SW Student Desing Kit 2007-2008 (WIndows Vista)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by JaTaMa, Sep 17, 2007.

  1. JaTaMa

    JaTaMa Guest


    I downloaded this version today and installed it. Everything was nice
    until I tried to create new part.

    SW is working right, but I'm having very big graphic issues. Here is
    some pictures:

    This is how it looks when I open a part and move cursor around screen:

    And like this if I move cursor over part:

    and when zooming:

    seems to be working when drawing lines and so on:

    ....but when i move cursor over some of those lines:

    So program works but it is very, very annoying and troublesome to do
    anything! :(

    Here is my computer specs:
    Intel 6400 C2D
    Ati Radeon x1950 Pro
    Abit AB9 Quad GT
    2Gb RAM
    and so on..

    Anyone else has this kind of problems with SW on Vista? Any ideas how
    I can get rid of these?

    Thanks for help
    JaTaMa, Sep 17, 2007
  2. JaTaMa

    PotFlower Guest


    When was the last time someone here had any graphics problems with a
    cheap ATI card? Beuler? Anyone?

    First, is the student version really SW 2007? If so, there is a
    specialized version of 2007 specifically for Vista, second, yo got a
    crap video card, and third did you bother checking the SW site for
    driver version>?

    PotFlower, Sep 17, 2007
  3. JaTaMa

    neil Guest

    well at a guess its the drivers...
    if you look in the release notes you see there are issues with ATI drivers
    and Vista anyway..
    and further there are no ATI drivers on the tested/recommended list here

    unfortunately ATI have not made the best combination with SW
    if you were using XP you might also have some issues..

    If you were using XP I might suggest you try soft modding your card to be a

    Failing that I suggest you will be better to sell your x1950 to a gamer and
    get an Nvidia Quadro 560 or 1500 if you can afford it

    You will be much less likely to have any issues or at least severe ones like
    that keep you from getting anything done at all
    neil, Sep 17, 2007
  4. JaTaMa

    TOP Guest

    You can isolate the problem to the video card by checking Software
    OpenGL in the Options under Tools. If it is the graphics card/drivers
    then you probably want ot change. And if you are on VISTA the version
    of SW you have is not made for that OS.

    TOP, Sep 18, 2007
  5. JaTaMa

    JaTaMa Guest

    Well, this is the version what SolidWorks offers at their site (I have
    student license from my school). There is two versions to download,
    one to XP, one to Vista (this was realesed like 4 days ago, so i
    assume it is vista version).

    I have checked that Software OpenGL but I cant change that (that line
    is grey, cant check/uncheck the box).

    I will test to update my ATI drivers today...
    JaTaMa, Sep 18, 2007
  6. JaTaMa

    JaTaMa Guest

    .... when I changed XP 2 compatibility mode on from .exe propereties
    and took visual effects off it helped a bit (that black thing
    dissapeared) but its still unusable.
    JaTaMa, Sep 18, 2007
  7. JaTaMa

    J Carroll Guest

    What is your point?
    Get youself compatible hardware - at minimal cost these days- or , well-
    The battle is over.
    J Carroll, Sep 18, 2007
  8. JaTaMa

    Anna Wood Guest

    This may be of interest from the SolidWorks website.


    The Sept 17th bulletin on certified Vista video cards and drivers.
    The last paragraph specifically states there are no certified Vista
    drivers for ATI cards at this time.

    Also to toggle the Use Software Open GL switch, no SolidWorks files
    (parts, asm or drawings) can be open. Just launch SolidWorks with no
    documents open and you will then be able to toggle the switch to turn
    off hardware Open GL.


    Anna Wood
    Anna Wood, Sep 18, 2007
  9. JaTaMa

    iinmgc00 Guest

    Just a question:

    I have been trying to download the SDK this week and after filling my
    license data, accepting the license and selecting "Download Windows XP
    version", finally I am always redirected to a broken link. I tried
    from 3 different computers, so I guess that the problem is not in my
    license data, but in the Solidworks website.

    Did you manage to download the SDK successfully at first attempt? Any

    iinmgc00, Sep 18, 2007
  10. JaTaMa

    JaTaMa Guest

    I downloaded both XP and Vista version from here http://www.solidworks.com/europeansdk

    Actually I have downloaded XP version twice, worked fine everytime.
    JaTaMa, Sep 18, 2007
  11. JaTaMa

    JaTaMa Guest

    Unbelievable! Everything started to work fine after updating Ati
    drivers to 7.9 version!
    JaTaMa, Sep 18, 2007
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