SW Upgrade Pricing Question(s)...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aron Bacs, Jr., Apr 12, 2006.

  1. Hi,

    I see that the latest ver. of SolidWorks Prof. costs $5495 ($5500) < I have
    this one now
    And I also see that latest ver. of SolidWorks Prem. costs $7995 ($8000) < I
    want this one

    That is a difference of $8000 - $5500 = $2500

    My "VAR" said that the upgrade from SW Prof. to SW Prem. is $3495 ($3500)

    Why is the upgrade not $2500 i.e. the difference in price??? What am I/we
    getting "special" for the added $1000 in cost???

    Thanks for any of your thoughts, I want to upgrade ASAP,

    SW2006, SP3.1
    Aron Bacs, Jr., Apr 12, 2006
  2. Aron Bacs, Jr.

    Michael Guest

    Why is the upgrade not $2500 i.e. the difference in price??? What am I/we
    you're getting a prorated share of your VAR's boat payment
    Michael, Apr 12, 2006
  3. Aron Bacs, Jr.

    Bo Guest

    There is the Sticker price on the Saturn sports car, and then there is
    the Stickee price you have to pay to pry it from their greedy hands.

    Bo, Apr 12, 2006
  4. Aron Bacs, Jr.

    Jason Guest

    What did they say when you did the math for them?
    Jason, Apr 13, 2006
  5. Hi,

    Sorry for the long post:

    Of the 4 VARs I have talked with so far, they said it was a part of the
    upgrade fee and most do not understand the charge either. They just say
    SolidWorks sets the price and that is it. It has been very difficult to
    even get people (VARs) to talk to me about this. Most say it is how business
    is done right now or it is just a pricing structure to entice new
    customers... thus no real answer for me wanting an upgrade other than tough
    luck or "there is always a group of customers upset with the new pricing
    structures". One said that SolidWorks believes we get a large amount of new
    features for each new version, and that is why the price is higher for
    existing customers???

    Most all of the VARs do agree that SW primary focus is new customers, new
    customers,... and of course to get more customers. However I always ended
    the conversation with saying that focus needs to shift to existing customers
    (a while ago) for upgrades and service, if not then SW will have a lot of
    customers, but they will be unhappy ones. And I told them my position was
    that I have supported SW for three years now, and that I was upset with the
    way they treat people with existing seats.

    Personally, I think they do it to lure people from Autodesk products (and
    others) and have not really thought much about there own client base in
    actuality (like SP releases that actually fix problems). It is obvious that
    most of SW cash is spent on advertising to get new users. I am sure senior
    management is stretched thin, but someone needs to really watch over the
    existing customer base and have real assets to provide for the existing
    users. We have all seen the results of rushing to get a product out the
    door, it takes its toll on service visits.

    Currently a happy SW user, we will see what happens.

    Aron Bacs, Jr., Apr 13, 2006
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