SW videos

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mark, Apr 30, 2008.

  1. mark

    mark Guest

    Not sure if this is old news for people here, (I'm a noob) but Youtube
    (among others) has SW videos. Normally, you can't download a vid from these
    places, but I used an FLV converter allowing me to keep them on my local
    drive for future reference. Of course, if your an expert SW'er, ignore
    this...... Mark
    mark, Apr 30, 2008
  2. mark

    Guest Guest

    I use Inventor and SW projects from books and the assembly projects in
    drafting texts for my practice.

    Guest, Apr 30, 2008
  3. Good tip.
    Here's another one (sort of)
    SolidWorks has some terrific video content, especially if you missed
    or forgot the 'what's new in 2008' demo by your VAR. The site is:

    I recommended it to my guys before they start using SWx 2008, and I
    recommend it to y'all. I sure would like to look at it again when my
    customers start asking for jobs in 2008 so I can brush up.

    Now for the bad news - the freaking tools who put this together made
    it available only in the DRM format MP4 which can only be played on
    iPods or on iTunes. I know what they were thinking - the iTunes
    software is free and of course EVERYONE has iPods.
    Freaking tools.

    They forgot that many (if not most) folks work in environments whose
    I.T. departments will not allow them to load software onto their

    And even though I don't have such a restriction, to insure my systems
    productivity (and on basic principle) I do not want iTunes filthy
    little cancer going through my system (and yes, I know how to use
    msconfig to keep it out of the startup process so it doesn't hijack
    resources as it sits in the background, sucking memory and processor
    time just in case I might need it) Apple software can be insiduous -
    I tried to uninstall Quicktime once, and, well, burn me once, shame on

    Why they didn't set this up in a DRM-free format is beyond me. It
    takes just as much time to publish in a format that everyone can see,
    whether it is Windows Media player or iTunes/iPods ( and yes, I
    alerted the folks at SWx I know about this issue)

    But for all of you who have video iPods or can - or wish to - install
    iTunes onto your systems (so what percentage of SWx base is that???),
    you have a pretty interesting pile of videos to look at.

    a bitter, bitter, Ed
    Edward T Eaton, Apr 30, 2008
  4. Edward T Eaton, May 1, 2008
  5. mark

    Engineer Guest

    You can install Realplayer latest version and you can download videos
    from youtubes or similar sites and can play them on real player or

    Engineer, May 1, 2008
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