!

    For instance, sketches are suppressed within features????

    Your programming SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

    Paul Salvador, Nov 9, 2003
  2. Paul Salvador

    David Janes Guest

    : SW Corp,
    : After reopening files saved in SW2004 sp1, sketches and features become
    : suppressed.
    : This is random and totally wacked!!
    : For instance, sketches are suppressed within features????
    : Your programming SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
    It's not just that ~ it's that they knew it and sold it anyway. Oh, yeah, they
    knew it, they must have known it, no way that anyone with a half a brain and
    quarter of an eye couldn't have known it.

    Class action, consumer fruad lawsuits, anyone!?! Ooooo, that'll get their
    attention. Hey, Salvador, ya gotta mouth, no doubt about that; ya gotta spine to
    go with it? Man, that's a devastating combination. Anyone care to join our hero!

    David Janes
    David Janes, Nov 9, 2003
  3. Paul Salvador

    David Janes Guest

    : SW Corp,
    : After reopening files saved in SW2004 sp1, sketches and features become
    : suppressed.
    : This is random and totally wacked!!
    : For instance, sketches are suppressed within features????
    : Your programming SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!
    It's not just that ~ it's that they knew it and sold it anyway. Oh, yeah, they
    knew it, they must have known it, no way that anyone with a half a brain and
    quarter of an eye couldn't have known it.

    Class action, consumer fruad lawsuits, anyone!?! Ooooo, that'll get their
    attention. Hey, Salvador, ya gotta mouth, no doubt about that; ya gotta spine to
    go with it? Man, that's a devastating combination. Anyone care to join our hero!
    Hey, sign me up. Oh, and don't leave PTC/Proe out of this, either. Talk about your
    used car salesmen.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Nov 9, 2003
  4. Paul Salvador

    Jacob Filek Guest


    I've seen this in SP0.0 ... thought I was going nuts...
    Jacob Filek, Nov 9, 2003
  5. Thanks for verifying this, Jacob!

    I thought I was loosing it today so I did a series of saves and opens
    and it started to show up.

    Also, btw, the new Save Tessellation option turns off and on. GEEZ!,
    what's next!??

    Paying beta testers = SW subscription users getting the royal shaft!

    Paul Salvador, Nov 9, 2003
  6. David,

    Actually, I've been thinking about this, seriously.
    I'd be willing to offer my time and my own money to get some San
    Francisco law offices involved.

    If enough people are willing, maybe 100 initially, and possibly more
    will become aware after a public notice, we could then get a significant
    petition, at least 1K, to interest some law firm for a class action. We
    might also get some developers to make some statements or some past SW
    employees too make statements?

    There is enough evidence that they are falsely advertising SW as being a
    more productive tool from previous releases and repeatedly releasing
    regressions per sp and geometry changes per sp and I'm sure there could
    be more we could add to the claims...

    It will take a few months to compile information for the law
    offices,...then we wait..

    ...it may take a few years, but I would wager a settlement is very

    No bs, this is serious stuff and pursuing this action means committing
    time and energy and facts.

    Plus, it's going to piss people off and it also will, I think, send a
    very strong message to companies selling half baked software and a
    message that the paying users are sick and tired of being used as beta
    testers and that core issues are more important than marketing fluff and
    false advertising.

    We pay them,... maybe it's time they paid us for using us as beta

    Paul Salvador, Nov 9, 2003
  7. Paul Salvador

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    OMG, Paul you are like a FRIGGIN mind reader. I was actually going to post
    about this same issue this week. I though that it was something that I was
    doing. I feel like the friggin weight has been lifted and the light at the
    end of the of the tunnel was a train.

    Let me know abuot the law suit
    Arthur Y-S, Nov 9, 2003
  8. Arthur and Ken,

    I wish I was a mind reader, it could have helped me with a few woman!?

    But anyhow, I'm not sure about this being a surface only thing but as
    you guys have guessed I'm testing most everything with surface files.
    So, it maybe just a surface thing? Then again, Mike just mentioned
    sheetmetal had a problem?

