SW World 2006 Day 4 Afternoon and Event Wrap-Up

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SoCalMike, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. SoCalMike

    SoCalMike Guest

    Well what can I say after such an awesome 4 days here in Vegas! Big
    thanks to Solidworks for the great event that was put on here. The
    technical presentations were top knotch, and the presenters were very
    knowledgeable. The offsite event was a lot of fun, and the morning
    sessions were outstanding.

    The biggest thing I am comming away with after my first SW World, is
    how passionate the user community is. You can see it in the
    participation of the session attendees, and hear it in conversations at
    lunch, or while waiting for a session to begin. Very eveident also is
    the desire of the Solidworks Corporation to provide a product that is
    the best it can be. The passion for design that was discussed here, is
    very alive and well.

    There arent enough words to encourage everyone that didnt make it, to
    try to go next year. They are already throwing around numbers of
    4000-4500 for next year!!! Registration usually begins around august
    where you can get in for $695. When you think about the cost of
    training at a VAR, the $695 is a great deal.

    I would also like to encourage everyone to visit the usergroup site
    (www.swugn.org). These meeting are very informative, very informative,
    and most of them are free!! If there isnt one in your area, why not
    start one??

    Like I said, its been a great 4 days here, and im already thinking
    about next years event. A couple of hints would be to arive the day
    before the event begins, and stay the night of the last day so you dont
    have to haul your luggage around with you. Also if your not to excited
    about going alone, there were plenty of us here this year. I can
    assure you that you will meet lots of people and make lots of new

    So thanks for the replies to my other posts, and thanks for letting me
    be your inside source for all the happeneings here. I think next year
    I might even just get a normal blog site so I can post some pics and

    I look forward to meeting more of you guys in New Orleans next year,
    and I look forward to a great year of sharing information here in the

    Elvis Has Left The Building.............
    SoCalMike, Jan 26, 2006
  2. It's not too surprising. After all you're seeing about 1% of the users and
    there's a pretty good chance that you're seeing people from the top few %.
    Same thing with this news group. You guys are the top of the pyramid!
    Since three of us went this year and since I had been to SWW2000, I took the
    third choice on the sessions. I still found lots of great presentations. You
    can't lose.
    More good advice. We have to drive an hour and a half each way to go to our
    user group. Unless the topic is completely uninteresting to us I will go and
    I almost always learn something to make it worth while.
    If you start one and get elected president, you get to go to SWW for free!
    You can usually check your luggage in with the bell captain when you check
    out, then come back to pick it up when you're ready to go to the airport. I
    don't think there is any charge. There wasn't at the Barbary Coast.

    A better reason to leave the next morning is that there always seems to be
    someone you want to talk to the last evening. We didn't fly out till 9:30,
    but I still felt cheated when we had to get up and say goodbye.
    Before next year's SWW, we need to come up with a way to identify one
    another. I spotted Paul Kellner (TOP) by his red Craftsman suspenders. I
    happened to be standing right next to Wayne Tiffany and read his name badge.
    Wayne introduced me to Rob Rodriguez. Richard Doyle, Ed Eaton, Mark Biasotti
    and Matt Lombard were easy, since they were giving presentations. (Although
    Matt spotted me first, somehow, and I already knew Mark. Rob also gave a
    presentation.) Rumor has it that Paul Salvador was there, but I missed him
    and all of the rest of you. I suggest a comp.cad.solidworks tee shirt. My
    nominee is a picture of the Windows desktop with the "Solidworks has exited
    due to an error" message. With any luck, this will be a thing of the past by
    2007, but I'm not holding my breath.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jan 27, 2006
  3. Hey, how about each one of us wearing a beanie, complete with prop, next
    year?? That way you could certainly spot a participant from a distance!
    Ok, so the ridicule factor would be a bit high, I guess. :)

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 31, 2006

  4. Aluminum foil beanies?

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jan 31, 2006
  5. SoCalMike

    TOP Guest

    Gee, wonder if Greg J. can organize a comp.cad.solidworks table in the
    dining area? For that matter SWCad@googlegroups, Eng-Tips, SW forum,
    CosmosFEA and SWUG tables too.

    The funny thing about walking around Vegas in bright red suspenders is
    that you don't look weird; people think you are escaped from an act or
    something and they actually are more willing to strike up a
    conversation. Some actually thought I was from SW because of the

    I think a T-shirt with a Salvador Pauli work appropriate for the Big
    Easy on the front* and a large assembly with a big hourglass on the

    *My suggestion: a surfer riding a wave from a busted levee.
    TOP, Jan 31, 2006
  6. SoCalMike

    matt Guest

    Salvador Pauli?

    and don't think the "you're the only person I know who works stone(d)"
    comment escaped notice...

    SWW has done something to you, Paul. I think you were hanging with
    Seymour & Powell backstage, possibly even shifting paradigms outside the
    matt, Jan 31, 2006
  7. Ok, now I'll be the practical one and state the obvious here. Foil beanies
    would make us look like Jon - no thanks. And t-shirts don't provide a place
    for the pencil in the shirt pocket... :)

    Wayne Tiffany, Jan 31, 2006
  8. Beautiful! Why didn't I think of that? Why didn't SolidWorks? Who is going
    to suggest it to Greg?
    I like it. It might get us shot at if we wear it outside the conference,

    I think you've given Paul a new, and very suitable, handle.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Feb 1, 2006
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