SW2004: Change the Back Drop Screen

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ]{ilr]3, Aug 14, 2003.

  1. ]{ilr]3

    ]{ilr]3 Guest

    Anyone know if you can change the Solidworks Image that is used as a
    back drop when nothing is opened in 2004? I have looked around and
    couldn't find an image file in the directory that I could change with
    what I have.

    I'd like to change it to the company Logo or my name :)
    ]{ilr]3, Aug 14, 2003
  2. ]{ilr]3

    bob zee Guest

    that is a good idea! bob z. hopes someone has an idea about this...
    bob zee, Aug 14, 2003

  3. Good yes, it is possible.

    Bad no "official" way exists, you have to "hack" one of
    SolidWorks compiled resources. I did this just out of curiosity,
    but I recommend NOT to try it unless you really know what you do.

    For those who want to try: the bitmap is stored in the file
    sldresu.dll as bitmap resource 6874. This DLL is language depanded,
    so look in <sw-inst>\jang\english for english SolidWorks. Be sure
    to make a backup copy of this before trying.

    Replace this bitmap in the resource with your own bitmap (again: if
    you don't know how to replace a resource file I strongly recommened
    NOT to try this), resave the DLL and your done.

    I suspect that you loose the warranty, but I'm not a lawyer. Anyway,
    before the next patch is applied I would replace it with the orginal

    Personal opinion: leave it as it is as long as there is no "official"
    or at least "easy" way to change it.

    Stefan Berlitz, Aug 15, 2003
  4. ]{ilr]3

    Michael Guest

    I suspect that you loose the warranty, but I'm not a lawyer.

    there's a warranty? wow--that's news!
    Michael, Aug 15, 2003
  5. ]{ilr]3

    ]{ilr]3 Guest

    How do you open up a .dll?

    Cant help but tinker.
    ]{ilr]3, Aug 19, 2003
  6. Well, you have to change the resources within the DLL.
    Therefor you have to use a tool like "Resource hacker"

    But don't blame me, if you scramble your SolidWorks ;-)

    Stefan Berlitz, Aug 19, 2003
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