SW startup problem

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by RaceBikesOrWork, Apr 26, 2006.

  1. I have a workstation that occasionally has the following error when
    starting Solidworks.
    RaceBikesOrWork, Apr 26, 2006
  2. RaceBikesOrWork

    MM Guest

    I've seen these types of weird errors before.

    The next time it happens, just try deleting
    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Solidworks\Solidworks 2006 (or whatever
    version). Solidworks will recreate this key the next time it's launched. It
    will, however, return to the default settings.

    Solidworks pretty much re-writes this key when you exit, or shut down the
    computer. If the machine has been "on" for long periods, the physical memory
    becomes very fragmented. This is a windows thing more than a SW one.
    Fragmented memory results in a greater probability of error when SW updates
    the registry. You could also have some marginal memory which raises the
    possibility of error even more.

    I've been observing this phenomenon ever since Win2K. NT4 never did this (at
    least to us). Now, all of our CAD workstations use high end motherboards
    with ECC memory. This helped allot, shutting our machines down at night, as
    well, virtually eliminated these occurrences.

    Warning !!!! Don't mess with the registry unless your very familiar with it.
    If your not, find somebody that is to help. Stay out of "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"
    completely unless your VERY experienced.


    MM, Apr 26, 2006
  3. RaceBikesOrWork

    Mr. Who Guest

    Well I sniffed around a bit on this and it is an odd error. I've never
    heard of it before and that is somewhat rare because I've seen a lot of
    computer errors in my life. From poking around on microsoft online
    help as well as some other sites it appears that some sort of file
    corruption is going on. So now the question is, why the corruption?
    It appears that the "Aye Ess", not "is", which references user32.dll
    causes your problems. User32.dll is actually a system file and not even
    a SolidWorks file. So you got some corruption going on with your
    windows installation. Of course that now begs the question, how come
    doing a SolidWorks repair causes user32.dll to start working again?
    I'm no computer programmer but I at least have a theory. Perhaps
    SolidWorks modifies user32.dll. Perhaps you have another application
    installed (say antivirus) that either modifies user32.dll or detects
    the changes made to user32.dll and restores a "good" version. So now
    you have two apps fighting with eachother. All right, we've gotten
    this far based on lots of assumptions, so let's start testing them. Go
    to c:\windows\system32 and find your user32.dll. Write down the last
    modified date and place it somewhere safe. Also copy the file to a
    backup directory somewheres. Next time you run into the error take a
    look at the modified date on user32.dll. If it has changed then you
    got yourself a problem! Danger disclaimer: Don't try this at home if
    you don't fix computers. Try restoring the user32.dll file (will
    require booting into a recovery environment) and see if it fixes the
    problem. If so then now all you have to do is figure out what is
    changing the file on you. My two big guesses would be Antivirus or
    Windows Update.

    MM had mentioned registry corruption, but I find this pretty unlikely.
    If you want to try it anyways then back up your settings from start ->
    solidworks -> tools -> backup settings. Then delete the HKCU ->
    Software -> SolidWorks directory. Run SW to restore default settings.
    Quit SW. Finally restore your personal settings. Really doubt this
    will solve your problem though. In fact running ECC memory, high end
    mobos, etc shouldn't make a lick of difference. If you are getting
    registry corruption then you have a BIG problem, probably with hardware
    failure, virus, or spyware junk. Hundreds of millions of computers get
    by everyday without the help of ECC and server mobos.

    Hope this helps,
    Mr. Who, Apr 27, 2006
  4. Just a thought for those that don't want to delete/modify the CU key - you
    can use SolidWorks Rx to start SW in a clean mode. When you have the first
    Rx screen up, go to the bottom and click on the link that says Click here to
    launch SolidWorks while bypassing the Tools/Options settings. This will do
    the same thing without having to go into the registry.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 27, 2006
  5. Solidworks Rx won't run when this problem is present. It just hangs
    and never displays test results.
    The entry point error is not always the same, but it is always in the
    same user32.dll file.
    RaceBikesOrWork, May 9, 2006
  6. RaceBikesOrWork

    POH Guest

    The following may not have any relevance for your specific problem;
    however, it may be helpful to consider the integrity of the filespace
    on your hard drive(s).

    There's a possibility that user32.dll (a Windows system file) could be
    paged to the disk with other system files during the operating system's
    launch. If, just coincidentally, there's a bad sector in the area of
    the drive where the file gets written, then corruption is possible.

    I'll never forget the first time I installed SolidWorks years ago and
    eagerly attempted to launch it. Each and every try resulted in the
    program beginning to start up and then just hanging...

    The solution turned out to be running CHKDSK to verify, repair (if
    possible) or mark as "bad" the disk clusters/sectors. There had been a
    bad sector in the TEMP directory so, as SolidWorks wrote its files
    there, it would repeatedly stumble as it hit the marginal disk space.

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, May 10, 2006
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