SW Task Scheduler messes up SW Settings

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Daniel, Nov 3, 2006.

  1. Daniel

    Daniel Guest

    Hi Everyone,

    Has anyone run into this problem?

    Everytime I run SolidWorks Task Scheduler it changes all kinds of
    settings in SolidWorks, like toolbars, PDMWorks Directory settings,
    Font Colors, Units of Measure, and other random things.

    Luckily I had used the Copy Settings Wizard, and could restore them.
    But I can't even imagine how this is happening.

    Also, does anyone know how to change dimension and note text color? One
    of the things the Task Scheduler changed was these things to a red
    color. But when I go into System Options, all those fonts are shown as
    black. I'm at a loss.

    Daniel, Nov 3, 2006
  2. Daniel

    Mr. Who Guest

    Don't know about the setting overwrite. If it is changing reg settings
    then it is likely it creates a backup, runs sw, then restores them.
    Perhaps the restoration is going bad. Do you have some anti-badware
    software running that it might be getting caught up on?

    For notes: tools -> options -> system options tab -> colors -> text ->
    edit button -> black
    Mr. Who, Nov 4, 2006
  3. Daniel

    Daniel Guest

    I do have an anti-spyware/ anti-virus software running, so I guess that
    is possible that it is blocking it.

    As for the colors, I already have those options set to Black (the
    default). But for some reason Solidworks keeps making the Dimensions
    Red. And I can't see any way to force it to Black again. Even though
    that is what's selected. Very strange.

    Daniel, Nov 9, 2006
  4. Daniel

    mjlombard Guest

    Yes, I have seen this too.

    SW07 sp2.0

    I ran the Update Properties, but canceled out of it. When I opened SW
    again, my background colors settings, and several others, possibly
    everything, was set back to defaults.

    Do you have more info on this?
    mjlombard, Dec 14, 2006
  5. Daniel

    Daniel Guest

    No, I don't. And I can't report it either because the customer portal
    isn't working for me! So if you can, report it.

    Sorry I couldn't offer more help,

    Daniel, Dec 14, 2006
  6. Daniel

    mjlombard Guest

    Did you kill the process before it was finished?

    Did you have to start the swBOEngine.exe manually or does it start

    Had you previously tried to run the task without the swBOEngine.exe

    Had you disabled the swBOEngine.exe as a startup process?

    I had done all of these things. I'm just trying to see if it is
    repeatable without doing violence to my system a second time.
    mjlombard, Dec 14, 2006
  7. Daniel

    Daniel Guest

    I never canceled the process. I ran it normally everytime. Actually I
    haven't used task scheduler in over a month. Sorry I'm not more help, I
    just haven't had time to work on it.

    Daniel, Dec 14, 2006
  8. Daniel

    ed_1001 Guest

    This isn't unique to SW2007, or task scheduler. I have this happen
    often (3-4 times a week). I have no idea why it happens. Could be due
    to a crash (SW ctd's several times a day at best (worst??)). SW2006 Sp
    ed_1001, Dec 18, 2006
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