SW2004 drawings are VERY SLOW!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Paul Salvador, Nov 8, 2003.

  1. SW Corp,

    Wow, you call this PRODUCTIVITY!!??

    I can see it now, your VAR's and AE's demoing the SW2004 drawings in
    front of users...... (prospective clients looking at watches, tapping
    fingers on table, leaving room...)


    BTW, is that why you guys added "Draft Quality" too help speed the new
    draft sloth?
    Or did you steal the idea of using "Draft Quality" from Ironcad or

    So, the users go from "High Quality"... to... "Draft Quality"?????

    Freaking insane!!! Who was the FUCKING idiot who thought this one
    out??? Hmmmmm... a former AUTODE$K employee!???

    You're shooting yourselves directly in the foot with this crap!!

    Paul Salvador, Nov 8, 2003
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