SW2003 SP 4 Has anyone noticed this?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nope ain't sayin', Aug 25, 2003.

  1. Sorry if this is a dumb question:

    After installing SP 4, I can no longer enter "formulas" in the dimension
    dialogue box. (i.e. .375+.0312) When dimensioning, I used to be able to
    "cheat" in order to not have to use decimal equivalents charts. (I am a
    newww-bee) It also comes in handy for other things, though. TIA
    Nope ain't sayin', Aug 25, 2003
  2. Sound like VBA isn't set up right. SW uses VBA for all user defined
    formulas. Usually you'll get an error during SW installation when this
    happens. Are you sure it worked prior to applying SP4 ??. . Service packs
    just replace or modify existing files. I don't think they modify the
    registry at all. Mine works... Below is a simple fix that may solve the

    Close SW.

    From explorer, go to the VBA folder under the SW2003 installation folder.

    Double click "vba6.msi" to reinstall VBA

    Reboot, and see if it works. If not you'll probably have to do a registry
    clean, and re-install.


    Mark Mossberg, Aug 26, 2003
  3. Nope ain't sayin'

    elliott Guest

    I have this problem too and I'm running 2001 sp3. It has to do with the
    parser .How you space the numbers seems to have an effect. It's not to
    consistant. I wonder if they use a different input program at different
    elliott, Aug 27, 2003
  4. Nope ain't sayin'

    ecowen Guest

    I just tried this experiment. I have no problem. Try again.
    ecowen, Aug 29, 2003
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