sw08 & Windows Desktop Search

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by wc, Feb 11, 2008.

  1. wc

    wc Guest

    Just installed SW2008 on Friday. What good is this resource hog, Windows
    Desktop Search, that gets installed with SW2008? It seems to be really
    slowing my machine down, it's indexed ~42k files so far with ~40K more
    files to go... once it's done indexing will it become more transparent
    or will it always want to use 90%+ of mu CPU.

    I'm tempted to uninstall it (if possible) but if it will stop hogging my
    CPU *and* I can get some kind of benefit I may keep it.

    wc, Feb 11, 2008
  2. wc

    POH Guest

    Before you unistall Windows Desktop Search, I suggest that you limit
    the file types which will be indexed.

    By default, the program includes an extensive 'default' list of file
    extension types for use with the index. If you go to the Advanced
    Options dialog box and click on the File Types tab, you'll find an
    incredibly long list with most of the boxes checked.

    I chose to uncheck every type except for those related to SolidWorks,
    eDrawings and data translators (such as IGS).

    Shortening the indexing list certainly makes a difference and indexing
    can finish much faster. When it runs, however, it is a definite
    resource HOG.

    It's always possible to 'snooze" the indexing at times when you can
    least afford the performance hit. I'm surprised that SolidWorks
    doesn't let users know about what to expect (and what controls are
    available) when installing the Desktop Search. I've heard that, even
    if one chooses not to install it with the early production releases of
    SolidWorks 2007, the Search software gets added with subsequent
    service packs anyway.

    I'm still debating whether or not to pull the plug...

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Feb 11, 2008
  3. wc

    POH Guest

    An addendum -

    The Advanced Options dialog also makes it possible to select specific
    drives and subfolders to include (or exclude) from the search index...

    I eliminated all the paths except for one to my primary (parent)
    directory for SolidWorks files.

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, Feb 11, 2008
  4. wc

    wc Guest

    Thanks for the replies, I found the long list of file types<?> it
    searches and I unchecked most, it caused the indexer to start over, but
    it appears to have reduced the number of files to scan by 40-50%.

    What's bugging me is even with the indexer 'snoozed' there is still a
    process running that's using all my cpu, 'searchfilterhost.exe'. Does
    this process stop after the indexing is done, or will it always be
    scanning my files?

    wc, Feb 11, 2008
  5. wc

    mr.T Guest

    Anybody know what is the reason for this crap, I never lose my files do I still need it?

    Maybe it has something to do with the new search option inside SW

    Or is it only Microsoft vs. Google fight ?
    mr.T, Feb 13, 2008
  6. wc

    wc Guest

    Even my VAR couldn't give me a direct answer to what it's good for. I
    think I read somewhere it's used with 'Design Clipart' which allows you
    to reuse sketches and features from other files...

    I uninstalled it today.

    wc, Feb 21, 2008
  7. wc

    mr.T Guest

    Let me know what happened

    mr.T, Feb 21, 2008
  8. wc

    wc Guest

    I've noticed no downside to uninstalling WDS, we don't use PDM so I
    can't comment on that.

    wc, Feb 26, 2008
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