SW2004 - PWX2 bugs- FYI

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Edward T Eaton, Oct 6, 2003.

  1. I hadn't read posts about any of these, so I thought I'd post to save the
    next schmuck from wasting the time I just did:

    1: 'Use Solidworks materials' under the PWX system options does not, in
    fact, use the SW material proeprties for render. Its broken and 'will be
    fixed in SP1'. Right now, the default material you set in PWx will be
    applied instead.

    2: If you have the above setting set, textures will render as black. I
    don't know if this has an SPR already. Just turn the 'Use Solidworks
    materials' setting off, because its broken anyway, and you'll be fine.

    3. When making custom textured materials (you know, with tiled images you
    select) you can no longer select an image file to tile. They kind of forgot
    that part of the interface in SP0. Ooooops. I am told that it will be
    'fixed in SP1'. In the mean time, I think we can trick old materials to
    look at new iamge files by playing some file name switcheroos; the old
    materials will be trashed (need to reverse the switcheroo later), but at
    least we can keep moving on.

    Edward T Eaton, Oct 6, 2003
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