SW2004 beta versus SW2003

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sam Kaan, Sep 8, 2003.

  1. Sam Kaan

    Nick E. Guest

    John Kreutzberger quipped:
    it was most likely your video drives more than the win2k patch.

    but we'll give it a day or two to see what happens.

    --nick e.

    btw, everybody patch your windos systems again!! there's another worm soon
    to be on the loose!!
    Nick E., Sep 11, 2003
  2. Sam Kaan

    Nick E. Guest

    matt quipped:
    well, i can't do that.

    but it's a FRESH install for crying out loud. only other possibility is the
    registry entries are conflicting maybe with 2001+'s?

    --nikc e.
    Nick E., Sep 11, 2003
  3. Sam Kaan

    matt Guest

    could be, or... these are all things I have seen cause random crashes or
    "unexplainable" problems...

    - other questionable software that is installed or uninstalled has
    changed or removed shared system files
    - other software (not just AV) running when SW was installed or upgraded
    blocks OGL or VB/VBA installation
    - virtual memory settings above Windows ability to cope with it
    - drivers (including video, sound, print, spaceball, etc) may need to be
    - spaceball driver seems particularly troublesome
    - upgraded OS (instead of installing OS to a clean drive)
    - incorrect OS service pack, or service pack needs to be reapplied
    - ghosted image on machine that doesn't exactly match hardware
    - bios conflicts with other hardware drivers
    - running Windows Update can solve problems you didn't know you had
    - any one of a number of things could be wrong with a home-build job
    - machine overclocked
    - cpu improperly cooled
    - too many accessories added to machine so the power supply is no longer
    - anything with the Packard Bell logo on it
    - bad memory, bad sector on HD, video or memory not seated properly
    - no space on disk
    - disk/network so slow that operations time out
    - temporary directory with more than say 100mb of stuff in it
    - mapped drives disconnected at start up
    - Novell network settings that allow only a certain number of file locks
    - Novell network set to 8.3 file name format
    - multiple users accessing same file on Novell, one printing or saving
    - AV set to "real time" so all file traffic is scanned for viruses
    - Excel running in the background after a BOM created
    - registration "irregularities"
    - files from asian language OS being used in english on Win98
    - old version of Internet Explorer
    - other session of SW still running in the background after previous
    - if components of MS Office are partially installed (install on use),
    and SW tries to use IE (for help) Excel (bom/dt) Outlook (performance
    email) VBA (for equations, etc), you can get some really strange
    messages that look like Microsoft Office is trying to install itself so
    SolidWorks can complete a task.
    - Old versions of MS Works (cheap Office substitute) were notorious with
    SW (used to come on a lot of Gateways)
    - dead mouse stuck in the fan (yes, it really happened)

    Really, there's an infinite variety of things that could gum up the

    Anyway, good luck with it.

    matt, Sep 11, 2003
  4. Sam Kaan

    Nick E. Guest

    matt quipped:
    you mis-spelled "Crappard Hell."


    --nick e.
    Nick E., Sep 11, 2003
  5. Sam Kaan

    Nick E. Guest

    matt quipped:
    Openoffice.org, thunderbird, phoenix, mysql. but not likely since i haven't
    changed them that recently. besides, one piece of software really should
    not affect another unrelated piece.
    hasn't been a problem yet. (almost) no crashes with 2001+/SP6
    nope. fresh win2k.
    well, on SP3 now. we'll see. always reapply the sp after installing

    doesn't reapplying a SP undo some M$-updates? ie: if i apply the fix for the
    latest RPC vuln, won't reapplyiny SP3 undo that fix?

    too bad it can't update me to the latest Mandrake. :(
    it HAS been a while since I changed the ice cubes...;-)
    heh :)
    nope. ran Mdk memory test: all good. that was one of the first things i did
    with my 2001+ problems.
    running all locally. plus network is 100M. WILL be switching to samba server
    for SW files soon tho. will speed things up.
    nope. cleaned reglarly.
    using AVG.
    well, this is a SW bug. hardly something i should HAVE to check for. tho
    2004 doesn't use excel.
    again. n/a don't use it. whatever SP3 has tho i now have.
    always reboot.
    nope. don't get those. only have MSword and Msexcel instaled. outlook isn't
    even configured.
    i have been smelling something...thought it was my coworker

    you forgot one: bad/lazy/marketing-droid-driven SW programmers.

    and this: MS OS (half of all crashes are caused by Windows)

    --nick e.
    Nick E., Sep 11, 2003
  6. Sam Kaan

    rab Guest

    A compatriot had this problem and I tested it without complaint. He
    did a clean install (registry cleanout) and made sure virus monitoring
    was off. The problem went away.
    The same person, with Nvidia running real view, has problems with
    crashing when doing certain types of in-context model/save operations.
    Fixed by disconnecting realview.

    Cheers bob
    rab, Sep 11, 2003
  7. Sam Kaan

    Tom Chasteen Guest


    It has a major limitation. Only one weldment per drawing sheet. I tried to
    put 4 separate handrial weldments on the same drawing sheet today, only to
    find that the first view selected was the only one that a cutlist would
    attach to. All weldments worked on their own sheets.

    Tom Chasteen, Sep 13, 2003
  8. Sam Kaan

    Tom Chasteen Guest


    After reading your post again, I decided to comment on weld bead. What a
    joke. They won't even handle a mitered pipe corner used in handrails. The
    add into the BOM as parts in normal assemblies and can't fill a gap. If you
    have to weld beveled, gapped pipe(normal in many instances for high
    performance welders) All welds crap out. It is one of my pet peaves.

    SW2004 is IMO, a major step forward. I only wish that they could do the
    same with Drawings.

    All parts and assemblies remember where they came from, but everydrawing BOM
    only knows where its at.

    I design conveyor systems and unless you insert a several thousand part
    assembly into your manufacturing detail prints (which will bring your
    drawing to a halt) the BOM give you the correct Item No. or Quantity for
    the master assembly. You would think that by now SW would have gotten a
    clue and allowed the BOM to be pointed to an assembly and get the proper
    item number and quantity for the manufacturing print.

    We always have to work around the fact that no SW employees deliver drawing
    for a living. They only write and sell software!!

    Having all items in a 60 page drawing set is also not my idea of fun. So
    for the last five years and probably several to come I have to work around
    this SW limitation.

    END OF RANT!!!!

    SW 2004 is quite a bit better and you will like it. IMO!

    Tom Chasteen, Sep 13, 2003
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