SW2004 - First Impression

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Big Bob 1971, Sep 25, 2003.

  1. Big Bob 1971

    Big Bob 1971 Guest

    Hi All,

    I have just had the opportunity to use SolidWorks 2004 SP0.0 as
    downloaded from the SW website on a production job. Actually a
    customer specifically requested it. I have been using SolidWorks
    since version 96+ but have not had the chance to look at 04 yet.
    Nothing like jumping right into the frying pan.

    I am designing a four cavity family injection mould with two slides
    per cavity and a contoured parting line.

    Off the bat, I was a little confused by changes to some menu
    structure. Oh well, menus are menus and this will just take a little
    getting used to.

    Don't like some of the new automation features. Specifically I don't
    like the way it automatically tries to insert the last open object
    into a new assembly. 95% of the time it is not what I want to do.
    Though I do like the automatic preview. I am also not terribly fond
    of the new assembly mating. when you only want to assign one mate you
    have to click twice to OK it and if you cancel out half way through
    assigning multiple mates, you lose the ones you had assigned already.
    I know I have to learn how to use the new functions, but I lost a few
    mates and features when I was in a rush to get an assembly done. I
    also do not like the office assistant style help key. Some of this
    stuff I am sure I just have to get used to. I'm sure I'll find a way
    to adjust preferences to work the way I want them to.

    The system has been crashing more often than I'd like. I'm averaging
    twice per day, taking me to desktop. I save often. I'm confident
    they'll sort out the bugs in the first service pack.

    I also had a problem with multi-sheet drawings. When inserting a
    second page the software was unable to load the sheet format. When
    that drawing was opened a second time (with a blank second page), it
    caused SolidWorks to crash to desktop. This may just be a corruption
    with my download/installation, but I would like to hear if other users
    have the same problems.

    I'll leave on a positive note. The program does seem to run faster
    than 03 on my computer (Athlon2700, 1GbRAM, Quadro4-750XGL-128Mb). I
    really like the new surfacing and mold tools commands. It really
    helped generate the complex parting line on my tool. I am also
    excited by the new table features like the hole chart and revision
    block. I have wanted something like this for quite some time. The
    change from 2003 to 2004 is much more significant than the change from
    2001+ to 2003. With some of this new functionality, I am all the more
    anxious that they fix the little bugs.


    Rob Lemmen
    Big Bob 1971, Sep 25, 2003
  2. Big Bob 1971

    Shawn Talley Guest

    I am also experiencing the same multi-sheet drawing problem. I even
    tried to re-save my sheet formats under '04 but that didn't work
    either -- just a crash to the desktop. In addition, I am also having
    problems with drawing templates. I made some subtle changes to some
    that I was using under 2003, then re-saved them. Now when I try to
    create a new drawing using these templates SW2004 bombs giving me the
    'ole "Unexpected file type" error...

    I am hoping that these problems are simply related to the web download
    version of SW2004 SP0.0 and not an actual problem with the CD
    versions. I know there are other "known" issues with the Web version
    of SP0.0 such as opening AutoCAD drawings and such. My VAR says you
    have to make sure to completely clean out the Registry BEFORE you
    install SP0.0 - especially if you had PR 1 or 2 loaded! I did however
    notice that on the SWX website they have now posted a simple
    (apparently) little program to do this for you in the subscription
    support section, under downloads... Well enough of this rant...
    Shawn Talley, Sep 26, 2003
  3. Big Bob 1971

    Danny Guest

    My favorite enhancement has been the Hole Chart. Today I found that it seems
    to be having trouble with a dim. of exactly.1.0 , it always puts a 0.0
    instead. If I move the hole to either 1.0001 or .9999 the chart updates to
    the correct dim. Hope I can find out what is wrong because I really like
    this feature.

    Danny Medlin
    Monroe Custom Molds
    Danny, Sep 26, 2003
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