SW World 2006 Day 4 Including SW 2007 New Features!!!!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SoCalMike, Jan 25, 2006.

  1. SoCalMike

    SoCalMike Guest

    WARNING: Extremely long post ahead!!!

    What and exciting morning session!!!! Today's general session was
    all about SW2007, and what to expect. The overall theme for version
    2007 is: "Reducing CAD Overhead". They chose the dating game
    format to introduce the new features. The female contestant would ask
    the male contestants about different parts, and very funny and
    entertaining way of doing it.

    So here they are:


    You will be able to link ANY custom property into a balloon.

    The ability to add jump points to leader lines so you can bend them
    around to your liking.

    When adding a view to a drawing, a new plane will show in graphical
    icons, exactly how each view will look, before you place it.

    When you start placing dims in a drawing, they will automatically start
    to move around when you drop them. Basically eliminating the clutter
    of overlapping dims.


    The ability to create multiple relations at once. Have 15 bearings and
    15 shafts, select them all, and mate them at the same time. SW will
    create a multi mate folder. The multi mate tool will work with every
    mate type.

    A new rack and pinion mate has been added.

    A new tool called data share expands on the file>find references tool.
    The new Data Share will copy all files, AND drawings into a new
    location where you can save, or email it directly from the window.

    Sharing assemblies that contain toolbox parts with other people will
    get easier. SW2007 will be able to find the necessary parts upon
    opening an assembly even if they aren't saved into the file sent out
    to your customer.

    A new belt command will allow users to select pulley faces, and SW2007
    will create a path where the belt will follow. At that point you will
    also be able to create the belt itself with the standard modeling
    features. It will also ad a mate that when you rotate one pulley, it
    will rotate them all!

    Sketch blocks now have belt and track relations where you can create
    moving sketches of cams and belts movements.


    A new Push Pull feature allows you to create points and mesh on a
    surface, and then be able to drag those areas to form new shapes. This
    feature will work on both scanned parts, and imported parts!!


    New Beam Analysis feature.

    Tolerance expert analysis.

    Cosmos express now has the ability to provide the min factor of safety.


    Cone bends are now shown in the flattened view

    You can now unfold curved bends

    Those are the very brief overview of the new features, I was writing
    stuff down as fast as I can! The them of Reducing CAD Overhead was
    well reached.

    The top 10 enhancements at SW World 2006 were:

    1. Recreate all mates when mirroring components
    2. Clearance-check in assemblies similar to interference detection
    3. Select sub-assembly via right click on one of its parts
    4. Represent item such as grease, adhesive, and paint in the bill of
    5. Link balloons parametrically to text in a note
    6. Copy entire drawing sheet, or a portion of it, into the same
    drawing, or a different one
    7. Create component patterns based on curve/sketch driven patterns
    8. Select cylindrical surface to specify axis of a circular pattern
    9. Provide more options to create reference planes and axis
    10. Provide same printing options in Task Scheduler as in Solidworks

    PDM Enhancements:

    #1 Generate PDF files during check in or when lifecycle changes

    COSMOSWORKS Enhancements:

    #1 Analyze models where loading changes with time

    At the end they announced where next years event will be:

    February 4-7 in The Big Easy New Orleans

    My morning session was Managing Large Assemblies and Performance by
    Greg Jankowski. For all those that don't know, Greg is the author of
    the hit book Solidworks for Dummies, He also a very polished speaker.
    His presentation is so well put together; I may present it myself at
    one of our future meetings.

    So now its off to lunch, then a few appointments with some vendors, and
    2 afternoon sessions. Look for a day 4 afternoon and general wrap-up
    later this afternoon.

    Quick note on my gambling so far, I havent lost a penny, of course I
    havent gambled one either!

    Thanks for reading.
    SoCalMike, Jan 25, 2006
  2. SoCalMike

    SoCalMike Guest

    Forgot to add they will be sending out a DVD containing highlights, and
    presentations here at SW World 2006.
    SoCalMike, Jan 25, 2006
  3. SoCalMike

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    Mike it seems that great times are ahead of us!
    Thanks for investing your time and effort in reporting from this fabulous
    event (one day I know I will make it to attend a SWW event, especially when
    I think of all those extra fun activities which accompany this event).

    Gil Alsberg, Jan 25, 2006
  4. SoCalMike

    Life in Mono Guest

    thanks for the info !! BRILLIANT !!

    Where do you think that DVD can be gotten ? (for folk who couldn't make

    I hope some of the new presentations will be available for Download (as
    Curvy stuff 101 etc.)
    Life in Mono, Jan 26, 2006
  5. SoCalMike

    Bo Guest

    Mike, I attended only the floor vendor show, but met with one of the
    SolidWorks execs at their booth, and noted that SolidWorks World at
    best gets 1% of their user base to Las Vegas.

    So I said, why not put together presentations, video of the floor show,
    vendor clips and documents, and what ever other video and promo
    materials, and put it on a DVD for the OTHER 99% of the users to buy
    who could NOT attend.

    He said "Hey, that might be a great idea." OK, I'm not going to do a
    who invented type thing, as it was already being done for conference
    attendees for the conferences, but there is more out there to be shown
    to more people.

    It is obvious that most serious SolidWorks users would pay some amount
    for the annual DVD of the SolidWorks World conference. If a DVD were
    sold for $20 and got 100,000 users to pony up their credit card online,
    would that make it worthwhile? I've got no clue as to the right price
    for the max coverage to users, but in reality, there is no reason all
    the SolidWorks users wouldn't be interested.

    Bo, Jan 27, 2006
  6. SoCalMike

    Life in Mono Guest

    I'd gice $20 for it
    Life in Mono, Jan 27, 2006
  7. Ask your VAR. They've always limited the CDs to attendants until now, but if
    enough people ask, they may change their minds.
    A lot of the presenters make them available on their own websites. In
    particular, you can find Ed Eaton's at the DiMonte Group website under
    He won't have the very latest presentations up for a while (I forget how
    long), but you can find his earlier ones, including All of the Curvy stuff
    from 101 to 301. Anyone who is doing swoopy geometry should download them.
    Anyone who doesn't do swoopy geometry should download Surfacing for
    Blockheads. Anyone who is doing anything in SolidWorks should download
    Rebuild Errors.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jan 27, 2006
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