SW Technical Summits

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SoCalMike, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. SoCalMike

    SoCalMike Guest

    I am a big proponent of SW Usergroups, and what they provide. Here is
    another reason:

    SWUGN Technical Summits are one-day training and networking events
    scheduled monthly in cities around the US. These events are hosted by
    the SolidWorks User Group Network and feature:

    Your choice of two technical tracks

    General SolidWorks functionality
    Sheet metal tools
    2D/3D Sketching
    Assembly modeling
    SolidWorks Add-in product sessions
    SolidWorks Animator
    Mold Design
    Breakfast and lunch
    SolidWorks Partner presentations (during lunch)
    A chance to network with your peers

    Click the link for the event nearest you for more information.
    Registration fees for SWUGN Technical Summits are $35.00 per person and
    includes everything.

    Listed Locations:

    Houston, TX- Apr 6th

    San Jose, CA - Apr 18th

    Denver, Co - May 23rd

    Boston, MA - Jun 20th

    Kansas City, MO - Jul 25th

    Seattle, WA - Aug 22nd

    Charlotte, NC - Sep 19th

    San Diego, CA - Oct 24th

    Tampa, FL - Nov 14th


    This looks like a pretty good deal! I would definately try to make it
    to one of these if you can. Also without the support of the Usergroup
    community, this wouldnt be possible, so you may want to consider
    looking up your local group and support them by attending a meeting.
    SoCalMike, Mar 3, 2006
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