    Law suit.. posturing in a more serious way I guess but it may be the
    only way or hope in making it clear that users can not be used like this
    anymore, consistency is a priority and vague misleading marketing will
    not be tolerated unless independent facts cover those claims.
    Marketing people are more than half of everyone's problem, imo.
    I know most of you do not like this or me being a pita and I don't like
    it either, I mean that, but it seems to me that over the years,
    marketing has been jerking us and companies around way too much.
    After using SW2004 sp0 and now sp1, yes, I'm annoyed by the sugar
    coating and concerned with the modeling failures and slowness I've
    tested,.. yeah, same old same but why? Why does it have to be this
    way? Why??

    'Tis the season and one thing is constant.. next release promises...
    because, they at least give the users hope, but I'm really tired of
    getting the same rocks in my annual stocking, yaknow?

    Paul Salvador, Nov 9, 2003
  9. I don't think surfaces or 'curvy stuff' has anything to do with it. I base
    this on the fact that we do 99.9% fairly simple sheet metal here and we've
    been experiencing the same thing. You can add my name to the perition.
    Not Necessarily Me, Nov 10, 2003
  10. The last time we got their attention was when Sporkman started a maintenance
    fee boycott. That helped for a little while. Seems to be wearing off,
    though. Time to hit them between the eyes again? Maybe with a 4X4 instead of
    a 2X4?

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Nov 10, 2003
  11. Hey Eddy and all,

    If you or anyone knows of a good online questionnaire/survey like
    Zoomerang, let me know?

    Paul Salvador, Nov 11, 2003

  12. I find it hard to imagine that video cards and processors have anything to
    do with sketches and features becoming suppressed. I've barely started
    working in SW04, but my senior partner in crime has been working with it
    pretty heavily for a couple of weeks now and has seen it once.
    Unfortunately, it was too long ago to remember the particulars. My junior
    partner hasn't seen it yet. Might it be tied to configurations? We're
    running SP0.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Nov 11, 2003
  13. Hey Jerry,

    I can only add, none of the files I have tested have configurations.
    It is random and not something I can reproduced with any consistency.
    For me, it happens only after reopening the file which was just saved,
    it has not happened during a sw session.
    BTW, from what I understand, it does not seem to be limited to surfaces.

    What I'd suggest is, if some one has macro which can check for
    suppressed features, it may help with finding a link to what was last
    worked on and what then becomes suppressed after the save?

    Paul Salvador, Nov 11, 2003
  14. Paul Salvador

    kenneth b Guest

    happened to me last night for the 1st time on a basic prismatic part. using
    2004 on a limited basis.
    kenneth b, Nov 11, 2003
  15. Paul Salvador

    DaveL Guest

    this just happened to me on a rather simple model. it is a pretty
    outragous bug and as someone said earlier, SW must have known about it
    but released it anyway. rather shamefull.
    DaveL, Nov 12, 2003
  16. Paul Salvador

    kenneth b Guest

    it happened to me when creating a "new" part. i saved it, re-opened a few
    minutes later, last 3 features were suppressed.
    kenneth b, Nov 12, 2003
  17. Paul Salvador

    kenneth b Guest

    no surfaces, simple prismatic part. so far, we aren't movin' to 2004
    anytime soon. :(
    kenneth b, Nov 12, 2003
  18. Paul Salvador

    matt Guest

    Is there any chance that it has to do with rolling back or editing a
    feature or sketch that causes the model to roll back?

    matt, Nov 14, 2003
  19. Paul Salvador

    kenneth b Guest

    Is there any chance that it has to do with rolling back or editing a

    no rolling back or editing. just created a new part, laid down some
    features, saved and closed. kind of freaked me out when i re-opened. i
    tend to stare into the graphics screen when a part loads and when this one
    opened, half of it was missing. a quick glance over to the fm and i realized
    the last few features had become suppressed somehow.

    kenneth b, Nov 14, 2003
  20. Paul Salvador

    matt Guest

    There is a chance that the cause of this has to do with the "Save as PDF"
    add in. I have seen the problem when putting new but saved bottom-up parts
    into assemblies with multiple windows open via drag and drop.

    Try working with the PDF add in turned off. They're working on a SP2 fix
    for this problem.

    matt, Dec 12, 2003
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