SW2003 anomaly

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bahibak, Aug 7, 2003.

  1. bahibak

    bahibak Guest

    I have an old assembly that I made with SW2000, but I just installed SW2003
    SP0 and now It seems that it can't open or create any assembly, the
    assembly template is gone, a message pops up tellingme that the system
    can't recognize this file/format. I've reinstalled this version almost
    twice but always is the same, I can edit only parts, not assembly...

    Any insight on what's going on would be appreciated. I've a P4 512MB ram
    with Windows XP professional


    bahibak, Aug 7, 2003
  2. bahibak

    Michael Guest

    It may be that your assembly template got over-written with the 2000 format,
    and 2003 can't deal with it. There have been some posts in this group
    about not being able to jump multiple revs of SW... you may need to convert
    from SW2000 to SW2001 or SW2001+, and then to SW2003.

    search old messages in this group for more detail.
    Michael, Aug 8, 2003
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