SW2004 hotkeys

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Nov 22, 2003.

  1. I just figured out why my "c" hotkey for circle didn't work any more.
    SW2004 now has it assigned to Expand/Collapse Tree, which, obviously I knew,
    because I added it to the list. Duhh. However, in the list I said I
    couldn't get it to do anything, so I unassigned my circle "c" and theirs
    still didn't do anything. Hmm. I guess I prefer my "c" that I use all the
    time to theirs that doesn't do anything - not too hard to make that choice.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 22, 2003
  2. SW2004 assigned ctrl+m to Mate Diagnostics, which would only apply in an

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 22, 2003
  3. Wayne Tiffany

    Jacob Filek Guest

    Can you assign any hotkey to the "Expand/Collapse Tree"?

    I can hot get that one to work with any hotkey sequence...
    Jacob Filek, Nov 22, 2003
  4. I can assign one to it, but it doesn't appear to do anything. I guess I'm
    expecting to see it collapse all the features, or just the selected branch
    in the tree, depending on what you have highlighted at the time of the

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 22, 2003
  5. Wayne Tiffany

    Mark Downey Guest

    I have also noticed that if you try to type any of the hot keys when
    trying to type a search into SW help the key stroke gets ignored in
    help and performs the assigned function in SW.

    Does anyone know if this has been fixed in SP1? I haven't had time to
    download and install yet.


    Mark Downey
    Mark Downey, Nov 23, 2003
  6. I just tried it and couldn't find a problem. I tried m, d, w, etc. and they
    all went in just fine. I do remember something about SW Explorer & certain
    keystrokes, though.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 24, 2003
  7. I assigned a different hotkey (alt-t) to "Expand/Collapse Tree", but it
    appears the only time it works is when the Property Manager has taken
    over the Feature Tree area and the Feature Tree is moved to the graphics
    Steve Rauenbuehler, Nov 24, 2003
  8. BINGO - you win the prize! Makes sense when you finally know what it's
    supposed to do. The new feature of the superimposed FM tree in the graphics
    area is what stretches open or collapses when you hit the hotkey. Hmmm,
    wonder if that's documented anywhere? Look at "FeatureManager design tree,
    flyout" in the Help - this is where I would put it.

    Wayne Tiffany, Nov 24, 2003
  9. I wish SWX would leave the friggin hotkeys to us!
    Malcolm_Tempt, Nov 25, 2003
  10. Can anyone say PGN file!!! Way back when in my AutoBAD daze I would carry
    that little gem on a floppy to what ever machine I had to work on. For you
    non-AutoCAD people it was a text file that held all your keyboard short cut
    I wonder if someone could write a piece of code that would change those
    settings. Something that would capture what is on someone's machine & save
    it to a text file or something. As I do a lot hand on training here at work
    I would actually pay for that one. Not to mention every time you upgrade or
    have to reinstall for one reason or another.

    Matt B.
    Matthew A. Bush, Nov 25, 2003
  11. Wayne Tiffany

    Merry Owen Guest

    Your shortcut key information is contained in the 'user_name.cus' file in
    the user sub-directory of SW. You can copy your .cus file, drop it on
    another computer and just change the name to the name of the person you are
    logged on as (i.e. on your computer it may be Bill.cus and to use it on
    Fred's computer re-name Fred's Fred.cus to something else [so you can
    reinstate it] and then copy yours across and re-name it to Fred.cus -
    voila - you are now blessed with your own shortcut keys.

    Merry :)

    Merry Owen, Nov 27, 2003
  12. U da MAN!!!!

    Many thanks Merry, If you are going to SWW I shall buy you a drink!!

    Matt B.
    Matthew A. Bush, Dec 1, 2003
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