SW World 2006 Day 1

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SoCalMike, Jan 23, 2006.

  1. SoCalMike

    SoCalMike Guest

    Well after a night of drinking and dancing, I woke up nice and early
    (7am after getting to bed at 2:30am). I headed over to Ceasars to
    register, and to take the CSWP exam. The test started at about 8:30am,
    and I finished at 3:30. The first person done finished about 3:00, so
    you can tell how long of a test it was. We will find out on monday
    morning if we passed. All in all, I felt I did pretty good, and im
    hoping that I passed. If I did, it will be off to the CSWP off-site
    event on monday night. The details of the event hasnt been released,
    so hopefully I will be eligible to go!

    Im posting this from the internet kiosk inside the partner pavilion.
    There was a welcome reception tonight here. There was an open bar,
    appetizers, and pasta dinner. I had heard that in years past there
    wasnt enough food to go around, but that is not the case here what so
    ever! There are about 100 booths here with all kinds of imaginable
    add-on products.

    Tomorrow will be the opening day with the keynote in the morning, and
    technical presentations untill 5:00pm. Then hopefully I will be off to
    the CSWP event!

    I will post some more notes and highlights tomorrow night if time
    permits. Untill then, its back to the roulette table and another night
    of fun!
    SoCalMike, Jan 23, 2006
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