SW SP3 Messes up Explorer

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by lmar, Mar 24, 2007.

  1. lmar

    lmar Guest

    I had some time yesterday so I upgraded an evaluation machine from
    SP2.2 to 3.0.
    Installation went well - everything installed ok and no errors

    First time SW started up I get an HTML error dialog box telling me I
    have an internet explorer script error.
    Further reading shows me that there is a type mismatch to the URL:
    file:// C:\Program Files\SolidWorks\data\search\search.html
    Then asks if you want to continue running the script.

    Reading the SW Release notes tells me that they are using new MS
    Search code in 3.0 that is no longer compatible with 2.2.
    They give you instructions to follow on how to copy and then register
    a new .dll.
    Gives you instructions on how to refresh search but I cannot get
    option to appear when touching the Red SW Search button located in the
    top right corner.

    After doing all this my machine hangs up every time I try to start MS
    Alt-Ctr-Del results in 20-40% of my process being consumed by the
    WindowsSearchFilter.exe of which I have 3-4 copies running (unknown to
    me). System hangs need to log off.

    Presently I cannot use my machine (its not in production environment)

    How do I turn this "feature" off. Seems to cause no end of problems.
    Does anyone use it?

    Just blowing off steam so somebody else doesn't have to.

    lmar, Mar 24, 2007
  2. lmar

    lmar Guest

    It gets better......

    Now anytime I need to find a file (open file in Word, Excel, etc...) I
    get a Windows Desktop Search Filter reporting dialog error.

    It keeps popping up every 4 seconds......

    lmar, Mar 24, 2007
  3. lmar

    Bo Guest

    But what a VISTA ... er view you get.
    Bo, Mar 25, 2007
  4. lmar

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    In control panel>administrative tools>services try to turn off the "windows
    search" service. does this help?

    Gil Alsberg, Mar 25, 2007
  5. lmar

    lmar Guest

    Thanks for the suggestion.
    Trying to access the control panel locks up my system.

    lmar, Mar 26, 2007
  6. lmar

    cadman800 Guest

    Uninstall window desktop search it's not ready for Primetime. On the 30+
    machines we have i have it uninstalled and no problems.

    cadman800, Mar 26, 2007
  7. lmar

    lmar Guest

    The solution was to re-register several .dll's and then install the
    latest MS Destop Search Software.
    I was then able to get to the add/remove programs and remove Destop
    Search from my system. Still getting some script error on setup (SW
    Search Icon still exists so I suspect its complaining it can start it)
    but at least I can use explorer.

    lmar, Mar 27, 2007
  8. lmar

    Ronni Guest

    I have removed Windows Desktop Search on all our computers aswell 30+
    it caused them to slow down and came up with various errors.

    Even our VAR ended up telling that it wasnt of much use for more than
    on a single user enviroment (same VAR that told us pre-2007 that it
    would help us being able to use it for faster search in our archives
    and bringing the "where-used-in" option back which we havent been able
    to use since 2004 because of our number of parts/assys/drawings in our

    Was just to add my comment since you already got your problem solved.
    Ronni, Mar 30, 2007
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