SW World 2006 Day 2 Afternoon

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SoCalMike, Jan 24, 2006.

  1. SoCalMike

    SoCalMike Guest

    Well im just wrapping up my day at the wireless hotspot here at
    Caesars. The afternoon sessions were pretty informative. Being a mold
    designer, I took a mold design in Solidworks session, where they pretty
    much covered the mold tool available in SW. I then sat down with some
    onsite pr people, and did a videotaped interview where they ask about
    how I use SW, and such. They basically schedule these with some
    attendees, and some of them later become the promotional videos
    available on the SW site, and in promotional tools.

    After that it was off to the Solidworks User Group Network Summit to
    hear about where the user groups are headed in the next year, they also
    gave out some awards, and there was a session where all of us leaders
    were able to raise different issues in the hopes of making the whole
    user group network even better. If you have never attended a user
    group meeting, I would highly suggest doing so. The meeting are
    extremely informative, and in a way, they are a SW World on a very
    small scale in terms of the information available. They are structured
    around the everyday user, so you dont have to be a power user to
    attend. If you dont have one in your area, you may want to think about
    starting one. Here is a link to the network site: www.swugn.org

    We were also treated to a visit by SW CEO John McEleney, who thanked us
    for our work, and to re-enforce that SW fully supports the user groups
    world wide. The other suprise guest was Marie Planchard (of the
    Planchard & Planchard book series). She has been hired by SW to be a
    cordinator of sorts for the education industry in the U.S. She spoke
    of her desire to place CosmosWorks in every school that has grades
    K-5!! Very ambitious indeed! She also offered a free student version
    of Solidworks to any professor who supports a local user group with
    their meetings.

    After the first full day of technical sessions, I have to say I have
    quite a bit of usefull notes that I have gained. The information
    available at these types of events is second to none, and I would
    encourage everyone to attend in the future.

    Thats it for day 2, and I will post a day 3 morning report after lunch.
    Thanks for reading.
    SoCalMike, Jan 24, 2006
  2. SoCalMike

    swizzle Guest

    But did you pass the CSWP exam?

    Well im just wrapping up my day at the wireless hotspot here at
    Caesars. The afternoon sessions were pretty informative. Being a mold
    designer, I took a mold design in Solidworks session, where they pretty
    much covered the mold tool available in SW. I then sat down with some
    onsite pr people, and did a videotaped interview where they ask about
    how I use SW, and such. They basically schedule these with some
    attendees, and some of them later become the promotional videos
    available on the SW site, and in promotional tools.

    After that it was off to the Solidworks User Group Network Summit to
    hear about where the user groups are headed in the next year, they also
    gave out some awards, and there was a session where all of us leaders
    were able to raise different issues in the hopes of making the whole
    user group network even better. If you have never attended a user
    group meeting, I would highly suggest doing so. The meeting are
    extremely informative, and in a way, they are a SW World on a very
    small scale in terms of the information available. They are structured
    around the everyday user, so you dont have to be a power user to
    attend. If you dont have one in your area, you may want to think about
    starting one. Here is a link to the network site: www.swugn.org

    We were also treated to a visit by SW CEO John McEleney, who thanked us
    for our work, and to re-enforce that SW fully supports the user groups
    world wide. The other suprise guest was Marie Planchard (of the
    Planchard & Planchard book series). She has been hired by SW to be a
    cordinator of sorts for the education industry in the U.S. She spoke
    of her desire to place CosmosWorks in every school that has grades
    K-5!! Very ambitious indeed! She also offered a free student version
    of Solidworks to any professor who supports a local user group with
    their meetings.

    After the first full day of technical sessions, I have to say I have
    quite a bit of usefull notes that I have gained. The information
    available at these types of events is second to none, and I would
    encourage everyone to attend in the future.

    Thats it for day 2, and I will post a day 3 morning report after lunch.
    Thanks for reading.
    swizzle, Jan 24, 2006
  3. SoCalMike

    SoCalMike Guest

    I still havent got my official results email yet, so I may not get it
    sorted out untill next week due to the fact all the SW people are here.
    SoCalMike, Jan 25, 2006
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