SW08 UI customisation - Matt Writes articles removed?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. neil

    neil Guest

    During my tour of various sites to catch up on whats been happening with SW
    since I was on subs, I found Matt no longer has the blog articles he wrote
    about the 08 UI up. WTF..

    Was he quietly told by SW to take them down? if so that sucks...guess you
    have to tow the company line or you lose your priveleged status?

    Anyway I was looking for the article about how he rearranged 08 to look
    something akin to previous versions or made it more useable.

    Does anyone have that page saved that they would share? or perhaps any
    useful hints/experience on how they have best customised the new UI for
    their own use.

    neil, Jun 2, 2008
  2. neil

    jon_banquer Guest


    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jun 2, 2008
  3. neil

    gk Guest

    gk, Jun 2, 2008
  4. neil

    jon_banquer Guest

    During my tour of various sites to catch up on whats been happening with SW

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jun 2, 2008

  5. Matt had a major meltdown on his blog site. I thought he said that he got
    the old articles up again, but not people's comments. Perhaps he didn't get
    that article up again. It doesn't appear that Matt is toeing anybody's line.

    I don't have any good words to say about the new user interface, but I
    haven't spend much time trying to set it up to my liking. I have been
    resisting the temptation to turn it into a near-clone of my old interface,
    since other people whose opinions I trust say to give it a chance.

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Jun 2, 2008
  6. I am in the camp of "I like the new UI, for the most part."

    That being said, here are the reasons. (I don't do swoopy stuff so I can't
    talk to that part of it if it's different.) The new UI has made me faster
    because of less mouse travel and fewer mouse clicks overall. I use a lot of
    hotkeys, and the combination of my standard ones, the new S shortcut bar,
    and the flyout context menus, I almost never go to the menus at the top -
    only on rare occasion do I need to fly them out. Yes, I have them hidden
    and only fly out when needed.

    When I first started the SW2008 beta testing and tried the new UI, my first
    question was "Where's my stuff??" And that's the first question from people
    here. But with one gentleman that doesn't appreciate change, once I spent
    20 minutes with him to show him that most of his stuff was at the cursor, by
    the end of the day he liked it. I have customized the shortcuts to the way
    we do stuff and find that expecially in a sketch, just about everything is
    available at the cursor.

    So, if you are willing to give some credit to the folks at SW in that they
    did actually think about the overall user experience, then it's worth a bit
    of time to give a good try to learning what they changed and why. I had the
    opportunity to talk with some of them about it and I can tell you that they
    do consider the effect on the user. I won't say there aren't any bad
    decisions, because there are some I don't agree with. But for the most
    part, things were done with the purpose of speeding up the user.

    If you wish to try my settings as a starter, let me know and I will send you
    my file. It's a good way to start with the way we are using it, look at
    what we changed and why, and then decide what you like or dislike.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 3, 2008
  7. neil

    neil Guest

    ok I didnt know about the melt down - strange the only articles missing
    appear to be the more critical ones about the UI though...

    I havent installed 08 yet - going to wait for sp5 - but my first instinct
    is to redecorate with all the toolbars I have had for previous installs.
    I have always just liked having everything in immediate view rather than
    hunting through menus you know...

    ....so on your recommendation guys ;o) I'll give the std layout a try for a
    while and see if it isnt as bad as I expect...gotta admit I'm not very
    enthusiastic about it at all though.. :eek:(

    neil, Jun 3, 2008
  8. neil

    neil Guest

    thanks Wayne, may well take you up on the offer come install time (sp5)

    The prospect of visiting the menus repeatedly doesnt thrill me in the least.

    Interesting to note you have been able to circumvent ribbon rage with
    hotkeys and shortcut customisation. Was this (hotkeys) the way you worked
    previously or have you found this talent for 08? I have pretty much just
    used icons/mouse clicks.

    neil, Jun 3, 2008
  9. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Jun 3, 2008
  10. I have always used hotkeys as it's a guaranteed speed increase. We once had
    a user here that said he knew where all his icons were and challenged me to
    a contest. Sure, it was a no-brainer for me as how can you possibly
    accellerate the mouse toward an icon, decellerate, and click, faster than I
    can press a key that is already under my finger? No way.

    With the new S hotkey and the new context toolbars that both come up at the
    cursor, I only have one toolbar up all the time and that's my macros. I
    suppose I could assign all those to hotkeys, but they aren't used enough to
    warrant that. I contend that to really improve your speed with SW, you have
    to be willing to learn why they did what they did and really give it a
    chance and intend to learn it. That means not pinning the menus out and not
    just loading all the old toolbars. Try to understand the new methods and
    how to use them to become faster.

    Yes, I would be happy to talk you through the "Where's my stuff?" :)

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 3, 2008
  11. Wayne,

    I too am a hotkey use,. but still on SW2007.
    Could you explain what the S hotkey is?

    Aaron R. Friedman
    ARF Designs
    Aaron R. Friedman, Jun 3, 2008
  12. neil

    j Guest

    In 2008 they added a pop up menu when you hit the S key. It's got
    commands on it based on what type of file you have open and is
    customizable as well. Sort of like a command manager but based on what
    you're currently working on and pops up in the graphics window where
    your cursor is at. It saves on mouse movements if you remember to use it!
    j, Jun 3, 2008
  13. Wayne, I'll take you up on that offer!

    Jerry Steiger
    jerrys at tdsway dot com
    Jerry Steiger, Jun 3, 2008
  14. The SolidWorks Geek, Jun 4, 2008
  15. Done. Sorry I am so late - I was at a COSMOS seminar today and then just
    finished cleaning up from our user group meeting. What a great day!

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 4, 2008
  16. neil

    TOP Guest

    I contend that to really improve your speed with SW, you have
    Therein lies the rub. Re-learning what they changed every year or not
    getting your money's worth. If I didn't ask for it I'm probably going
    to have to be sold on it. And I'm not real keen on relearning till I
    know what works and what doesn't.

    TOP, Jun 4, 2008
  17. Fair enough - makes for a tough decision.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 4, 2008

  18. You don't need to complain about being late; I still haven't tried it out! I
    need to refresh myself on editing the registry.

    Jerry Steiger, Jun 6, 2008
  19. You don't edit the registry - you use the Copy Settings Wizard. The file I
    sent you was the SW file. Just unzip it somewhere, start the Wizard and
    choose to Restore settings. It will offer to nake a backup of yours in case
    you want to go back, and that's a good idea. If you import everything of
    mine, it will change locations to the macros, blocks, etc.

    Wayne Tiffany, Jun 6, 2008
  20. So, can you change what key pops up the shortcut bar, or are you stuck
    with 'S'?

    Aaron R. Friedman
    Aaron R. Friedman, Jun 9, 2008
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