SW uses all cores?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jean Marc, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. Jean Marc

    Jean Marc Guest

    SW'06 SP5.1, XP pro, Core 2 @2,66GHz, 2Go RAM

    I've asked the question before:
    Does SW uses all cores ?
    In other words:is it useful to buy multi-core processor for new machines?

    The topic has been polluted, I got no answer. Now I want to know, and I
    tried to run a simple benchmark (Star)
    1- alone, and then
    2- aside for example a vdub processing of a DivX:)

    and see whether there is a significant difference.

    .... But the star bench I got stops in the firts steps issuing a " error
    '13', non compatible type". It is the 'star 2.0' bench.
    Is there a better bench to use? ('light' and processor intensive)
    Anyone has the answer to the question?

    Jean Marc, Jul 11, 2008
  2. Jean Marc

    Jean Marc Guest

    Answering my own questions:

    1- Star bench: modified the code, hard-coded the 'CheckRelease = 12'. Seems
    to run as it should. Hope I did not broke anything meaningful.

    2 - SW used 2 cores?

    Not in my opinion:
    Without Vdub : star levels = 5 . Time = 44,48 S
    Task manager 'eye-avg' : 45

    With Vdub running, conversion + blur filter : star levels = 5 . Time = 47.30
    Task manager 'eye-avg' : 95

    That's on SW'06 SP5.1. If anyone cares to check on a more recent release...
    You're welcomed to post it here.

    Jean Marc, Jul 11, 2008
  3. Jean Marc

    neil Guest

    Well the likelihood of you buying just a single core pc in the future is
    falling to zero quickly. Even dual core could be in danger of extinction.

    The new Nehalem will be hyperthreaded quads - shows as 8 processors in
    Windows Task Manager. For a physical two cpu machine that's 16 threads
    straining at the leash...
    Intel have said that software companies should write for many
    threads -4,8,16,32...

    back to your question though..
    SW is apparently almost all a single core application because the solving is
    undertaken sequentially but there are some activities that will utilise a
    second core to assist with processes in the background.

    I understand this amounts to about a 20% improvement overall although that
    figure would depend on exactly what you did and how often.

    Unfortunately SW are reluctant to name directly those tasks that benefit
    however opening drawings,some surfacing, loading and saving assemblies, and
    simulation are supposed to be on the list.

    Why exactly they are so secretive about this is a bit of a mystery...go
    figure..but there is lots of useful stuff they don't like sharing
    Its a bit like the ineffectual help manual - it makes SW look like idiots
    but hey they do it anyway ...

    The only work that truly benefits fulltime from multicore is rendering, PDM
    and analysis

    So I guess you could say that SW doesn't use all cores but it does get a
    helping hand here and there where possible.

    Will you see that as a 50% reduction in a benchmark? Wouldn't think so.
    even 20% ? not sure -probably not -occasionally maybe.

    It would seem re-architecting SW to be more parallel is a difficult
    undertaking that may never truly come about.
    Probably there will continue to be small improvements from release to

    Of course having say a quad for SW doesn't necessarily mean a lot of cpu
    cycles going to waste if you use other applications at the same time. I am
    sure there are useful things you can do while waiting for a long load or
    neil, Jul 11, 2008
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